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Chapter 292 Don't Be Like a Beekeeper

Chapter 292 Don't Be Like a Beekeeper

Hearing that Jiang Yi's voice was still full of disbelief, Mei Rou turned her head to look at the leaving figure, and then smiled inexplicably.

"You don't know him in real life, but you have often confronted him online."

What Jiang Yi said was even more confused.

"What the hell? Is he that Seven?!"

His tone was a little disconcerting and he thought confidently, it couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?
But if there is a theoretical confrontation on the Internet, even if it is counting on the fingers, there is only the teacher Qiqi who sang "Treading Mountains and Rivers" some time ago.

Mei Rou led the people, walked forward with big strides, and dropped a sentence.

"It's not that he's not good enough to be on the Yangshi stage."

"Who is that?" After saying this, he became more and more curious.

Mei Rou obviously didn't intend to linger on this topic for too long, as the two walked towards their destination, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned her head to highlight Jiang Yi up and down, showing him inexplicable.

"what happened?"

Mei Rou shook her head: "Yangshi Building is very strict, that's why the one just now didn't bring bodyguards, even so, he's wearing the same clothes as a beekeeper."

"I just wanted to..."

"Aren't you living a little too casually now?"

Then the probing eyes looked at him again.

Realizing the meaning of her words, Jiang Yi immediately covered himself symbolically.

"Don't think about those things you have, and don't make bad ideas. I think I'm fine like this."

Originally, he was thinking about whether he had any relationship with that person just now, so he walked slowly behind.

Now when it came to this topic, Jiang Yi immediately restrained his thoughts and strode forward.

Mei Rou stood behind and looked at his figure striding forward, with a triumphant smile in her eyes.

"Is it really not necessary? I think it is still very necessary."

She trotted a few steps to follow: "Look at covering your whole body, although you really look like a beekeeper, but in fact the mystery comes out!"

"Didn't that fan of Big Star Day get up immediately!"

"What's more, if you walk on the street carelessly like this, what does it have to do with ordinary passers-by!"

Jiang Yi's head was about to explode when he heard Mei Rou's chattering voice behind him.

Finally unable to stand it any longer, he stopped, turned his head and gave a blow to the back.

"As long as you don't engage in the tricks of thousands of male gods, I'm just an ordinary musician, so if I walk carelessly on the road like this, won't it arouse any suspicion, won't it?"

"Besides, don't you think he's dressed in black in broad daylight, really... inexplicably attracts attention?"

"Compared to normal outfits, wearing black is obviously more noticeable, okay?"

"Besides, I'm usually so homely. If I don't have a reason to go out, I almost never go out, except for deliberately appearing in the public eye."

"Look now, I've been popular for so long, but I haven't been photographed, have I?"

"So, I advise you not to play tricks on me."

Jiang Yi continued to output a long paragraph, the unbearable appearance of Mei Rou's heart was suppressed from laughing, and the veins on the top of her head were twitching. After she finished speaking, Jiang Yi turned her head and continued to walk forward.

Meirou followed behind and said unhurriedly: "It seems to be the same."

I don't know if it was her illusion, but after she finished saying this, she felt the person in front snorted.

She continued to suppress her laugh, and then said: "But if you are accidentally photographed later, you must have all the equipment you should have, you know?"

No matter how impatient Jiang Yi felt in his heart, he had to admit that these estimates were reasonable, so he let out a long sigh.

Mei Rou followed behind, looking at the impatient side face of the man in front, it was obvious that she didn't take it very seriously, but she didn't care either.

After all, this kind of thing is that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. After experiencing a lot in the future, they will naturally learn to behave when they hit a wall.

Otherwise, I really think that other people, up and down, covering up tightly are pretending to be coercive.

Although it is very eye-catching, it is really not close to strangers, and it will not be photographed by Reuters.

Even if it is photographed, it is difficult to guess who it is.

In this way, the whereabouts become a mystery, and to a certain extent, a large part of the trouble can be subtracted.

But the person in front of her has never suffered from this aspect, so she is very arrogant.

As she thought so, the reception staff appeared in front of her, and then the two walked into the VIP lounge together.

The staff in charge of receiving the invited guests said something, and after a while, they exited the lounge, and there were only the two of them in the empty lounge.

Jiang Yi looked around the surrounding environment, and then he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"This environment is really different from the environment I participated in the singer audition before."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

He looked at and sighed with emotion.

Mei Rou had a smile on her face: "That's right, there is still a big difference between an audition and a special invitation."

"Not to mention the VIP lounge."

She shook her head while talking, looked at the sign at the door, and then asked again.

"How did you prepare in the past? Are you sure?"

"If you are sure, you can think about what kind of copywriting response you should post after Yangshi's official announcement."

Jiang Yi couldn't laugh or cry when he heard these words in a hurry.

"Why didn't you still worry about me on the way here?"

"Why are you so confident now? Even the copywriting is ready to start thinking."

Hearing his tone start to yawn again, Mei Rou rolled her eyes quite elegantly: "I can't bear it a bit, I'm telling you outside, because I'm afraid you'll get lost."

"And arranging things inside is trust in your strength!"

Hearing her emphasis on strength, Jiang Yi couldn't deny it and nodded.

"Mmmmm, I see."

Then he changed the subject again: "I'm just curious, I'm already an invited guest, why do I still have to participate in the selection."

The naivety of his question suddenly seemed completely ignorant of the sufferings of the world, Meirou answered patiently.

"Is it possible for the ancestors to say that invitations sometimes have different concepts?"

"You are indeed famous and outstanding. There is nothing wrong with them inviting you, not to mention your strength and status. As long as there is nothing wrong with the songs you perform on stage, this time the matter is almost a certainty."

"However, except for the group of people who are all in charge of strength and enthusiasm in the front, who are far ahead, there will still be that kind of rising star in the back."

"Their managers and the brokerage company cried and begged Yangshi to give them a chance. This is a chance to prove themselves. These people are also invited."

(End of this chapter)

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