Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 412 Popular on social platforms all over the world

Chapter 412 Popular on social platforms all over the world
Unexpectedly, the more anxious and nervous he was, the more careless the other party would become. He even said, "Although I know it may be a marketing ploy, it seems to me to be too artificial."

"Since new songs have been released in this casual way before, there is no need to cover up a good work and whet other people's appetite. Doing this kind of thing too much will inevitably make people annoying, or if you change An idea.”

Jiang Yi leaned on the sofa casually, and was polite to the person on the other end of the phone.

"It's a work that is amazing at first, but after listening to it too much and watching it for a long time, it will tend to be dull no matter what."

"It's like eating steamed buns every morning. No matter what steamed buns you order, they all have the same flavor. But one day, you bite into it unexpectedly and taste something different. It's something that surprises you. Isn't it such an unexpected feeling? Was it a surprise?"

His tone is casual, but every word and sentence seems to be full of temptation, just like the songs he released. Just listening to the sound alone can convey the strange artistic conception he wants to bring.

Gradually, Mei Rou on the other side of the phone calmed down, looked at the matter in a less utilitarian manner, and could understand Jiang Yi's intentions.

I accepted this matter in my heart, but there is no shortage of follow-up operations.

It is precisely because of preparation that as soon as the follow-up song came out, it was easy to catch and react to the wave of comments and traffic.

Can you listen to my music in the live broadcast room?This variety show is still being broadcast as scheduled, but the new song performed by Teacher Jiang Yi on this variety show has already become popular on social platforms in various countries.

“It’s the first time I hear this type of song, it feels like a mess, but it has an inexplicable sense of harmony!”

"Surprisingly, I really like this feeling."

"Personally, I feel that this song has a heavy feeling, but the singer always has a strong and a weak sense of breathing when processing this song, so that we will not be too depressed, but the best thing is that there is no strong separation. Boundary! The most important thing is that he actually sings alone! This is an almost impossible and difficult task, okay!"

"Oh my god, this person is actually a man! A male singer can actually sing in such a high pitch! And he can switch between high and low notes easily, and it doesn't sound uncomfortable to listen to. He is simply a genius!"

"When I heard this song, I felt a power awakening for some reason, even though I couldn't quite understand the lyrics."

"This singer is really great. At least in his music, I have heard no less than five ways of creating and singing! Listening to his music, I feel that the form of music is no longer single, but can be colorful. Diverse!"

"Oh my God, what a strong basic skill this is. I can hardly imagine how much effort and time he has put into music!"

People from different time zones, different regional cultures and different countries were all amazed and shocked by the birth of this song at the same time.

Such comments are common on social media in other countries.

There are even many people who flock to this variety show to find out just because they like this song.

Let's see what kind of variety show can actually produce such a great song. Suddenly, a variety show that was already very popular has suddenly become the most popular music variety show on the entire Internet.

"I have never been interested in this kind of variety show before, and I was not impressed when I heard that a series of music celebrities such as Teacher Jiang Yi have joined the show. But after the fate of the bridge is revealed, I have to come and see what magical thing it is."

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, this variety show really has two tricks."

"I came up and down to see what kind of stage Teacher Jiang Yi brought this song to us." "I discovered that Teacher Jiang Yi never pays attention to the size of the stage or the pre-heating preparation when singing. , like a grenade, it hit me in the face!"

"The whole thing is a big move that was caught off guard. What if those young talents in the entertainment industry can't warm up for a month and a half in advance?"

"I like Teacher Jiang Yi's unexpected happiness the most."

"Don't tell me, this variety show really has many highlights. The band before the three instructors sang was also amazing."

Director Wang Tianmu was a little worried because of Teacher Jiang Yi's attitude before, but at this moment he was almost laughing from ear to ear.

At the same time, I was almost moved to tears.

Just like those netizens said!

Such an awesome and great song was actually born on the variety show he prepared!

As the saying goes, a person can ascend to heaven after getting a chicken or a dog. Seeing the popularity of this song rising, its variety show is about to skyrocket, and at the same time, other people in this variety show are also getting attention. How can he not be moved? !
At the same time, I felt even more grateful to Jiang Yi.

To lend a helping hand when no one cared about it before, and even to bridge the gap of fate, to keep such good resources and gimmicks in their variety show, this is simply a great kindness!

I feel that although he usually looks indifferent, he is really helpful in many things. The most important thing is that he is strong!
Jiang Yi no longer paid attention to the follow-up of this song. He even started preparations in front of the stage just because he felt that the time was almost ready. During this period of time, he had accumulated enough fan capital in the entertainment industry.

So until he finished singing this song, except for Mei Rou calling him that day to specifically ask him what he thought, he didn't think much about the song.

After all, he has always believed that just cast the net, and what is supposed to come will naturally catch the bait.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been focusing on planning the stage performances of the national team during the National Day.

Compared to Mei Rou's mythical, exaggerated and troublesome manipulation of public opinion, Jiang Yi always believed that he himself was the helmsman of this ship.

The direction of the ship and when to speed up and exert force are all decided and planned by him, and he has the final say.

A Bridge of Fate is obviously just an appetizer to whet the taste buds of the audience. This National Day performance is obviously the time to show off.

As a result, Teacher Jiang Yi's fans have been enjoying a very prosperous life during this period. There is almost no gap, and various stage shows and variety shows are released in turn.

They can even eat the food fed by Teacher Jiang Yi during the variety show while looking forward to how amazing the National Day stage will be.

At the same time, on the last day of National Day rehearsals, Jiang Yi came out of the practice room and met a familiar person around the corner.

The other party was as gloomy as he remembered, but Jiang Yi didn't have the habit of being hot-faced and cold-hearted. He wasn't even prepared to say hello, and was ready to turn around and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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