Chapter 271 Singer Recording
Jiang Yi's sudden teasing was beyond everyone's expectation.

Immediately, someone suddenly reacted, and laughed with a poof.

"Hahahahahaha." Cheng He leaned back and forth with a smile, and the others involuntarily pursed their lips, trying to make their smile less obvious.

Only Teacher Dandan, who is old and doesn't know much about these hot memes on the Internet, so he looks at the people who are laughing together for no reason.

"What are you laughing at?"

Teacher Cheng He waved his hand and said it was nothing serious: "It's nothing, but Teacher Jiang Yi is sorry for us digging out the foot of a big project."

What he said was even more inexplicable. Teacher Dandan looked down at their feet.

There is nothing in the mouth, and I am sorry for the great hero.

Everyone just laughed and said nothing, everything was in silence.

Netizens couldn't help but sigh when they saw this.

"Jiang Yi's emotional intelligence is really high. He is also a member of the entertainment industry, but Teacher Dandan encouraged Jiang Yi in front of them. The others are a little speechless, not to mention embarrassment."

"Teacher Jiang Yi didn't mean to play tricks maliciously, nor did he mean to look down on fans and Teacher Dandan, but simply apologized for stealing the limelight from others. If anyone dares to spread rumors, I will bite him to death."

"He is the real detail. In order not to make others feel uncomfortable, I apologize in advance."

"Although it is not up to him to decide what Teacher Dandan's whims were, he still apologized, but everyone knows it, so as long as he speaks, there will be no more pimples. It's really a frank person."

"And even if the guests at the scene didn't say anything, they didn't feel it in their hearts, but I'm afraid that their fans will feel uncomfortable looking for something. It's better to avoid future troubles if they start to make trouble later."

"So he resolved the dissatisfaction of these people half-jokingly and half-ridiculously, isn't he really awesome?"

"Am I the only one who thinks Teacher Dandan is stupid? Hahahaha!"

"Speaking of which, her internet speed is sometimes good and sometimes bad. When listening to Jiang Yi's songs, it almost becomes 6G. Facing these hot spots, it's really 2G network!"

"Nonsense, your favorite idol has released a new song, so you can't support it."

Netizens were discussing seriously, and at this time, it was getting late and they all washed out to rest. After this, today's recording is finally over.

After the recording was over and he finally didn't have to be in front of the camera, Jiang Yi finally heaved a sigh of relief. At this moment, a burst of rapid ringing interrupted the hard-won tranquility.

He took a look at the phone, and as expected, it was Meirou calling.

He squeezed the center of his brows: "I said that your time is really on time, I called you as soon as I got off the broadcast."

Mei Rou was taken aback when she heard Jiang Yi's tired and dull voice, which was quite different from her usual tone of voice, which made her stop temporarily, and changed the topic of what she was about to ask.

"The day after tomorrow is Thursday, how are you preparing? I will pick you up in the evening."

Jiang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was this question, not a question about those things today.

"No problem, the program team has almost contacted, and I will explain it here."

"OK." Mei Rou replied, and then said: "Today, there were a lot of troubles in the variety show, so pay attention tomorrow..."

After saying this sentence, no one answered for a long time, Mei Rou had no choice but to continue talking.

"Isn't it sad that the camera follows the camera for twelve hours all day?"

Jiang Yi snorted, noncommittal.

Mei Rou was so angry that she lost her temper: "Yes, yes, it's really hard work, bear with it for another two days."

Halfway through the talk, she changed the subject: "But as the saying goes, it's the last few days to be a monk and ring the clock for one day. Don't cause any trouble. Don't be like today!"

"What's the situation today?!" Speaking of this, she started to have a headache again when she thought of the endless situations during the day.

"That's one pile after another!"

"Although let's talk about it, it's all going back, but the ups and downs will somewhat affect your popularity!"

"What if someone only listens to half of what you say, and then leaves a bad impression on you this time?"

"The most important thing in the entertainment industry is to cherish feathers!"

Speaking of this, you can almost hear Mei Rou's madness.

"Okay, I know."

After saying this, he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Two days after the call was hung up, it was Thursday, the day of the singer's recording.

Finally, the day came, and countless fans and passers-by were all looking forward to it.

Although during this period of time, I could see Jiang Yi's variety show live broadcast almost every day.

But it's one thing to see people every day, and quite another to hear new songs.

Therefore, the whole people rioted almost every Thursday.

"My God, I've been calling for so long, and I've finally waited for this day!"

"Although the happiness on Thursday brought me to the peak, it is undeniable that I was also very happy when I watched the variety show two days ago."

"Whether a person wants long-term happiness or temporary happiness, longing for life, I really burst into tears after the first issue."

"Fortunately, I can see the release of new songs on the second day after the end, let's be content!"

"Having said that, when will the second season of Longing for Life start?"

"That's right, I've already started to miss it just after it's over."

"How about longing for life? Variety shows can let us see another side of Jiang Yi, but it can't be eaten as a meal, can it?"

"That's right, new songs are dinner if I say so."

"We mean that children only make choices, but I want them all, so why do I have to choose laundry instead of variety shows and new songs!"

"Upstairs dare to think, you can choose all you want, but people, adding capital will not let you choose more."

"But thinking about it like that is very happy. I didn't feel it when I watched variety shows every day. Now, a week later, I clicked on the platform as usual this morning, and then the live broadcast didn't start?!"

"Who knows, when I see that there is no live broadcast, my heart is empty!"

"Me too, but just thinking about today's Thursday brings me back to life."

"How can I live after a week of happy days!"

"Don't be dissatisfied, at least I gave you a buffer time, right? And a new song can be listened to for at least a week!"

"Somehow there is new material, isn't it!! Variety show, I think I can watch it over and over again hahahaha!"

"Brother Jiang, keep working hard! I'd better have something new to watch after I've revitalized my yearning life!"

"Damn it, you fans are simply too terrifying. According to your arrangement, Jiang Yi will be exhausted to fulfill your wishes!"

(End of this chapter)

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