Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 278 Preparing for Quantitative Change to Determine Qualitative Change?

Chapter 278 Preparing for Quantitative Change to Determine Qualitative Change?

The difference between someone laying the foundation and someone affirming a work is that a simple action in a variety show falls into the eyes of different people and has different understandings.

If Xiang Jia is a smart person, it is better to strike while the iron is hot, and instead struggle indifferently in the work.

Thinking of this, Mei Rou chuckled lightly, not sure if it was ridicule or what.

But fortunately, anyone with a discerning eye in this wave of incidents can tell at a glance that it was deliberately in Heijiangyi, and there is no credible black material, which arouses the disgust of a large number of passers-by.

Fortunately, there is no such a situation where it is clearly fake at first glance, but a lot of comments below are all believed and echoed, and the bloody vomiting situation is washed away by the navy.

So things are going well for now.

However, the most important thing at this time is to promote the popularity of new songs.

But fortunately, thanks to Jiang Yi's new song Sigh Yuxi, no matter in terms of historical tone or emotional expression in singing.

Indeed, they are all remarkable, in terms of creation, they didn't really echo Wei Bo's remarks at all, wrote songs programmatically, and fished in water in terms of creation.

Sometimes the thing that makes me vomit blood the most is that I usually do everything perfectly, except for one time, when I was a little slack.

Someone just happened to catch the mistake, and immediately publicized it. A small mistake was infinitely magnified in front of the public and criticized by countless people.

Familiarity can make no mistakes, but it happens that public figures appear in front of the public. If they make mistakes and are caught by others, all previous efforts and foreshadowing will fall short. This is the most annoying thing.

But this song "Sighing Yuxi", from the time of its release, the response on the Internet is very good.

At least the song Shantan Yuxi has already become a trending search.

If it belongs to this hot search Meirou, I am very happy to watch it.

Unsurprisingly, this hot search should be full of people with brains, a bit of culture, and people who can speak with their brains.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang Yi is going to release a new song today. I have to watch it right away? But Mr. Jiang Yi is always secretive. Before the new song is released, he just doesn't reveal the slightest bit of news. But fortunately, when I heard the prelude, the feng shui fight The sound will be stable."

"The typhoon and the singing are as stable as ever, and the opera part is always the climax and surprise. This time, the story of Farewell My Concubine was chosen. The original two-dimensional image was used in the song, and it was covered by Jiang Yi. Re-presented in front of us, we are amazed and unforgettable.”

"Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He, this sentence contains the helplessness of the Overlord of Chu. The next song will be a swan song! The opera part is equivalent to the previous song, which is more mature and powerful. Teacher Jiang Yi is worthy of being Teacher Jiang. I hope you can continue to walk on this road, and make the national quintessence flourish and go further and further. @江逸”

"Although people have all kinds of abilities, they are still no match for destiny. I thank Teacher Jiang Yi for bringing the characters in the story of Farewell My Concubine to me again. I can't express my helplessness. This paragraph The past is hard to let go, the fate of this life is over, I hope that in the next life, I will continue to travel the world with you. Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He
This sentence contains how helpless the Overlord of Chu is!The next song will be a swan song! ! "

Mei Rou nodded with the intention of coming in to wash her eyes, and it turned out that it was indeed the case.

Looking at these all-in-one, brilliantly written, well-founded, clear and objective comments, compared to the somewhat brain-dead hot search entry upstairs, it is simply pleasing to the eye!

She let out a long breath of relief.

Although it is said that the opponent is intentional and ignorant this time, but the momentum is very fierce, which is also called menacing. After all, the new song has only been released for less than 3 minutes, and it has already been scolded as a hot search entry.

With this speed and strength, this momentum is somewhat bloody.

If they have any idea in this wave, what kind of idea they are holding, it is impossible to lose everything, and Mei Rou is somewhat guessing.

Black material?Which star, entertainer and public figure do not?
Even if there is really no black material, if you pour a few more pots of dirty water on your body, make a few more rumors on the Internet, and make things bigger, then there will be really different opinions, and the real and the fake will be mixed together. Who knows what it is? Is it true and what is false?
At that time, if you have a mouth, you won't be able to tell clearly, even if you really don't have any black material, you will definitely not be innocent.

This is the set of high-quality black materials that cannot be produced, and the quantity is ready to be piled up, and the quantity changes the quality?
After all, Jiang Yi's current strength and works are obvious to all. Since we can't find the kind of black material that can kill people with one blow, now we start to count her up? !

After all, no matter how powerful Jiang Yi is, being questioned and scolded on the hot searches again and again is a big blow to the popularity of passers-by. If nothing else, it will definitely make people feel disgusted.

Mei Rou was almost amused by her guess, but the expression on her face gradually turned cold.

The other party is so crazy, maybe it is really possible to do such a thing.

After all, she has investigated Jiang Yi's past affairs to some extent, and it is really clean within the range that can be found, and she can't find any mistakes.

Even if you really want to use the things that appeared in front of the public before as an example, they are all pitiful struggles.

She also wished that the opponent's family would be hacked out, it would be a great help to him, and it would definitely attract a lot of fans.

But it's a pity, even after so long, no one revealed what happened to Jiang Yi in the past.

In the past, if you can't release black material, you can bear it for a while, just treat it as a moment of calm.

But now that Jiang Yi's internal entertainment site is becoming more and more stable, his status is getting more and more prosperous.

As the saying goes, dogs jump over the wall when they are in a hurry. Since they can't find the black material, she guesses that these guys are probably ready to make something out of nothing.

But she is not in a hurry, as the saying goes, when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil.

What is important now is the comments of netizens on this new song, which is quite important.

When she thought of this, she turned down again.

"I think the comments of several teachers are very reasonable. Teacher Jiang Yi can see that he is very suitable for further studies in the circle of ancient style and opera, so as to bring us better works!"

"Compared to the last hot search, this entry is simply a piece of pure land!"

"Sure enough, talk to smart people and live longer!"

"Every teacher praises Mr. Jiang Yi's new song again and again, and even thinks that Mr. Jiang has the potential for continuous improvement. I look forward to him bringing us more amazing works, but some people are already dissatisfied!"

"Some people have even started to say that theatrical culture is feudal dross ~ ancient songs will hinder social progress ~"

"Hahahaha, can you stop mentioning these horrible things? Although this is the funniest joke I've heard this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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