Chapter 431 Netizen: Cognitive Subversion

After this Weibo was posted, netizens were shocked by the incomparable Versailles remarks.

"Really or not? The place I have been determined to get into all my life turns out to be just a pastime for these useless rich kids, a place to clock in and clock in??"

"The national team is not only a place you want to get into, but also a lifelong pursuit for how many music students?"

"So now I am more curious about what the selection criteria for the national team are?"

"Is it the super high own strength or the extremely strong family background? When will the national team stand up and give us a definite answer."

"I'm laughing so hard. The brother upstairs is still struggling here. Of course it's the latter. What's so important about your own strength?!"

"Didn't you hear this young master from the Beijing circle say that even a person of Jiang Yi's ability has no access to core resources in the national team? After joining the national team for several years, he has never even appeared on a serious stage?" With this sentence, you can roughly understand the current situation of the national team, right?"

"Help, is even Jiang Yi just a sideline in the national team? How can an ordinary person like me be embarrassed?!"

"I can't even imagine that Teacher Jiang Yi has such superb singing skills, but ended up wasting so many years in the national team. How heartbreaking it would be!"

"Before, I always thought that only domestic entertainment was extremely noble, but now I suddenly understand that there is something else that is noble."

"I really don't understand, what are you trying to do? I'm guarding a genius like Jiang Yi and not reusing him, but instead I'm holding on to a fool like that."

"I want to see what will happen to this idiot today."

"Yes, although he is contemptuous of me, I saw that he wrote this Weibo in a not very good state of mind, and it seems that from ancient times to the present, there is generally no such thing as showing off wealth. What a happy ending, right?"

"I really feel sorry for Teacher Jiang Yi. I just thought about how much frustration he has endured in the national team behind his brilliance in the entertainment industry."

"I still can't forget how the national team was so praised on the Internet when Teacher Jiang Yi was so brilliant and brought countless new songs to us. Didn't I expect it to be such a place!"

"I have always thought that the national team belongs to the central government and should be regarded as a very fair and clear place. Before this, I did not even have the slightest doubt about him, but at this moment after reading this Weibo, I feel a little bit torn. Cracked."

"Although reading this Weibo article was very heartbreaking, I actually felt that it was so real and real that I was about to burst into tears."

"Never before has a person been so hostile to the rich as he is now."

"How should I feel when reality is ruthlessly torn to pieces in front of me!"

"So in the eyes of these rich kids, the entertainment industry is just a remote area, so aren't those of us who pursue the entertainment industry a slum? [dumbfounded]"

This meager contribution has a profound impact on both the national team and society.

Nowadays, netizens on the Internet have become excited because of that Weibo, not to mention how Jiang Yi's fans will react after reading this Weibo that subverts their views and cognition.

However, among them, the national team has been hardest hit.

The old leaders of the national team never understood how the National Day chorus could cause such a big mess when it was clearly a good thing.

Especially that Xue Liang!
What nonsense are you saying on the Internet?
Isn’t every word of this smearing the national team? !

Especially nowadays, Jiang Yi's influence is so great.

Before this incident came out, everyone assumed that Jiang Yi was trained by the national team, promoted him to shine, and then sent him to the entertainment industry to benefit the whole people.But now that this incident has come out, everyone will question the fairness and justice of the national team.

There are also fans who are impulsive and prone to making irrational mistakes, which is really a headache to think about.

The most important thing is that what he said in this regard is not completely false. Half truth and half falsehood are mixed together, making it impossible to explain. This is the most irritating part.

Although Xue Liang's Weibo had been withdrawn within 5 minutes.

However, the wave of popularity caused by him, even if the platform has been contacted to intentionally reduce the popularity, has little effect.

The most deadly thing is that Xue Liang seems to be desperate for his life!
They are still using their accounts on various platforms to constantly stimulate netizens, and constantly appear to be raising the value of the national team, but in fact they are completely smearing it.

It’s hard for the old leaders to read those comments!

Now even the old chief has no choice but to tolerate Xue Liang for the sake of the Liang family.

Directly call the Liang family: "What on earth is your Xue Liang doing?!"

"What do you, the Liang family, want to do? Rebellion?!"

"If you don't want to do it anymore, get out of here as soon as possible!"

This angry roar immediately confused Mr. Liang who answered the phone Youzai Youzai.

The juniors in the family are all up to par and have a promising future in their respective positions. Since he retired and returned home, who has not greeted him with a smile?
This suddenness really confused him.

It wasn't until he was sure that the call was from the old chief that he held back his temper and asked cautiously.

"What happened, old leader? My Xue Liang got into trouble?"

As he asked, he squinted his eyes and looked upstairs again.

It shouldn't be. His grandfather was guarding the door all day today, so there was no chance of going out and getting into trouble.

Just when I felt relieved, I heard a sneer from the other side.

"He is not only causing trouble, he is simply trying to break the sky! Do you care about it? If you don't care about it, you may not have a chance to care about it in this life."

After saying a few words, Mr. Xue's call was cut off, leaving Mr. Xue alone in the wind, not knowing what happened.

The last words of the old chief were not alarmist words. Although the Xue family was considered highly respected in the literary and art circles, the change of circles determined that most of the Xue family's children had little real power.

So that's it. Although I usually look at Yaowu and Liu in the circle, in fact, it only takes a matter of minutes to bring him down.

But now that Xue Liang has caused this mess, the national team still has to be responsible for giving an explanation to netizens and the public.

Although he knew what he should do, he didn't know what to do when things got to this point. Facing the excited netizens, he could only pretend to be dead at this moment.

However, on such a special day, the national team's official Weibo account has been overwhelmed by the anger of netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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