Chapter 379 Conflict of opinions!

When Jiang Yi made this comment, netizens in the entire live broadcast room were in an uproar.

"Ah, why do I still like the tune of the previous song better?"

"The previous song is obviously very contagious, relaxing and enjoyable, so why not choose the previous one."

"I can't see it. The guy in front of me has a disappointed expression. He can see that he is working hard."

"I just can't understand why Jiang Yi chose like this. It's clear that the two teachers in front are already on an equal footing, and those who work hard deserve respect. What's more, they have already produced works, but he insists on one being higher than the other. This is really not the case. Are you deliberately suppressing the younger generation?"

"Holy shit, what are the people upstairs talking about? Can you wake up? If you do this again, I'm really going to shoot you!"

"Please, these two contestants are indeed so good that the two teachers in front of them can't decide which one is better. Does it mean that we, Jiang Yi, must also hold a neutral attitude? In this case, won't the show be deadlocked? "

"No one stipulates that one must be high and the other low. Can't two excellent people enter the A-side? I think it's really difficult to evaluate how the second singer can still enter the A-side!"

"Although the second contestant's singing skills may be better than the first, I think, as Jiang Yi himself said, the first song has no artificial elements at all, it is a completely smart and floating movement, truly Music should not compete with singing skills, but with stage expression and the value it brings to the audience, right?!"

"It can be seen that the contestant upstairs is really dissatisfied. A lot of words directly fill the screen. It makes my eyes hurt to read it at this late night."

"It's so funny, both of them are so dissatisfied."

"If you have the ability, you can be a judge yourself. After you become a judge, you can choose whoever you like. Who can do anything to you?! But you are not a judge now, but our teacher Jiang Yi, so Jiang Yi feels even more sad. Choose whichever player you like, why are you using him?"

"These netizens are so careless and careless. Even the players themselves did not feel dissatisfied, but accepted it with an open mind. Every one of them became anxious."

"Can someone's fans please stop covering their mouths and watch the audience? What else can you say besides talking about each other's strength? It can be seen with the naked eye that the first contestant wins the hearts of the audience more. However, Jiang Yi has to sing the opposite and express his discord. People have different opinions, so you want to appear different, right?!"

"My silence is deafening, and I talk about Teacher Jiang Yi's strength because he is really strong, and Teacher Jiang Yi also said that if it is a personal preference, he prefers the second place. Everyone’s preferences are different, you can’t just like the first one, the singer’s style of music must be liked by everyone.”

Perhaps because the two players were equally matched in strength, and because of Jiang Yi's own influence, there were quite a few people watching the live broadcast tonight.

Therefore, many netizens who like the songs of low-ranking players are quite dissatisfied.

#江伊新variety show selection#
This incident quickly became the most popular topic, attracting countless netizens to watch.

Netizens with fast hands even recorded the screen early.

The clip of the two contestants singing on stage received countless likes.

"Help, when I saw this video, I felt for a moment that the Chinese music scene was finally about to rise."

"Who says it's not the case? Every piece of music sounds wonderful and unique."

"The second song really touched my heart. I wanted to find out for some reason what this creator had gone through." "The first contestant was also pretty good, with great control of the field and a great stage atmosphere."

"I'm not a fan, I'm not a fan, I'm not a fan, but as a music student, I actually really like the second contestant. Whether it's the singing skills, my own strength, the emotional outburst, or the lyrics, there's nothing wrong with it. Can’t be picky.”

"Can those who Jiang Yi deliberately choose to be different from others and want to be different, please be more sensible? Personal preferences are relatively abstract. Each person's personality and growth reasons will determine what kind of environment they like. What kind of songs are you listening to?”

Maybe it’s because it’s on a bigger stage and the audience is larger.

It is also possible that the netizens who simply watched these two performances are more rational than the netizens who watched the show from beginning to end and were aggrieved after being amazed by the first performance.

After understanding the cause of the matter, start to analyze rationally.

"Quietly speaking, haven't you noticed that the songs Jiang Yi released before are more majestic and grand with patriotic feelings, and most of them, except for the national style rap, are more melancholy, like that or something? Chrysanthemum Stage, so I think it’s not surprising that he personally prefers the second contestant’s lyrical songs.”

"That's right, that's right. I didn't feel anything was wrong before watching this show, but after watching it, I was shocked to realize, holy shit, it turns out that before I fell in love with Jiang Yi, the songs I listened to were all relatively Burst."

"But after listening to his song, I became sad for no reason. But this kind of song really attracts me inexplicably now, so I like to listen to the second song more than before."

“The first song is a song that catches your ears when you first listen to it, and you won’t listen to it a second time after hearing the rest.”

"How should I put it? The song sung by the first contestant will be more popular among young people. Please understand that our teacher Jiang Yi is definitely different from the young people on the stage who are still in college."

"Anyway, I personally will be more shocked by the shocking power of the second piece of music. Of course, I feel that it is still far behind Jiang Yi, and everything has its shortcomings."

"But compared to those of domestic entertainment... forget it, let's not mention it, the progress is still very obvious. At a certain moment, I actually saw China Entertainment talking about it, and there was hope again."

"I really can't understand why this kind of thing is so noisy?"

“Maybe because I like most of the first contestant’s repertoire
They are all young people, which is normal. They are young and energetic and easily impulsive! "

"It's no exaggeration to say that when I saw this topic coming up just now, I thought it was another top fan of a variety show who was tearing it up."

"Yes, yes, me too, I've just found someone with the same mindset!"

"But in the blink of an eye, I saw Jiang Yi's name again, and I thought to myself, aren't all his new variety shows all amateur singers? So I stayed in doubt."

"Actually, now that I think about it, I am defending my idol. It is just a temporary show of anger. What I like is not taken seriously, so it is just unbalanced."

"Maybe it's because everyone has something they want to maintain."

(End of this chapter)

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