Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 440 The person in charge: Heartbroken

Chapter 440 The person in charge: Heartbroken

Even though they have made such changes, netizens on the Internet are still very picky and don't buy it at all.

"Rectify it? Have you rectified it? I don't see the sincerity?"

"Has it really been corrected? I didn't see it at all? [Big eyes]"

"If you make corrections, you need to come up with a little substantial results, otherwise it will be said to be rectified and rectified and rectified a hammer every day?"

"So if I want to be admitted to the national team in the future, should I look at my strength or what my father and grandfather did before?"

"I think more long-term than the netizens above. I wonder if I can be on stage after joining the national team!"

"Can the departments that conduct the review also make it public? Can the video be released during the law enforcement review?"

"This is a hard-earned opportunity. I don't want this to be just a process and the result remains the same, right?"

“When will the national team be truly open, fair and transparent?”

Netizens on the Internet were so picky that it made the head of the national team dizzy.

Normally they would ignore this kind of criticism, but now they have no choice. The national team is on the cusp of the storm, not to mention that this time Yangshi personally issued a rectification document.

The entertainment industry can turn a blind eye to this kind of rectification and follow the rules in disguise.

But the national team is under the direct jurisdiction of Yangshi, and the boss has spoken. The boss has begun to favor the opinions of these netizens. How dare they not listen? !

But these netizens are really too picky, too fussy about myopia, and even want to push their noses in the face. If it were normal, they would stop serving them too early, but there is no way, who made this matter really troublesome? Too big.

There is also Yangshi who is posting messages and suppressing it, so there is no way to let it go.

But according to their suggestions, it is too difficult to follow them one by one. Although it is a public office, how can everything be open and transparent?

Full of anxiety, he turned to Jiang Yi again.

But judging from the experience of going to him last time and getting frustrated, this time the head of the national team still found Captain Ye pitifully.

"Captain Ye, look at how I have been treated by those netizens these past few days." The general manager's beard was tangled and his eyes were black and blue. His whole person looked down and out, and he looked like he had no energy at all.

At first glance, he doesn't look like the person in charge of a national team at all.

He was completely different from his previous radiant appearance.

Captain Ye was startled at first by the way he just came in. When he spoke his first sentence, he raised his eyebrows and knew what he was going to say.

So he stopped asking and just leaned back on the chair to wait for him to continue.

"I'm telling you, those netizens are really going too far, and every one of them only tries to push their limits to the limit."

"What does the state have to do with these internal systems? It's like everyone is going to be admitted to the national team tomorrow!"

The person in charge was getting louder and louder, venting out all the blows he had received on the Internet in the past few days. Captain Ye watched coldly from the side with a smile in his eyes.

But it was entirely from the perspective of those netizens that I looked at these people’s jokes.

She even spoke up to help.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Even if they don't worry about it, you still have to make arrangements for them."

"After all, I got Yang Shi's personal metaphor order." Captain Ye raised his tone as he spoke, and his words were full of ridicule.

Upon hearing this, the person in charge immediately lost his face.

"Don't tease me. I came to you today. I really have something to ask of you." The word begging was used. The smile on Captain Ye's face faded a lot. What did he want to ask her for? The two of them I know it all in my heart.

I had a bad time with the old bosses in the office, so I let go of the harsh words.

There was a commotion with the old leader, and he didn't take the face of the general manager into consideration at all.

It can be said that this person's face is worthless to him. As long as she doesn't want to, let alone begging, he won't agree even if she kneels down.

But now looking at the large-scale rectification of the national team, Ye Tuan seems to have seen the vigor and vitality when he first joined the national team.

She took a deep breath and finally relaxed under the eager gaze of the general manager.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

Hearing that Captain Ye finally relented, the chief's eyes lit up!
said immediately.

"If you look at the national team, they have almost made rectifications during this period. They are completely reviewing and approving the team according to the above, especially the assessment and stage selection."

“The leaders who came and went for review didn’t know how many batches were sent away.”

"Captain Ye, you stay with the national team every day. I believe you should be the one who sees it most clearly and feels the changes the most, right?"

The person in charge spoke sincerely, and his eyes were full of sincerity and expectation.

Captain Ye was almost going crazy from being looked at like this. She rubbed her arms, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

Although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he was still tough on his lips.

"There are three things that a new official should do when he takes office. Who knows how long this fire will last."

When the person in charge heard what he said, he almost fell to the ground without lifting his breath.

He swallowed hard.

"The key is that it's no longer a question of how long the fire can burn!"

"Now all the dirty things from before have been burned away, and those netizens are still chasing after me. Those netizens are now almost burning me out!!"

This intense and exaggerated tone almost made Captain Ye laugh to death. He couldn't help but look at him: "Is what you said a bit too exaggerated? You don't have to lose your face to beg me now, right?"

She was literally laughing her head off in the office.

The person in charge was really driven crazy by those netizens. He waved his hands feebly: "You can say whatever you want, beg you, whatever."

"Can you please ask Teacher Jiang Yi to come over and guide our national team?"

"Then post a Weibo on the Internet to clarify a little bit and help our national team to say good things about our rectification these days."

"At least let those netizens stop chasing after this place!!"

"The key is that now that several batches of review staff have come down, the department has gone through many hoops and there are no problems, but those netizens are not letting go, and Yangshi still refuses to let go."

Hearing this, Commander Ye couldn't help but look serious.

"So what does Yangshi mean now?"

"The general meaning is that if we don't get the approval of the masses, the matter is not finished and we have to continue to make corrections."

The person in charge was completely disheartened when he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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