Chapter 285 As expected
Although Ta Shanhe has made a breakthrough in the ancient style circle, no matter which song he compares with Jiang Yi's, it is crushed in all directions, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. Even if someone deliberately wants to compare it later, fans will not They all entertained themselves.

But what amazed many people was that Jiang Yi didn't reply to Wei Bo's "ask for advice" for several days.

Some people have opened their eyes, but others have something to say.

"Isn't it impolite for Jiang Yi to ignore him completely?"

"Yeah, no matter what, give me some feedback, don't you?"

"Is it possible to ignore others directly when you have a big coffee position? Maybe people really just want to ask for advice."

"That's right, even if the other party has a ghost in his heart, why can't he reply directly?"

"If you reply positively, at least Jiang Yi is not guilty. What's the situation now? Isn't this too noble? Don't the juniors in the future deserve to be in your eyes? It's really uncomfortable."

Even if this matter subsides, there are still people who continue to provoke troubles on the Internet.

Mei Rou was not surprised at all when she saw this, she threw the ipad to Jiang Yi with a sinking face.

"Look, isn't this deliberately throwing the talk into the opponent's hands?"

She had a bit of a headache, and didn't know how to explain this to Jiang Yi: "Actually, if you want to go far, flawless character design and good popularity will actually help you."

"If you throw these away at the beginning, it will be difficult to pick them up later."

"Besides, if you are like this now, it is easy for someone with a heart to find out and make a big fuss, saying that you are playing big names."

And Jiang Yi seemed to have anticipated this matter, and was not surprised, and didn't take Mei Rou's words to heart.

"It's not a big problem."

He swipe the screen casually, glanced at ten lines, and didn't care: "It's just a little thing, the whole scene is perfect, and a person without any personality is too fake, it's better to have flesh and blood like this."

"Okay, if you have time to worry about this, it's better to think about the business after thinking about it."

"As for these things..." He first scanned the screen again.

"Can't be positive and play negative?"

This sentence had a profound meaning, Mei Rou was stunned on the spot, and then she burst out laughing.

"Good guy, your kid is better than me at these things now."

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly: "I don't dare to take it, it's just that the two people who don't interfere with the water of the river suddenly ran over shamelessly, and it was a little disgusting to get close to them."

"Just such a person, I still have to talk to him, doesn't it seem that I am too worthless."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou, who was going to persuade him, was in a daze for a moment.

What he said seems to be quite reasonable?

Before she could figure out what was going on, she heard Jiang Yi continue.

"And you said it all, how could the opponent let go of such a big and good opportunity? Everyone must be thinking of stepping up when the wall is falling. Why don't you deploy in advance, lure the enemy deep, and strike Will be in?"

"On the contrary, you've been thinking all day about why I shouldn't cause trouble, and do a good job of saving face so that you can forgive others. I really don't understand how you messed around in the past."

After Jiang Yi finished speaking a long paragraph, his tone was full of puzzlement, but at this moment, Mei Rou was rewarded with eyes full of admiration and approval!
"Good guy, you're in the entertainment industry, you old man even said that if you lure the enemy into a deep attack, you must hit it. High, it's really high."

She gave a thumbs up while talking, the rainbow fart was blown up as if she didn't want money, and three black lines slid down Jiang Yi's forehead.

"You tell me, if I don't let go and give you advice, how will you deal with this matter?"

Meirou froze for a while, coughed and reacted for a long time before speaking.

"In fact, there should be almost too many methods. Since you are not going to speak the formula, then you should fight hard and fight to the end."

"For this matter, anyway, there should be no hidden dangers, and it must not be used as a basis for others to maliciously slander you at any time in the future."

Jiang Yi originally had a somewhat dissatisfied expression, but after hearing these words, the expression on his face gradually eased, and some satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, Mei Rou's various plans coincided with his opinion, and then he was a little hard to understand.

"Since we've already made plans, why are you trying so hard to persuade me to take the initiative to reconcile and whitewash the peace?"

For this point, he really didn't understand.

When it came to this topic again, Mei Rou was also a little dizzy, and looked at Jiang Yi with resentment in her eyes, but she was puzzled by him.

"what happened?"

Ms. Meirou looked at the sky speechlessly: "The main reason is that all the behaviors you are doing now are far from the scope of the person I drew for you before."

"Seeing that you are slowly going astray, I have to work hard for you to straighten it?"

Jiang Yi didn't expect to get such an answer at all, he was a little dazed and then laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha help, you are really taking the manager's money and messing with the old lady's heart."

He made fun of him mercilessly, and Ms. Meirou directly blackened her face, looking at the man who was laughing unknowingly with a little speechlessness.

"Please, restrain yourself, I'm still here!"

After Jiang Yi laughed, he leaned on the sofa with an unfathomable expression, "How should I put it, the human design is very anti-human."

"I'm a living person, how could you want me to be imprisoned in the label you drew?"

"If my mother is still alive, she probably won't be able to control what I live like."

He asked solemnly, and there was something unbelievable in his tone.

Mei Rou also straightened her face, and said very seriously: "Misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding! How dare I surpass Lingtang?"

"I have never and dare not enclose you in the character design. The character design is always external, showing the side that is presented to the audience."

Jiang Yi looked at her with some amusement, "I still feel that personnel affairs are empty and empty."

"Why do people in your circle enjoy this thing so much?"

"Didn't you realize that the final outcome of a human setting is that the human setting collapses." I don't know why this topic suddenly came up, Jiang Yi almost burst out laughing.

Suddenly being cueed by Jiang Yi to this point, Mei Rou blinked fiercely: "Is there? No..."

The last sentence even made him doubt it.

Jiang Yi didn't intend to involve her too much on this topic, but said in a cold voice: "Then you might as well think about it."

"The outward-looking person in your eyes is the audience's understanding of me."

"Such a framed and lifeless character design, but if I do anything that goes against the character design outside, it is a broken character design. Only then will you really be busy."

(End of this chapter)

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