Chapter 382 Yes, but not necessary

"Actually, I sometimes wonder, why is it that there is capital behind the push for things to reach their current state?"

"Those capitals are just trying to save trouble. Instead of investing in an original singer, which takes a long time, why not give me all the hard work to practice singing, and then start singing covers."

"I'm laughing so hard, I'm a little envious, and their instructors are actually Teacher Jiang Yi and Teacher Xue Qianqian!"

"Hahahaha, I can't tell you how many people are envious of you."

"Tears of envy flowed from the corners of my mouth. Mainly because I feel that on this show, Teacher Jiang Yi really tried his best. His comments were also very sharp, and the suggestions he gave were also very pertinent. He didn't say anything at all. It’s the kind of paddling where you can fool around with it.”

"It can be seen that the brothers upstairs are really greedy. After all, Mr. Jiang Yi is the tutor and he has the opportunity to communicate up close. Who wouldn't be greedy?"

"I can't tell you how lucky you are to have such a guiding mentor on your first stage in life."

"And this is the effect we saw on the stage. Maybe they were already familiar with each other and got along well during the recording."

Even after a night of time settling, when I woke up the next morning, half of the top twenty hot search terms on Weibo were about the newly launched variety show last night.

"Listen to My Music?", this variety show has also been extremely successful. Xianyu and Sanwuxiao variety shows, which have never been favored by capital or netizens, rely on their originality and the momentum of the contestants, as well as the unparalleled topics of several mentors. Speed ​​and strength fought a beautiful turnaround.

On the first day of the premiere, there was only one show with two groups of contestants on stage. Its popularity and discussion directly swept all the variety shows currently being broadcast on the Internet.

The impact was so powerful that all the directors in the circle turned their attention to it.

Since the show was broadcast yesterday, Li Tianmu has seen the rising fun, and his mouth has been grinning upward when he fell asleep.

Although after the first episode was edited, he had seen the effects of the full version and predicted the response after it was broadcast.

But when this wave of wealth finally came to him, Wang Tianmu could finally feel the happiness of the singer-director!
This excitement will be extremely concrete when the rising play rate, click rate, discussion and topic level on the display screen are compared to a steady stream of gold coins flowing upward.

Of course, although he was excited when he was excited, he didn't let the excitement get to his head when netizens asked them about the camera movement after watching the first issue, and went back to watch it carefully.

After reading the first issue and the problems pointed out by netizens, I went out of my way to carefully review all the aspects of mirror movement in the second and third issues.

The reply given later on Weibo was.

Wang Tianmu: "Actually, to a certain extent, this is a feature, isn't it? After all, what an honor it is to be noticed by all the readers? And I have seen it, and the problems behind it are not big, so this Just keep it for one issue.”

Netizens were immediately confused by this reply, and suddenly felt a bit dumbfounded.

"I'm full of fucking questions, good boy!"

"What's going on? I feel like I'm being taken seriously but also being ignored."

"Translated, the meaning of this paragraph is probably that after listening to your feedback, I took a look and found that there is indeed something wrong with it, but since the subsequent situation is not serious, I am not going to change it."

"I know it, but I won't change it! I'm really amused by this director."

"You said he wasn't serious. He even went to the front and back to scratch everything. You said he was responsible. I know, but I won't change it."

"Director: Yes, but it's not necessary." "It's more than that! He even gave us a high hat very well, saying what an honor it is to be noticed by us?"

"I feel so pleased for no reason."

"It's okay. In fact, I don't think there is any need to change it. In this era of increasingly advanced mirror movements, this kind of returning to the original nature of the mirror movement is really quite distinctive."

"How should I put it? It feels earthy and trendy."

"Director: How do you know this is not my little idea to attract you?!"

"This director has such a personality, I understand."

"Suddenly I understood why he was able to create such refreshing works, and I was taught a lesson."

"This kind of director and teacher Jiang Yi should be able to create different sparks. I am looking forward to the follow-up programs more and more."

"That's not right, he just made a fuss, and you haven't told us when the next episode will be broadcast!!"

Netizens suddenly realized that the second issue they had been longing for had not yet been released, but after they came to their senses and went to the backstage to see it, they found that the director they said was very unique had already filmed it after posting this Weibo. Butt-slapping is offline.

A group of netizens were disheartened, or in other words, netizens who were full of impulsiveness but had nowhere to vent their feelings had completely given up.

"Good guy, is this crappy program going to be just one episode to whet our appetite?"

"After all, his previous official Weibo announcement didn't say that the broadcast would start on Monday."

"This is an unforgivable crime for him. It would be worse than not broadcasting it."

"Why are you doing this to me?! I feel like I don't deserve to die!"

But just when a group of netizens who had given up hope still reluctantly clicked on Weibo, they discovered it! !
There is actually a live broadcast entrance under Weibo’s official account! !
This discovery can be described as a thunderbolt, and it directly excited the netizens who were thinking about it!
"Holy shit, I love you director!"

"Who knows? This program is really crisp and clear!"

"The most important thing is that it's not even seven o'clock today!"

"It's really abominable. It doesn't matter if we don't promote it in advance, but it's broadcast in advance! If I hadn't been so itchy and couldn't bear to come here to take a look, you can imagine what I would have missed?!"

After netizens clicked on it with great excitement, they found that the previous interaction had ended?Has it already reached the part where the singer comes on stage? !One by one, they all had a black face!
"Are you telling me that you must be so rebellious and willful?"

"This is the first time I feel cheated for following a show."

"I'm so heartbroken that I'm beating my chest. I'll be sad if I miss even one frame of our teacher Jiang Yi, okay?"

"Bye, I want to see the part with our teacher Jiang Yi in front."

"It's so funny, I still have a clear idea of ​​priorities. Whether it's a guest or a tutor, a protagonist or a supporting role, Teacher Jiang Yi will always take priority here!"

(End of this chapter)

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