Chapter 374 It feels like it will explode
After the rules are introduced, the screen switches again.

An announcer explains the rules of the program.

The camera suddenly switched from Jiang Yi's face to a rather technological introduction to the rules, but the fans were still a little unhappy, mainly because they still didn't understand what was going on. They all had their chins propped up and listened to the rules in boredom.

"This rule is so complicated, I don't understand it."

"It's so funny. This rule seems so fun."

"I don't understand. I've never watched a variety show and did ABCD."

"I don't care if you understand it or not, just watch it."

Netizens who understood it were eager to get involved and thought it was so interesting that they wished they could go on the field and score points themselves.

Netizens who didn't understand were so anxious that they almost asked someone to explain to themselves.

There are still good people in the live broadcast room, who are very patient in summarizing the rules of the game.

"By pressing the button, you can compete for the first place on stage. After the first one performs on stage, you can choose to compete with the remaining first place."

"After the two performances, there should be a tutor group and some kind of tourist group to give scores."

"That's my understanding for the time being. If I'm wrong, please feel free to add more."

"Those with high scores go to a, and those with low scores go to b."

"Actually, this summary is really a bit complicated."

After hearing the rules of this program, not only offline netizens scratched their heads and were a little confused.

The players on the screen are also facing a formidable enemy.

Contestant A: "It's over. I feel like I'm going to evolve after participating in this show."

The camera just turned around, and when the radio picked up this sentence, the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, have you evolved into a dinosaur? I'm laughing so hard."

"A program in which Mr. Jiang Yi is a tutor, well, for the first time in history, let alone evolution, even if you don't evolve, you still have to shed your skin."

"This is your blessing. Teacher Jiang Yi is here to give guidance in person!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were talking a lot. After seeing this, they were already full of expectations for this kind of program.

I originally thought that these newcomers were brought here just to highlight the strength of several mentors.

What I didn't expect was that the rules of the program were so complicated, serious, and difficult that it didn't feel like a show for the instructor.

Just looking at the rules of this program, it feels like a strict selection.

And that's not all. At this moment, Xue Qianqian jumped out to add explanation.

"A special reminder, what you call scores is called listening value."

"Want to hear how the value came out?"

"The three teachers we have here each have ten points."

When he heard this, the camera panned to the facial expressions of the other contestants, and all of them had their pupils widened.

"That adds up to thirty points."

Perhaps because he met their eyes, Teacher Xue felt that he had explained it well, and then made a summary, and then turned his head to the audience on the other side.

"Friends who came to the scene today, how are you?!!"

The audience burst into cheers, and Jiang Yi and Teacher Dai also turned their heads to the side and looked in the direction of the audience.

"You are very important today!"

"There are a total of two hundred spectators here, which are the specially invited tour groups introduced in our rules!"

"Two hundred spectators, one point per person is two hundred points!"

"So their rights are actually more important than ours."

Hearing this, it was the audience outside the venue's turn to be shocked. "Frog, I thought these audiences were just here to listen to the music, but they can actually score points on their hands!"

"It's really amazing that the rights of the masses are more important than those of the three mentors."

"At this moment these viewers represent the opinions of us outside the venue!"

"Inexplicably, I actually think this variety show is quite democratic. What's going on? Hahaha."

"I can't stop laughing. Maybe it's because I can't understand the scores given by the variety show instructors before."

"Let’s not talk about the variety show where Teacher Jiang Yi came to guide for the first time as a mentor. Let’s not mention that the rules are a bit novel. The audience has more rights than the mentor. I really didn’t expect it."

"Yes, yes, before, it was either completely scored by the audience or completely judged by the instructor."

"Even if the instructor and the audience are together, the instructor has the dominant opinion. The audience's scoring is purely a foil and a casual perfunctory one. This is the first time that the audience's opinion is more important than the instructor."

"I have a hunch that this variety show will definitely explode."

"Needless to say, why don't you go outside and see what is the most popular search topic right now."

"It's still a little sad. Although I knew that Mr. Jiang would only participate in this variety show as a mentor and there might not be many scenes, but I didn't expect that there wouldn't be many scenes!"

"No, this time there are many shots but they are scattered. In the past, the duration on the stage was short, but the shots were concentrated and there were works."

"I don't think you need to be so arbitrary. This is just the beginning, and it's a music variety show. You have to introduce the program well."

"I still want to see Teacher Jiang Yi participating in the show. Although it's fun to watch him as a mentor, there are really few scenes."

"If all the scenes of a music variety show focus on the instructor instead of the contestants, wouldn't he need to call it "Listen to my music"? Instead, just change the name to "Listen to my comments."

After all the rules of the program were introduced, the director's camera showed the contestants again, seat A is here.

The announcer's voice sounded: "Villages who want to be eligible to grab a, please press the button."

Almost as soon as the sound rang out, unlike the expected exclamations from the audience outside the venue, the participating players immediately fell silent, only their hands were moving wildly.

Only then did netizens notice the red remote control-like thing they were pressing.

"From the moment he started talking about the rules, I started pressing them like crazy."

"Wow, so many people are rushing to be the first."

"Am I the only one who didn't click?"

The players broke out into discussions, and the solemn atmosphere revealed their slight uneasiness.

They were worried, and netizens became anxious.

"I'm so anxious, who is first?"

"It's about time, number one should come out."

"It's very similar to how I was trying to grab tickets two days ago."

"It's rolled up, it's rolled up."

"Why are you all so nervous? Fortunately, I pressed pause."

"What a clever little guy upstairs."

As the players' discussion quieted down, the camera once again switched to the big screen in the center of the stage.

The eyes of everyone in the venue gathered together.

The three instructors also looked over.

Different from the restless and panicked expressions of others, the emotions of the three instructors were not affected at all, especially Jiang Yi, who was standing in position C, with a calm and restrained gaze.

At the same time, the camera also cut away and flashed across the screen. Moi trotted from the table and appeared on the stage.

The light in the center of the stage dimmed, and the singing atmosphere was immediately filled.

(End of this chapter)

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