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Chapter 240 Zhang He plays the spiritual outlook of contemporary young people!

Chapter 240 Zhang He plays the spiritual outlook of contemporary young people!
Sister Dandan was cutting tomatoes full of energy. Hearing this, she raised her head and glanced at Cheng He who was tiptoeing.

"Hey, why did you tell me to compete with the corn field? If you hadn't insisted on eating the Buddha jumping over the wall before, how could they owe the program group so much corn?"

"What's more, it's always bad to owe money to others. Now that we're here, we have to help them pay it back together!"

She even stopped the vegetable cutting knife in her hand, and looked at Cheng He in front of her with righteous words, her eyes under the frame were full of disapproval, and her mouth was curled downward.

Cheng He was speechless for a moment.

In fact, when he first said that he wanted to eat Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, he just heard that their house is now empty and they still have to treat guests. He thought it was a bit funny and wanted to embarrass them a little.

It was such an unreasonable request in his plan, so he refused it if he refused, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed, and he didn't hesitate to owe the debt, and also made a meal of Buddha jumping over the wall and put it on the table!
The key is that it is undeniable and delicious!
So at this moment, facing sister Dandan's questioning, he was also speechless.

Knowing that as the instigator, he has no position to comment on this matter, so he went to help Wang Lei light the fire with his head downcast.

Seeing him walking away with his head down, Sister Dandan snorted triumphantly, and continued to chop vegetables contentedly, as if winning a battle, even humming a little song.

"Xiao Lei, your stove looks quite unique!"

She has also been to many variety shows before, and she has also seen stoves in the countryside.

It is big and strong, and the stove in the Mushroom House has the same effect, and it is a bit simple and funny with a touch of unusual wildness!

Anyway, on the first day she came here, she noticed this ugly and cute stove, so she asked this question.

The water over there was almost ready to boil, and Wang Lei rolled the dough here until his hands cramped, and he smirked when he heard this, his face was full of helplessness.

"Sister, don't make fun of me!"

"This stove is ugly, but it's very practical. The key is that the five of us built it ourselves!"

Sister Dandan never expected to get such an answer, her eyes widened for a moment!

He glanced at the ugly and cute stove, and then at Wang Lei, who was rolling the noodles until he flew up.

"Hey, you guys built this by yourself, it's really good!"

Her words were full of affirmation and everyone laughed, and then they heard her say it again.

"It's almost 08:30, and the sun hasn't risen yet, so it's probably half cloudy today!"

"The half-cloudy weather is not good, isn't this following your wish?" Jiang Yi said calmly beside him.

Sister Dandan smiled and looked at Jiang Yi with a little appreciation: "Hey, Xiao Jiang really understands what I want to say!"

Cheng He next to him snorted, seeming a little disdainful: "Isn't your mind obvious, old man? It's almost written on your face that you want to live in the cornfield!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed!

Netizens did not hold back their comments:

"If you know it well, you know it well, so don't say it directly!"

"This straightforward sister Dandan is so cute!"

"The key is that she owes money and feels uncomfortable, but the seven young people in Mushroom House let her go. It's so cool! Jiang Yi, who was opposed to Wang Lei before, didn't raise any opinions this time."

"They didn't object to me, I always feel so pampered."

"Also last night, they all gathered around to help, and they didn't feel disgusted at all. They were indifferent and stared at in variety shows like Sister Dan before. It's like a sky and a world."

"They are all good children who are filial and polite!"

"Am I the only one who envies Sister Dandan's physique? I was sick all night yesterday, and I woke up this morning still alive and kicking!"

"Let's just say that if I stretched all night last night, I would definitely be exhausted, and I won't be able to get up all day today! How can I still shout about going to the cornfield to pay off my debts!!"

"This old man's physique is really great! I am ashamed of being a young man!"

"Who says it's not, it's absolutely amazing!"

"The atmosphere between them is good. When we get up in the morning, we process ingredients together and prepare breakfast. You come and go, and you eat and drink!"

Outside the screen, Sister Dandan had already cut up the tomatoes. She let out a bad breath, and then put all the cut tomatoes on a plate, and then cleaned the cutting board. She asked Wang Lei.

"This is tomato egg noodles??"

At this time, Wang Lei had finished rolling out the noodles and was busy making noodles when he heard a reply.

"Yeah, yeah, there should be no one who doesn't like tomatoes, right?"

No one spoke, Sister Dandan looked around, and then patted Wang Lei on the shoulder: "There is no one who doesn't like to eat, so feel free to do it."

Wang Lei nodded with a smile, and continued to work with a grunt.

Sister Dandan looked interesting, and watched with great interest from the side.

The rest of the people either went to set the dishes, or went to the room to pack things.

Not long after, a breakfast was served on the table, and everyone began to feast on it.

Sister Dandan took a sip and praised with satisfaction: "Xiaolei's craftsmanship is really good! The hand-rolled noodles are smooth and chewy, which is not much different from the ones bought outside!!"

"As long as you like to eat!" Wang Lei smiled cheerfully, and everyone sat around the small table to eat, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating and tidying up everything, several people went out again.

On the way to the cornfield, Cheng He yawned again and again, attracting Sister Dandan's attention.

"You didn't eat raw beans yesterday, why did you start yawning? Are you so mentally ill?"

She was extremely confused, and even a little unbelievable in her cognition.

Cheng He yawned again, glanced at Sister Dandan, and said weakly: "Yeah, I started to feel sleepy just after eating."

The corner of Sister Dandan's mouth twitched, the rest of the people laughed too, and the netizens almost died laughing!

"What's going on? This brother is completely playing me! I want to sleep after eating!"

"It's okay to be sleepy after eating!"

"According to a more scientific theory, all energy is allocated to digesting food, and I can lose weight even if I'm sleepy."

"It's normal, it's normal, don't make too much noise!"

Teacher He Jiong came over with a basket on his back, and said with a smile, "Then your health is really bad! You just need to exercise."

The others nodded approvingly, as if watching the excitement is not a big deal, while Cheng He always had an expression of ashamedness.

Seeing that expression in the eyes of everyone, it feels like he will die at any moment.

"Let's sing a song, so you won't be sleepy!"

Sister Dandan saw him like this, waved her big hand, and played a song directly!

(End of this chapter)

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