Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 282 It's So-so, But There's Improvement

Chapter 282 Very average, but progress
"There are ancient songs on the stage of singers, and there will only be more and more in the future."

"I only hope that while the quantity increases, the quality can also increase by the same proportion, but at least... it is slow but improving!"

No matter what the audience said, Teacher Qi nodded shyly to the host's question on the stage.

"That's right, I've always liked ancient music. Ever since Mr. Jiang brought ancient music to us again some time ago, I've been eager to move. It just so happens that I have such a good opportunity."

When he said this, his eyes moved slightly to the audience under the stage: "So I bring you a song, I hope you will like it."

Although the audience was critical of this song before, it was only an objective point of view to evaluate this song.

Now facing the creators on stage, it is hard for them not to respond to such a humble and reasonable attitude, so they all applauded.

There was a lot of fun on and off the stage, and then Wei Bo had already exploded.

The name is "Who will the No.1 singer of this issue get!"

The hot search terms rushed up at an extremely fast speed.

"Good guy, although it is said that ancient songs are becoming more and more popular, it can't be compared to this, right?"

"Although I admit that the song Stepping Mountains and Rivers is really good, and even played a large number of ancient songs, but is it a bit arrogant to want to compare with Jiang Yi? After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this singing skill is not even a star. .”

"I'm very curious now, who will get the No.1 singer."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he said that No.2 would be won. Isn't No.1 a bit too arrogant?"

"It's hard for me not to guess at this point. It's the show crew who deliberately grab attention."

"How could it be the fault of the program group? It can't be that some people are making themselves popular!"

"I'm really relieved to see that the Chinese music scene is slowly rolling up, but you can't work a little harder and just want to sit in the position of your grandfather!"

"Who will get No.1? Don't be ridiculous!"

"Today really opened my eyes! How can someone be so arrogant, can those people who are just talking about the heat just get the hell out of here!"

"Now I'm more worried about whether the program team will deliberately mess things up. After all, Jiang Yi has won several first places in a row. What if the program team wants to make a synthesis."

"Hehe, first of all, it is absolutely impossible for the singer program group to be so blind. Secondly, if he really does this, I can only wish him good luck."

"Wow, that scene is so tragic, I can't even imagine it."

"No, his song is remarkable. At least it proves that both the ancient style circle and the Chinese music circle have made progress. With his strength, he won the second and third place. There is no problem at all, but he has to come to the first place. Lost in popularity? I really hate people like this."

"That's right, I don't understand why he can't think about it so much, or is someone deliberately picking things up?"

Netizens scolded harshly, and were even more puzzled.

At the same time, Jiang Yi also noticed this original Gufeng song that was sung on stage after him.

When he noticed the hot search terms on the Internet, he was already in the car going home.

Seeing that the fans were all filled with righteous indignation under the entry of "Who will get No. 1", he clicked in with some curiosity.

After that, I quickly figured out the ins and outs of this matter, and also knew the new song "Treading Mountains and Rivers".

"Treading mountains and rivers?" He couldn't help saying aloud, at this time Meirou who was sitting beside her also heard the voice and looked up.

"That's right, stepping on mountains and rivers."

"It is said that it was an original song sung by Gu Feng after you left the stage. There is a lot of quarrel on the Internet now, but I just don't know who instigated it..."

"It's fine if it's someone else who is making trouble. If it's the original creator of this song who is doing something, then it's not very smart."

Mei Rou didn't know what she meant when she said this, but Jiang Yi had already clicked on the song.

"The autumn wind sets into the long river~"

"A boat in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River~"

After hearing the first line of the lyrics, Jiang Yi understood why a lot of people were complaining about the lyrics in the comment area.

Even he couldn't help frowning, and Meirou who was beside him asked aloud.

"how do you feel?"

She asked aloud out of curiosity about Jiang Yi's evaluation of the song.

After all, even if there is no strong fan filter, from an objective point of view, this song Stepping Mountains and Rivers is completely inferior to the song Sighing Yuxi sung by Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi frowned and shook his head, "Very average, not very good."

But he held back his patience and continued to listen for a few more sentences.

"However, compared to those out-of-the-ordinary old-fashioned songs in the Chinese music scene, it is still a great improvement."

"Of course it's improved. What I'm talking about is the transformation of the lyrics, which can be heard from the first line of the lyrics."

"It's just that today's musicians have not changed their nature, singing is still humming and haggling, and they just hang their throats."

Hearing this, Mei Rou couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, you can't sum it up too well! What you said is exactly what netizens are complaining about now."

Jiang Yi continued to listen to the song, "However, for so many years, netizens have been chasing after the panting humming in various ways. This small problem is definitely not difficult to accept, and some people even deliberately pursue this style of music."

Mei Rou opened her eyes wide: "Is that so?"

"Just wait and see, this song will probably be popular for a long time." Jiang Yi was noncommittal, and even yawned.

"However, it is a good thing that there are finally available musicians in the Chinese music scene."

Meirou almost laughed angrily at his open-minded attitude: "You kid can take it easy."

He shrugged: "How can it be possible for me to be the only musician in the entertainment industry, and only allow my songs to become popular? This is not realistic at all."

"As a previous article said, it is best when a hundred flowers bloom."

As Jiang Yi said, he glanced out of the window and kept talking: "Otherwise, those people would stare at me all day long, and you would be very annoying."

Hearing what he said, Meiro restrained her smile.

"How wonderful it is now. Someone comes to disperse the firepower. I wish for it." Jiang Yi said with a smile on his face at the end.

"Aren't you afraid that your status will be surpassed? You are no longer the only one?" Mei Rou asked back.

Jiang Yi was simply laughed at, and gave Mei Rou a helpless look: "I'm wrong, I've always been the one and only one, of course if they can surpass me one day, then I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

(End of this chapter)

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