Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 242 I can't look straight at this song anymore!

Chapter 242 I can't look straight at this song anymore!
"Used to blend emotions into powder!"

"So what if you sing through the clichés!"

Sister Dandan walked on the ridge of the field with a basket on her back, sang that song sonorously and forcefully, with arrogance and arrogance, and several young people followed behind, their eyes wide and small, full of surprise!
When Chi Ling's song first came out, it really exploded, even those in the entertainment industry had been brainwashed by this song!
I have heard the soft and charming song too many times. When I listen to this sonorous and powerful song, I feel that there will be struggle and sacrifice at any time!

At this time, the same thought came to everyone's minds by coincidence!
Teacher Dandan can't be allowed to continue singing!

If she continues to sing sonorously and forcefully like this, it is estimated that she will not be able to look directly at Chi Ling's song in the future!
Even Teacher He Jiong, who has always been the most lenient, couldn't help interrupting.

"Alas, I said Dandan! Teacher Dandan!!"

Her sonorous and powerful singing was interrupted, and she was looking at He Jiong dissatisfied: "Why are you interrupting me, I'm waking him up."

As Sister Dandan said, she glanced at Cheng He who was just like a capon.

Cheng He immediately became a target of public criticism, and was about to be shot dead by the eyes of the people behind!
And He Jiong quietly poked Cheng He with his elbow quite quickly, "Are you sleepy??!"

At the same time as asking this sentence, send out a warning eye!Coupled with the covetous eyes of the few people behind, Cheng He is now a dumb eater of Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the pain!
It was as if he would come up immediately whenever he dared to nod his head and beat him up!

So at this time, Cheng He was quite winking!

He didn't dare to stop for a second, and shook his head immediately when he received the hint from Mr. He's eyes!
He was about to shake his head like a rattle, and there was no other reason, even if it wasn't for the murderous eyes of the people behind him.

Cheng He really didn't want to listen anymore, this was Chi Ling who was so firm that he was about to join the party!

This is so brainwashing! !
"Are you really not sleepy anymore?"

Now it's Dandan's turn to hesitate.

She took a suspicious look at Cheng He, who was just like a chicken just now, and looked him up and down, as if trying to discern the truth from what he said.

Is it worth it now? !
Cheng He's head was about to fly!I was afraid that if I was too slow, I would be mistaken by Sister Dandan for reluctance.

Seeing his resolute look, Sister Dandan retracted her doubts as she wished, and nodded in a sense of loss.

"Oh! What a pity!"

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they heard her say again.

"In that case, let's all sing in chorus. I'll start first."

After saying this, before waiting for everyone's reaction, he opened his voice first: "I am used to blending joy, anger, sorrow, and joy into pink and ink."

As soon as the soprano sounded, everyone's heads were buzzing!
It never occurred to me that the matter had already been resolved?How could it suddenly develop into this again!
She, she, why is she singing again! !

Even the netizens watching the live broadcast couldn't hold back, leaning on the pillows and beating their heads, but luckily this time, before the netizens were tortured for long, they heard another pleasant voice.

"So what if you sing through the clichés!"

"Bones and ashes are mine!!"

Although they are equally impassioned and cadenced, their voices are powerful and beneficial.

It's a completely different feeling from the hard-boiled one just now, under careful inspection, but it's completely empty!
Everyone's eyes lit up!
Yes, yes, this is the feeling I want, don't stop, don't stop!

Many netizens almost cried when they heard it!

"Damn, it's been so long since I've heard this voice!!"

"Just this voice, even if I don't look at it, I know who sang it! How many times have I heard it for countless days and nights!!"

"Although watching variety shows is also very good, you can see Jiang Yi in different periods! But I really miss Brother Jiang who shines on the stage!!"

"Brother Jiang on the stage is simply my god!"

"Only me is different. I heard this song Chi Ling was so young! At the beginning, it was because of this song that I became so awesome!"

"Same as above, me too! Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard Jiang Yi singing Chi Ling!"

"Although we still have to thank our sister Dandan!"

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since Brother Jiang released a new song!"

"Including the blank last week, it's almost two weeks!"

"Damn, it's been this long?? I can't believe it!"

"That's right! Why is it so strange? I used to feel that the days of patience were very long, but now I feel that the days are not boring at all! On the contrary, they pass quickly!"

"Of course you don't feel bored! You can get up every day and watch Brother Jiang grow vegetables on variety shows live. If you can still be bored, go home and farm!"

"Having said that, I still miss the highlight moment of Brother Jiang's singing!"

"If I remember correctly, the new singer should be in this issue, right?"

"Damn it, what kind of fairy days are we fans living when we think about it this way! There is no downtime at all!"

"May I ask which fan in Inner Entertainment can live as happy and satisfied as we do!! It's simply responsive!"

"Thinking of hearing Brother Jiang singing again this week, I'm already so excited that I can't sleep!"

"I'm different, I'm mostly excited because there's a new song coming out!"

"Damn it, I'm looking forward to the new song now that you said that! I still remember who asked Brother Jiang about the topic and content of the new song. Our brother Jiang is still mysterious, with a face that cannot be revealed! Hahahaha!"

"I want to see what kind of ghost and snake spirit it is!"

"I still have to say, Brother Jiang's voice is like a fairy melody, and you can really tell the difference just by listening to it!"

"Others don't dare to say it, but his and Dandan's voices are sandwiched together, which is called a clear and distinct personality."

"Don't stop, don't stop!"

As everyone wished, the voice continued to sound:
"Duckweed in troubled times, bear to watch the flames burn mountains and rivers~"

"Humble but dare not forget to worry about the country~~"

"Even if no one knows me!"

The majestic voice, the silky transition and the unique opera tone directly fill the ancient style, and the singing of Kunqu opera is integrated into the song, which instantly pulls people back to the treasure of traditional opera, and seems to take the audience back to the time when this piece of Chi Ling was just released a few months ago.

At the moment when Jiang Yi started to tune, countless audience members watched the scene on the screen with bated breath.

Even Sister Dandan, who was brave enough to pay attention to the style of music, looked at this side with her eyes full of little stars!

Immediately, unconsciously, his mouth opened wide!

And the rest of the Mushroom House guests who followed were completely stupid!

Although on the surface it seemed that only the facial expression was chapped, but only they knew it, and the sound of the trough in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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