Chapter 365 "The Human World"

After listening to what he said, the agent opposite was silent for a rare moment.

"There is no need to worry about this issue."

"Again, they can't possibly ruin their jobs."

After saying this, Xue Qianqian didn't know what he felt in his heart. Although he thought everything was absurd and unbelievable, it was just as his agent said.

The director has been preparing for the work in front of him for so long. There is no way he can have everything ready and still have it ruined by himself, right?

Although it feels unreasonable, I can only wait and see what happens now.

A week of recording time, during which Jiang Yi also found time to record the singer.

On Thursday night, Weibo singer's live broadcast room was flooded with barrages.

"Oh my god, being a fan of Jiang Yi is such a blessing. I feel like I can see Brother Jian's new material every week."

"The singer's stage in the first week, the singer's stage in the second week of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and the singer's stage in the third week are followed by unknown variety shows that have not been broadcast."

"I'm really looking forward to my brother's new stage."

"I really want to know what song he sang today."

"This new song should be enough to keep me going until the next time I see his new stage."

"To be honest, I haven't finished digesting the two songs from last time, especially Hua Hao Full Moon Night, they are so sweet!"

"Who says it isn't? This week is as happy as the Chinese New Year."

"I'm laughing so hard. Jiang Yi is the perfect worker."

"He's been working hard this week for us, the fans, and it seems like all we know is that he's working every day."

"It's so hard, keep it up."

"I can't stop laughing. What the brother upstairs said is simply not human."

"Jiang Yi: Are you polite?"

"Jiang Yi: You are really my good fans, smile jbd."

"Not to mention anything else, after Jiang Yi joined the entertainment industry, the happiness index of those of us who love listening to music has greatly increased."

"On average, there are two treasure songs every month that can be used to make gods. Who knows! Work is no longer so boring."

“Every time it’s near the middle or end of the month, I feel like the future is promising.”

"I can't stop laughing. I'm so tired of all Jiang Yi's fans. At the same time, I also hope that everyone in the domestic entertainment industry will get involved. In this case, the fans in the fandom will be very happy."

"That's right, this is what we call a hundred flowers blooming, vying for beauty. There has been no new news in months. My job circle is as good as a nursing home."

"Fuck, you guys are telling me that when Jiang Yi participates in that variety show this time, is he going to be a mentor?!"

"Damn, damn, when you said that, I also reacted!"

"If you were a teacher, Teacher Jiang Yi wouldn't think about bringing in a few newcomers!"

"If that's the case, then I'm really going to cry, he's so great!"

Amid discussions among countless viewers and netizens, the live broadcast on the screen slowly began.

After meeting Teacher He on the stage, unexpectedly the first stage was Teacher Jiang Yi.

But when countless fans and fans saw Jiang Yi today, they couldn't help but be stunned.

There is no other reason than that Jiang Yi's outfit on the stage today changed from his usual plain simple suit to a very eye-catching diamond-encrusted suit jacket.

Although the diamonds on his body were all low-key and restrained black diamonds, he just stood in the center of the stage.

Under the light, the diamonds inlaid on the suit reflected a dazzling brilliance, which was so dazzling that it caught people's hearts. Coupled with Jiang Yi's almost impeccable face, it was extremely eye-catching.

When he appeared on the stage, both the audience in the audience and the netizens watching the live broadcast on the Internet were all dumbfounded. "Good guy, why did this guy suddenly change his style!"

"I swallowed in disappointment."

“I thought the simple simplicity he wore before was so captivating, let alone what he wears now that is so flamboyant!!”

"This is really killing me. My feeling hasn't changed much, it's just that my clothes have shimmered, but my heart has started to beat fast."

"He is so foul! How dare you do this."

"What should I do? His appearance makes me think that he is going to make a bigger move."

"Hahaha, Teacher Jiang Yi has been with that guy Xue Qianqian for a long time, why has he become so arrogant and arrogant now?"

"I have to say, red energy nourishes people."

"How should I put it? Jiang Yi and his shiny suit complement each other perfectly. Apart from being luxurious, they don't feel cheap at all."

"Ask yourself, he looks really handsome in this, and he doesn't look girly at all."

He had just stepped onto the stage and already amazed everyone.

In the following time, he raised the microphone and looked into the distance with soft and caring eyes.

"The grass and trees will sprout and the children will grow up~"

"The train of time never stops for anyone~"

"On the platform of fate, joys and sorrows are all moments~"

Almost as soon as the person on the stage opened his voice, the audience, whether in the live broadcast room or off the stage, was silent for a moment. Then they held their breath and listened quietly as the singer on the stage slowly narrated the story he brought.

It's just two simple lyrics, but it draws people into the strong sense of story brought by the lyrics.

"Damn, this lyrics is a little sad." Xue Qianqian, who was filming material on a certain set, took time to watch Jiang Yi's new stage during his break.

As soon as I heard him sing the first line, I got goosebumps for no reason.

There were a bunch of assistants around him, and when they heard this, they immediately nodded in agreement.

"That's right, that's right. It's very sad and has such a strong sense of story."

"Teacher Jiang Yi's voice is absolutely amazing."

The singing on the stage is still going on, maybe because the first sentence is too heavy, even the audience in the live broadcast room is gone.
In a playful mood, everyone listened with solemn faces.

"On the platform of fate, joys and sorrows are all moments~"

"People fly high and melt like snowflakes~"

"Time is hard, love is about to be separated and rain is about to fall~"

"The sweetness in the world is that no matter how far you go, you always remember to go home~"

The difference is that the colorful suit that He Jiangyi is wearing today is full of diamonds.

The song is filled with silence and sadness.

Beneath the calm there is a mighty river.

This lonely song seems to come across mountains and seas, bringing us back to the depths of forgotten memories.

The audience silently looked up at the man standing on the stage singing with all his heart, as if he would ride on this sadness and leave in the next second.

Every time I listen, I feel a surge of excitement in my heart, which makes people look directly at the memories of the past.

Xue Qianqian, who was also sitting in front of the screen, was stunned.

If the general audience focuses on the feelings brought by the singing, then he is amazed by the various singing skills used in this song and his proficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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