Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 244 Jiang Yi, my Internet teacher!

Chapter 244 Jiang Yi, my Internet teacher!

Different from the shock of several people, after singing this passage, the face of the person concerned is still calm, without the same emotion as imagined in the singing.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears just now, it would be impossible to imagine that the voice just now came from his mouth!

Netizens doubted life again!

"Isn't this opera really recorded in advance and then played? After singing a part of the opera, he didn't turn red and didn't breathe??"

"The height is really too high, just one sentence, how can it be a 6-character!"

"As expected of my master, this foundation is too solid!"

"?? Also human, why is the brother upstairs so brazen!"

"The whole thing was shocked?! There is nothing here, and the master called first?"

"As expected of a contemporary netizen, he has learned the word self-awareness!"

"Hahahaha, take a seat first. When Teacher Jiang really starts accepting apprentices, won't I be the first one?"

"I don't care, Teacher Jiang Yi will be my master of the Internet from now on!"

"Master is worshiped by his disciples!"

"Damn it, I thought I was watching Journey to the West when you sounded like Master!"

"That is to say, the scene of a large-scale return to the ancestors of human beings??"

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about singing with Teacher Jiang Yi. Sister Dandan's singing is becoming more and more suitable!"

"It really has the taste of the original song! And it feels more mellow and vicissitudes!"

"It's true that there is an original singer, the mellowness is true, but the vicissitudes... I really didn't hear it at all! Sister Dandan is still so powerful."

"Hahahaha, who knows if I can't hold back anymore, the brother upstairs's sentence is so powerful, it really made me laugh so hard!!"

"Well said! The tone is right, but the momentum...isn't it the power of the tiger!"

"It's much better than the Chi Ling who was completely unsuitable before. Teacher Jiang Yi is indeed a famous teacher and a great apprentice!"

"I can see it clearly. Firstly, to achieve this effect, Teacher Jiang Yi's ingenious advice is indispensable, and secondly, the apprentice's strong comprehension is needed!"

"Do you think that if Sister Dandan is a piece of rotten wood, even if Brother Jiang broke his voice today, Sister Dandan will still be heroic and high-spirited, and lead us across the Yalu River together!"

"I still say the same thing, don't underestimate Teacher Dandan who has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Although he is not in the vocal music industry, he still has some talent and basic skills."

"The older I get, the more I understand, it's easy to understand!"

"For those of you who keep saying you want to worship the teacher, you might as well look at yourself, whether you are a piece of jade in the rough."

"Otherwise, you will be a mess like the group of guys behind! Hahahaha!"

"I'm dying of laughter. If Jiang Yi hadn't sung the tune again with quick eyes and hands, I don't know how long I would have been brainwashed by their singing!"

"That group... I didn't say it! It's almost like a Dou who can't afford it, isn't it?"

"Don't say that, it's just that there are too many people and the scene is more chaotic!"

"That's right, it's just that there are too many people on the scene and it's hard to control Jiang Yi, who is obviously a little bit too busy!"

"I feel that Jiang Yi really wants to use his voice to suppress them, drive them, and lead them on the right path hahahahaha!"

"It can be seen that this group of people is very disobedient, Brother Jiang has worked very hard! Hahahaha!"

"I can't stop laughing, I feel like Jiang Yi's expression is saying: I have never been so tired in art exams!"

"As we all know, when the chorus is sung, there needs to be a person waving in front to control the rhythm and order! And they are moving forward now, there is no way to stop!"

"Jiang Yi: I'm tired."

"Jiang Yi: The real chill is not making a scene!"

"And I feel that Sister Dandan, who was just brought back to the right path by Brother Jiang, seems to have gradually let herself go a little bit in this chaotic crowd!"

"We're just asking Brother Jiang's psychological shadow area."

But fortunately, this chaotic situation didn't last long. After walking all the way and singing all the way, I finally reached the cornfield!

This time when Jiang Yi saw the corn field right in front of him, he was so excited that he almost burst into tears!
"Okay, okay, stop singing, let's work!"

He couldn't wait to say these words, and then threw himself into the arms of the mother of the corn field.

Sister Dandan really had a good time singing, when she was suddenly interrupted, seeing the cornfield in front of her, she was still a little unresponsive.

"What's the matter, why did you get here?" She said in a loud voice, and walked down the field ridge cautiously.

"It's okay, we can continue to sing!"

But at this time, there is no atmosphere group like Sister Dandan, and the group of six Mushroom House who sang with joy and selflessness just now has lost their voice.

The six-person team scrambled down to the cornfield and started working.

Sister Dandan howled twice in the cornfield, and found that no one agreed with her, and felt a little boring.

"Oh, forget it, let's sing when we go back, save some energy!"

The netizens who quietly covered their ears finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then took off their hands again with confidence.

"Love is so scary. Just now, Sister Dandan obviously made great progress. Seeing that she was about to be led into the right path by our Jiang Yi, and then!!"

"Facts tell us the importance of making good teachers and helpful friends on the way of learning hahahahaha!"

"I can feel that Sister Dandan has completely let herself go by the end."

"Who says it's not? In the end, I feel that Brother Jiang has given up on treatment, so let them go."

"In the whole Mushroom House, only Teacher Jiang Yi can empathize with us, those other guys are all perpetrators!!"

"Jiang Yi didn't give up the treatment, but he saw the corn field close in front of him, and knew they wouldn't be around for long!"

"Same as above, I don't think Brother Jiang wants to save them, but he wants to heal his ears!"

"Hahahaha, do you want to prevent your pitch from being biased?"

"It's so brainwashing, so yelling so loudly that one night when you go back to sing, your mind is full of... you can't sing well, you can't sing well, hahahahaha!"

"In response to that sentence, it is not enough to learn well in a thousand days, but it is more than one day to learn badly."

"It's really true. The key is that the few of them walked behind like an atmosphere group, and they sang happily."

Regardless of being unhappy on the ridge, almost no one was gossiping when they got off the cornfield, and they just yelled hard at the corn in front of them.

Especially the original name of Mushroom House, which is called "quick, accurate and ruthless", with extremely fast hand speed, which is skillful and familiar at first glance.

Among the group of people, only Cheng He went to the cornfield for the first time today. He was unfamiliar with the place, but he was interested in everything. When he first came, he looked around curiously.

"Is it okay to just break it off and put it in the frame?"

He muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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