Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 247 Jiang Yi: Do you know the three major problems in the world?

Chapter 247 Jiang Yi: Do you know the three major problems in the world?
But Cheng He just started to ask, and the motivation for this matter has not yet been achieved: "Then I won't talk about lunch, what should we have for lunch and dinner?"

His small eyes were full of curiosity and seeking knowledge. It was also the first time that Wang Lei was speechless when facing his friends.

"I'm dying of laughter, his clear and stupid look is really annoying!"

"No wonder every time I go home from summer vacation, my mother sees that the reason for my displeasure is here?!"

"I won't tell who is looking in the mirror, I'll ask [-] times what I ate today when I go home!"

"Holiday trilogy, what to eat in the morning, what to eat at night, and what to eat at noon!"

"He really made me cry! Is it only Mr. Cheng He who shares the frequency with us?"

"He's so innocent and curious, please, Mr. Wang Lei, don't dislike him!"

"The main reason is that if Mr. Wang Lei dislikes him, I will feel offended thousands of miles away! Although I also find it quite annoying, woo woo woo, yes, that's how it feels, can you be gentle with him!"

But fortunately, although Wang Lei felt a little headache and a little impatient, she still answered him well.

"I don't have a clue yet. If nothing unexpected, I should go to the vegetable garden at the back to search for a meal, and then ask the program team to settle the matter. Or do you have any ideas?"

When the last sentence was asked, Wang Lei glanced at him lightly.

But because of the potential of the Buddha jumping over the wall before, there was a serious warning in Wang Lei's eyes.

The meaning is obvious, it's good to eat something, you boy, don't fix those bells and whistles for me, as long as you dare to say it, I will dare to refute your face!

But fortunately, Cheng He didn't make any fancy and weird requests this time.

After listening to Wang Lei's words, he was just thoughtful.

"Oh, what to eat in the afternoon is still open to discussion, right? Then you have to think about whether you are iron rice or steel. How can you make a hasty decision on such an important matter as three meals?"

His serious tone amused Teacher He who was walking beside him, and even Jiang Yi had a faint smile on his lips, and the other party even agreed.

"Yes, it is indeed important."

Now Sister Dandan, who was walking in front without interjecting and pretending to be immersed in her own singing, finally couldn't listen anymore and turned her head.

"Xiao Jiang, just let him go. Before you ordered Buddha to jump over the wall, our Mushroom House was almost bankrupt. If you let him go, you won't be able to go to heaven?"

Her remarks surprised others enough.

Teacher He Jiong and Li Weijia were amazed at her high degree of belonging to Mushroom House!
I just moved here yesterday, and today I already regard Mushroom House as my home!

As for Wang Lei and the parties Cheng He and Jiang Yi, it was simply because of Sister Dandan's strictness.

Jiang Yi, who was named, didn't have much unnaturalness on his face, he just smiled lightly: "Actually, as long as the account is evened out, it won't cost much to eat normally."

Sister Dandan turned her head and snorted: "The key is that he is eating well?"

"Who has a normal family meal and eats Buddha jumping over the wall."

This remark was another sarcasm, and everyone laughed, but Cheng He, who was named, didn't blush or heartbeat, and still stood openly, letting them laugh casually.

This magnanimity also surprised all netizens.

"Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. This kind of attitude and heart are really not bad!"

"It's an old fritter. If you don't blush or heartbeat, you did it yourself. How can you take my posture hahaha!"

"I think Sister Dandan has gone too far this time. She just ordered a dish. Sister Dandan didn't object when she ordered it before. Why are you taking it out and saying it over and over again? It's about to sentence her to death." !"

"Sister Dandan is indeed a bit of a problem, but if he didn't mention what to eat at night, who can pick his problem??"

"Also always asking what to eat, really annoying Wang Lei is not his mother!"

"Jiang Yi is better, he really enjoys it, he's so pampered!"

"What do you love or not? People just look at the problem rationally and objectively. It really doesn't cost much to just eat."

However, the matter went back to what Cheng He was going to eat. When the others finished laughing, he cleared his throat.

"First of all, I would like to reiterate that I just ate last night and I am not planning to have another high-standard dinner like Buddha Jumping Over the Wall!"

When everyone heard him speak, there was still a little laughing voice, but now it was completely quiet.

"After all, if you want to eat now, you may not be satisfied, right? The key is to work!"

"Secondly, I really care about what to eat at night. After all, I put in so much effort during the day, and I may have to work in the evening! If I don't have something delicious to eat, I feel like I've worked in vain all day."

He clicked his tongue when he said this, and then smiled with his lips curled up, as if he felt that he was worthless.

"Furthermore, the reason why I have the confidence to ask what to eat for dinner is purely because we have done some calculations, and our debt should be paid off soon!"

"Isn't this something to celebrate??!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became: "And as long as we live a normal life in the future, we don't need to go out to work overtime during the day, and the corn we earn at night is definitely enough for living expenses!!"

"You can even save a lot of family property."

Everyone listened to him quietly, and there was no response for a long time after his voice fell.

Although Cheng He had spoken impassionedly before, no matter who finished his speech, the silence in the room would make him feel uneasy!

At least he is now!

In the end, Wang Lei smiled beside him: "Brother, have you counted it all into our account?"

He was still a little unbelievable, touched his head and said: "Because I came out to work overtime today, the program team didn't report the current debt situation to us."

"In that case, working overtime is still effective!"

Sister Dandan, who had been silent all this time, said, "It turns out that if you owe money, you have to work overtime to pay it back."

It seems that they are all doing "meeting summary".

At this time, Wang Lei interjected: "So what are we having for dinner?"

There was a long silence.

"Brother Lei, maybe you know what the three major problems in the world are?" Jiang Yi walked over with a smile on his shoulders.

The smiling Wang Lei was trembling all over, and asked with a full face of wariness: "What is it?"

Jiang Yi smiled brighter, and counted for him with his fingers.

"What to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, and what to eat at night!"

"We don't even know what you want to eat even if you ask us like that!"

Just throwing out this sentence, the tense atmosphere was blown away!
Netizens who saw this part of the nervousness immediately let out a breath of foul air!
(End of this chapter)

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