Chapter 294
Jiang Yi had previously heard her say that Yangshi was the best at doing this kind of thing, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but now he listened to his serious instructions, and he couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious about what you said?"

Mei Rou snorted coldly: "Oh, you always thought I was lying to you?"

Jiang Yi looked at the sky speechlessly, and then heard her continue.

"But to be honest, don't change the subject for me, how is your song preparation going?"

Speaking of serious business, Jiang Yi also sat up straight: "It's not too bad."

Mei Rou squinted her eyes: "Ready, that is, ready, what do you mean not too bad?"

"I just prepared two songs. One is relatively close to the theme of Mid-Autumn Festival. It uses ancient poems about Mid-Autumn Festival as the backbone, which is more in line with my previous style. As for the other song..."

Seeing his hesitant to speak, Mei Rou felt a little strange, and continued following his words.

"The theme of the other stage is completely irrelevant?"

Jiang Yi waved his hand.

"It's not that they don't match up at all, it's just that they are more affectionate, and there is a high probability that they will need to sing with others, but I like both songs, so until now I have been entangled."

"So you haven't decided what song to sing for a long time?"

"What song do you want to give to the producer?"

Now it's Meirou's turn to be a little unbelievable, when did this happen, and it turned out that this ancestor didn't even decide on the repertoire? !

The other party nodded very calmly.

"That's right, anyway, it's only these two songs that I'm struggling with. When the other party asks me which song I want to sing, the emotion prevails, so I can just come up with that song."

What he said was taken for granted, Mei Rou was almost annoyed by his appearance, and made a joke directly.

"Ancestor, you are really casual."

Jiang Yi nodded very solemnly: "I have always been a person who does not trouble myself when it comes to such trivial matters."

Hearing the word "small matter", Mei Rou felt the corners of her mouth twitch.

Yangshi's stage selection for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, he actually said it was a trivial matter, and I really don't know whether to say that his heart is getting bigger or bigger, or that he is drifting away.

And the other party seemed to see what she was thinking, and let out a long sigh.

"Although it is said that people are born in sorrow and die in peace."

"But it's tangled everywhere, but it's unfounded to worry about."

"If you want to live longer, entangle where you should be entangled, and look away where you should look away, is the long-term way."

These simple words made Mei Rou look sideways.

"You old man has never entered the entertainment circle, this is simply becoming a monk."

Jiang Yi sneered, obviously he didn't agree with what he said.

I don't know why Mei Rou now feels that she is becoming more and more like an old lady. The typical emperor is not in a hurry and eunuchs are in a hurry. In the end, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Show me both of your lyrics."

"If you don't mind, the old slave is here to give you some advice."

Jiang Yi glanced at her when he heard the sound, although he knew that even if she was asked to refer to it, it was just to tell her the pros and cons of these two songs from an objective point of view, but he still obediently took out his phone , and hand it to her after the login page.

The staff who received them before came in to inform them that there were still three singers ahead, and they might have to wait for more than ten minutes.

So taking advantage of this time, Mei Rou looked down at the two new songs written by Jiang Yi carefully.

"Spend a good night with a full moon, and wish you a long life?"

She read out the names of these two songs. Although she knew that Jiang Yi was extremely talented in composition, she was still a little apprehensive and amazed when she came into contact with his song draft so intuitively for the first time.

Jiang Yi, who was sitting next to him, snorted when he heard this.

"Then you said it's more tender, which song needs to be sung with others?" Meirou continued to ask.

Now Jiang Yi replied impatiently: "Look for yourself. It's marked, and it's obvious that outsiders can understand it."

Everyone could hear the impatience in the words, Mei Rou glanced at him without curiosity, snorted lightly in disdain, stopped asking and lowered her head to check carefully, and he quickly got the answer.

"Just this beautiful full moon night?"

"This lyrics, this duet... tsk tsk tsk."

She shook her head while talking, Jiang Yi was baffled, his work was questioned, and he sat up from the sofa all at once.

"What are you talking about?!"

The tone was quite unfriendly, as if Meirou dared to say anything wrong with this song, she would immediately come up to fight with her.

Fortunately, Mei Rou was just feeling a little bit emotional, and didn't come to find fault, so she shook her head.

"Calm down, I don't have any unique insights into your song."

"It's just that it's exactly as you said, very affectionate."

She was talking to herself, but her gaze didn't stop, she continued to look down, but she didn't see Jiang Yi's mouth twitching, she was completely speechless.

"When did I say that this song is particularly affectionate? I said warmth and warmth!!"

Jiang Yi was about to go crazy, so he emphasized two sentences.

Mei Rou raised her head in confusion: "Really?"

As soon as he raised his head, he met Shang Jiang Yi's expression of going crazy, and then he smiled embarrassedly.

"Is that so? Then I remembered wrongly, haha."

To cover up her embarrassment, Mei Rou smiled lightly, then coughed lightly and continued to watch, then gave her evaluation.

"The writing of these two songs is true, and they are both pretty good!"

"And in my opinion, they are all very suitable for the occasion, and I can't give any unique insights for a while."

Jiang Yi let out a gasp from the tip of his nose, full of disdain: "Then you think I will get entangled? Brother is such a free and easy person!"

"It's a bit difficult to do, or you can sing one this year and one next year?" Mei Rou frowned, obviously also stumped.

How could Jiang Yi do it? !
"How can this year's inspiration and works be saved until next year? It is simply my defilement of the works."

Meirou was almost amused by his adjective, and finally held back and thought carefully.

"Then it's a bit difficult. Either you sing one and start one, or try hard to sing two on this year's Yangshi stage."

Hearing his last sentence, Jiang Yi frowned and felt a little unreliable: "Sing two songs?"

"As far as I know, so far, there are not many singers who can sing two songs on Yangshi's stage, right?"

"That's why I asked you to fight for it. Otherwise, one of your works will be published on the stage of Yangshi, and the other will only be released on the music platform quietly. My father can't favor one over another."

The economic man said in a flash, when Jiang Yi heard his father's description, a black line slid down from the corner of his forehead.

"...Actually, that's not the case."

(End of this chapter)

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