Chapter 395 Have you never played games?
Chapter 393 Have you never played games?

Listening to Teacher Jiang Yi's narration, the audience and guests present all nodded thoughtfully, especially classmate nono who stood up and asked questions, who was even more deeply moved.

"So your new song was created under other emotional conditions, right?" classmate nono asked, making herself want to laugh a little.

"Yes." Jiang Yi said matter-of-factly after sitting upright.

"People can't be pessimistic 24 hours a day, there must be times when their blood boils."

"Although the pessimistic mood makes people feel deeply, the passionate emotions also make people excited. The memory is still fresh and I always want to keep it, so this is the song you heard tonight."

Hearing him say this, the whole place burst into laughter.

The atmosphere throughout the venue was relaxed and joyful.

Now it seemed that Nono, who stood up to ask questions, was deliberately looking for trouble. Her figure became more and more cramped when she stood up.

"It seems that I have too much pessimism, so I can't help but judge others by myself..."

Hearing this voice, Teacher Jiang Yi couldn't help but raise his head and observe the emotional changes on the face of the player not far away. He found that the other player seemed a little depressed. He could guess why with a little thought, and then added.

"This is understandable. Everyone's experience and perception of emotions are different. For you, it may be because the pessimistic emotion is more profound, and..."

"Because of your own love for music and delicate emotions, you subconsciously long for this emotion to be retained as a muse for your music creation."

Teacher Jiang Yi narrated simply, with a calm tone, but the words he spoke were very confident.

After saying this, Xue Qianqian next to him looked over in great surprise, and then glanced at classmate Nono who was standing not far away with great suspicion.

However, he could no longer sit back and watch indifferently. He directly picked up the phone and interjected.

"Nono, is that what he said?!"

"It's just that you don't have to think according to his way of thinking. If you are tricked by this guy, otherwise you will just think, oh, yes, yes, yes, that's it." Teacher Xue Qianqian said while holding the microphone. He made a mock talk that made the audience next to him laugh and cry.

Even classmate Nono, who was originally stunned by Teacher Jiang Yi's words, couldn't hold back at this moment. He pursed his lips and laughed, but after laughing, he immediately waved his hand under Teacher Xue Qianqian's nervous gaze.

"No, no, no, Teacher Jiang Yi didn't trick me."

"And I think what he said is really very reasonable." This sentence was said extremely slowly but firmly.

"Really, every word and every sentence describes my state some time ago."

This sentence was given directly, and Xue Qianqian, who wanted to find an opportunity to exploit, gave Xue Qianqian a heavy slap in the face.

Anyway, at this moment, Teacher Xue was leaning on the cushion behind him and no longer wanted to talk.

His current expression was also very dramatic, and the surrounding audience couldn't help but laugh when they saw it.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were also amused.

"It made me laugh so hard. This little girl is so honest."

"I also think what he said makes sense. I like the melancholic atmosphere, so I deliberately make my emotions less overt when writing articles."

"How can I put it this way? Teacher Jiang Yi not only writes songs well, but he is also very sharp in guiding students!"

"I feel that Teacher Jiang Yi can guess some of the experiences of this student, his attitude towards creation, and his state of mind, and then isolate him."

"Teacher Jiang Yi has something special about him. The key is that he is very patient. I can see that this contestant has a relatively reserved and shy personality, so he has always been gentle and powerful in encouraging her." "It can be said that this girl is really very lucky."

While netizens expressed that they had learned something, they couldn't help but sigh at how lucky this girl was.

However, at this moment, Teacher Jiang Yi was a little silent for a moment when faced with the situation of classmate Nono, as if he was trying to organize his words on how to express it to her.

"It's not that your current state of writing songs is bad, but it may affect your mood, right?" When he said this, he emphasized the pronunciation of the word "state" and blinked. Blinking and staring at the person not far away.

Classmate Nono nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"So there is no need to deliberately change anything. Let's feel other emotions in life subtly, okay?"

Teacher Jiang Yi advised carefully, and now classmate nono nodded solemnly.

Just as he asked nono to sit down, Juanjuan next to him raised his hand again.

"I'm more curious now about what kind of state Teacher Jiang Yi would be in before he could write this song."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience burst into laughter. I originally thought that Teacher Jiang Yi would give a very honest answer, but the other party glanced at him with a strange expression on his face.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Why have you changed your mind now?"

He was simply trying to block him with what he just said. Several other players laughed so much that their stomachs ached and their hands were almost swollen.

Although Juan Juan was a little speechless, he still managed to hold on: "That's not because you just said that your inspiration for writing songs and the source of your creation all come from bits and pieces of life."

"So now I'm more curious about what kind of loyalty there is in life that made you write this song."

"After all, the feeling this song brings to me is still very fresh and wonderful, and the level is also very high. It is not a height that I can reach at this stage."

This question hit the spot, and the other players couldn't help but become curious, and they all looked over.

However, at this time, Teacher Jiang Yi fell into complete silence.

"There is no loyalty in the world...then the game has always been played, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the guests in the venue were immediately petrified.

I originally thought it would be a surprising experience, but it turned out to be so simple? !

That's it? ! !

After some stiffness, the guests present burst out laughing.

"So this is ah!"

"I was naive and really thought that Teacher Jiang Yi had experienced a romantic adventure!"

"So free and easy, maybe it's just a dream."

"Anyway, it just can't be the case in real life. In the life of a working class worker, there is only exploitation and oppression. You can't afford to be hurt!"

"Hahahaha, what game are you playing? Maybe I can just add a friend!" Teacher Xue next to me couldn't hold back and directly sent out a friend invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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