Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 422: Is this the level of ascension? !

Chapter 422: Is this the level of ascension? !

As expected from a major, Jiang Yi could hear the singing voice as loud and clear as a textbook, shocking and powerful as soon as he opened his mouth!

Countless people are feeling emotional at this moment.

“The tenor’s tone is a walking hall of grandeur.”

"The National Center for the Performing Arts and the chorus performance of the national team players are simply a feast for the ears!"

"Listening to this song, I feel like countless larks are singing to their heart's content. Everyone sings beautifully. I feel happy both physically and mentally now."

"This open singing makes me feel relieved after being depressed for a few days."

"It feels like every single person in this choir can defeat the entire Chinese music scene individually, but now they are gathered together just to perform a piece for me. Who knows this feeling!"

"Countless strong people are integrating themselves into this song while secretly competing in it."

As if to prove this statement, the last chorus slowly flowed out, and then the whole track came to an end.

"China in the lights has a broad mind~"

"The brightly lit Chinese dream~"

At this moment, countless people can hear Jiang Yi's unique singing voice.

From a soothing and healing sound to a vigorous and vigorous voice of the times, he is a top-notch singer with a strong professional background and is the voice of the times representing light and hope.

Countless people shed tears when they heard this.

The choir in the center of the stage slowly sang the lyrics.

"The lights are rippling with the songs in my heart~"

"The lights are rippling with the songs in my heart~"

After the whole song was sung, only the accompaniment sounds around the stage were still in the final stage.

At this moment, it seems that no one is asking whether this song is copied or just laziness!
The entire National Center for the Performing Arts studio burst into roaring applause!

This applause is for the majestic, loud and powerful singing just now.

It is also a new era of striving for increasing development!

At the same time, countless netizens in the live broadcast room began to become restless.

"Damn it, what this Basei regrets the most is that he didn't recruit a few more people to grab the tickets together!"

“My mobile phone screen is already shocking enough, but I can’t imagine how amazing it will be in person!”

"Although the singing has ended now, I am still equally jealous of everyone who got a ticket."

"Not being able to hear the live version is an indescribable and unforgettable pain in my life!"

"Jiang Yi's singing is really beautiful. Singing just this high note is a height that I can only hope to achieve in my life!"

"I have listened to red songs once before, and most of them were played by schools or organizations. Even if I have seen this song on Douyin before, it was just a temporary surprise, and I have no interest in saving it and listening to it again and again. Jiang Yi gave Hong Ge a kind of The new quality is the beautiful sense of high-end, which makes people immersed in it, moved by the warmth of lyrics and music, and longing for beauty in their hearts.”

"His singing really makes people yearn for beauty!"

"The image is also very strong, and it comes to life spontaneously."

"The most important thing is that it is said that this chorus is under the unified leadership of teacher Jiang Yi."

"Teacher Jiang Yi's voice has always had a soft texture. It is a voice that I miss deeply and can touch the depths of my soul!"

"Jiang Yi's singing is brilliant, and the real and false vocals are perfectly coordinated. The coordination and confirmation of everyone's eyes at the scene is a level I have never reached in my life." "At this moment, after listening to the entire chorus, I suddenly You can understand why they can enter the national team.”

"When I heard you praising Teacher Jiang Yi's singing in this song, I had to bring out his original left hand finger-mooning song! That's what really amazed me!!"

"It's so funny, if you didn't say that I forgot to do these extremely difficult chants in front of the left finger, it would be okay!"

"It's over, just the lyrics, composition and singing skills of this song! This must be praised to death by Yang Shi's father!"

"I feel like this song is even more awesome than Wanjiang!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, this is a rhythm that will be recorded in history!"

"I beg you, Dad Yangshi, come and discuss cooperation. I think the Spring Festival cannot be without this song!"

"The opening sentence really feels like the country is at peace and the people are at peace."

"When listening to this song, I feel like I am about to scratch it out as soon as Jiang Yi opens his mouth. That kind of beauty that cannot be described in words, I am amazed every time, and the whole person is surrounded by this beautiful sound."

In the chorus of teachers, the audience not only saw the flashing neon lights and the lights of thousands of houses, but also saw China in progress, saw the endless flow of water on the overpass, saw the high-speed rail speeding in the wilderness, and saw the bright future of the motherland. .

At the same time, countless Chinese people are shocked by the birth of this song.

After listening to it, I just felt that mountains and rivers spread across the earth, and stars rotate in the sky.

At the same time, another concept crossed my mind.

Jiang Yi has such a unique singing voice!

In conjunction with the previous song "A Bridge of Fate", this is a level of soaring! !
But at the same moment, the choir members on the stage finished their performance, and the curtain in the center of the stage slowly fell.

Although the stage performance ended successfully, netizens' comments and emotions never stopped.

“Although this song is really nice, I still want to know what’s going on with that divine song on Douyin?”

"I don't care, I unconditionally believe in any of Teacher Jiang Yi's music!"

"Mainly because when I first heard this song on Douyin, I thought it was a bit like Mr. Jiang Yi's style, but I didn't think much about it at that time until I heard the chorus on the stage."

"The chorus has to be powerful, the rest of it is just a mess."

"By the way, can current music bloggers pay more attention to the quality of their covers? No matter how well a song is sung, some of the keys are off."

"Very good, Teacher Jiang Yi's chorus version successfully brainwashed me!"

"I smell a strong smell of gossip in this matter!"

"This is a catch-all thing. Did Jiang Yi plagiarize and copy the music blogger's work, or was Jiang Yi plagiarized?"

"It's so funny. Teacher Jiang Yi's name and popularity are so great. Who dares to copy others? Isn't that asking for death?"

"Whoever dares to copy his new song, I think he is awesome!"

"But haven't they already copied it? And the copying was very successful, and the benefits were obvious!"

"The main thing is that the blogger's vocals are not too bad, and the lyrics are really awesome! Netizens are also discerning, so the popularity has been brought up."

"So how do people know about his new song?"

"Perhaps you didn't watch today's chorus? If he released it alone, it would be difficult for others to know about his new song, but the chorus needs to be rehearsed in advance anyway."

"Don't be so sure, okay? It must be someone else who copied Jiang Yi, not Jiang Yi who copied someone else's?!"

(End of this chapter)

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