Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 428 Discrimination across the Internet

Chapter 428 Discrimination across the Internet
It wasn't until this moment that Jiang Yicai discovered that Mei Rou's mentality was simply not good.

It gave him the feeling that he didn't care about this little thing at all. Perhaps it was because of Mei Rou's relaxed mentality that it somehow infected him and he gradually relaxed.

Finally, Mei Rou asked: "I don't care whether others are offended or not. As for your former [-]-year-old colleague, don't be gentle, right?"

Thinking of Mr. Liu's previous reply, Jiang Yi also answered simply and neatly: "No, just make a quick decision."

The previous wave of public opinion was so fierce that anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that someone must be behind it.

But this kind of public opinion will soon be undermined when Mei Rou reacts.

In addition, Jiang Yi has a large fan base, and most of them are loyal fans.

What's more, Mei Rou's move left no room for the opponent at all.

Jiang Yi's information, the identity of the members of the National Day Salute Choir, the national singing team, and the personal account of the so-called Chinese blogger who first published "Lights in the Light" were retrieved from the backend by the trustee and posted online directly.

As well as the so-called original blogger, the date when the song was released and the date when Jiang Yi signed a National Day chorus lead contract with the national team were directly disclosed online.

The important information on the hinge is directly blocked, leaving only the name of the song and the original author, plus the date of the day.

Any rumors that speculate on public opinion are directly disproven and do not even require too much explanation.

The entire Weibo was in an uproar!

"Oh my God, what kind of fun is this!"

"I can't believe that on this day of national celebration, we can actually see such a wonderful play."

"At this moment, I'm like a turtle jumping in the melon field!"

"Hateful, simply too hateful! That blogger simply plagiarized first and then caught the thief later!"

"How many kilograms and taels are there? How dare you copy Teacher Jiang Yi! The most incredible thing happened to me."

"He just copied it. He copied it in such an ugly way and allowed others to sing the song in such an unpleasant way."

"It's obviously such an elegant song, but what's the result? If it weren't for Teacher Jiang Yi turning the tide on the National Center for the Performing Arts stage today, this song would have become a piece of trash!"

"First of all, he didn't claim that this work was his own original work, but he just let it go and acquiesced to let others cover it at any cost. He just didn't like others!"

"He is not just plagiarizing, this is plagiarism! He directly publishes other people's works online first!"

"This kind of person is actually a member of the national team and a former colleague of Teacher Jiang Yi. What on earth does he want to do? Doesn't he just want to destroy Teacher Jiang Yi and his works? This is simply despicable! It's terrible. terrible!"

"Didn't I say that this kind of person doesn't deserve to be in the national team!?"

"Let's not talk about his own character and mentality. First of all, he has no basic professional ethics and directly posted the repertoire rehearsed by the team online. For this alone, he can be directly condemned to death! Completely Isn’t it bound by social ethics?!” “Suddenly a sentence came to mind, a big rat can’t eat my millet! This is simply a big rat raised by my own family, harming the interests of the entire team! Not only did Teacher Jiang Yi get criticized , and even damaged the reputation of the entire national team before coming out to clarify."

As soon as the evidence in Mei Rou's hand was released, almost the entire network was shocked.

This is simply irrefutable evidence!It completely subverted their imagination and cognition.

One by one, their jaws were astonished and they couldn't believe what they saw.

I was surprised and full of indignation at the same time. After all, this kind of plagiarism is the most shameful thing, not to mention that it comes from the national team!
In addition, it seems that this person's original intention was not to plagiarize, but simply to ruin Jiang Yi. The teacher ruined this National Day chorus!
However, at this moment, netizens were more belatedly realizing that they seemed to have been tricked, and their hearts were full of indignation.

"It's so hateful, but I didn't expect that Teacher Jiang Yi was plagiarized. This person is really brave!"

"Wow, actually thinking about it, it's so miserable for Teacher Jiang Yi. The work he worked so hard to create was plagiarized and plagiarized online while he was rehearsing."

"So when this song first became popular on the Internet, why didn't Mr. Jiang Yi send a lawyer's letter in advance? In that case, there wouldn't be so many things!"

"I can't help but laugh. Do the brothers upstairs have no brains? Jiang Yi opened up this matter at that time. To avoid future troubles, it will only bring greater and wider popularity to this matter, but he and the country The team's stage team cooperation has been signed, so we have to deal with this matter while maintaining the popularity of this song, right?"

"To be honest, I didn't understand it. I didn't understand it at all."

"If Teacher Jiang Yi had brought up the matter of plagiarism at that time, although the copyright issue had been maintained, he had also exposed the National Day repertoire."

"What's the difference between exposing yourself and exposing others?"

"Others exposed it. In that case, netizens only knew this song. But if Jiang Yi stood up to defend his rights at that time, netizens would definitely guess that it was a National Day song. How could it be heard by then? Have any expectations, this song is already all over the streets.”

"Although Teacher Jiang Yi's concert will give people a completely different feeling, the effect will definitely be much worse at that time, and it may attract more people to cover it."

"At that time, it was probably too late to rehearse new songs, so it was really a dilemma at that time."

"@: National team, we are just saying, brother, do you care about this camp? If you don't care, I won't be able to stand it anymore!"

"I feel like such a cruel person is not suitable to stay in the team. I wonder if the colleagues who work with him are afraid of him!"

"Actually, I feel that this is no longer a matter of ethics. Isn't this just leaking secrets in advance? How is it any different from a traitor?"

It has begun to gather under the national team, and even Xue Liang's Douyin account, which had just become popular, was directly flooded by angry netizens.

"You are really a pig, you will slap me when you fart!"

"Are you jealous of our teacher Jiang Yi's excellence? You can't stand it. You want to destroy him. You are a scumbag who has the ability to face the enemy head-on with your professional skills? He is doing little things behind his back. What a shitty man!"

(End of this chapter)

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