Chapter 442 Deep doubt

I originally thought that after posting this on Weibo, Jiang Yi would be criticized by some netizens. Jiang Yi had already been mentally prepared in advance, but who knew.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the group of netizens rushed to appear one after another as if they had expected it.

"Hahahaha, I knew that Teacher Jiang Yi must be a kind and righteous person. As long as we make things difficult for the country and the country makes things difficult for us for a long time, he will definitely not get used to it, and then he will come out to help us to speak and beg for mercy."

"Teacher Jiang Yi is really just. He doesn't look at interests but only the facts. He really takes action to rectify things. Even people who have hurt him before don't mind helping him."

"Looking at what Weibo wrote, in the final analysis, he is still thinking about his previous relationship."

"I really cried to death," Weibo wrote: "I see your changes in my eyes, and I hope to meet a better version of you after this. That's also true. How could he not have feelings for the place where he has been for several years?" "

"Who knows, from the time the national team started to reform until now, I have expected that such a day would come."

"Look at the national team, how you treated others before, and how they treat you now! We are just asking whether you have been wronged before or not!"

"Good guys, I saw you attacking the national team before. I just thought they were outrageous and deserved it the most. I didn't expect you all to have this idea!"

"It can make Teacher Jiang Yi look good and make him come out to bubble more. Why not! Hahaha!"

"I finally got to see Jiang Yi and his scheming fans today."

"I can't help but laugh. The Emotional National Team is the biggest culprit. After so much effort, all the interviews with fans like you are completely in vain."

"You can't say that. What does his previous efforts have to do with me? No one has verified or given feedback. At this moment, we choose to believe it just because of Teacher Jiang Yi's credibility with us. It’s just a relatively high degree.”

"Instead of envying others, it is better to think about the psychology of your own fans and the public, and why your credibility will be deducted as negative points."

"Okay, okay, since Teacher Jiang Yi has already started painting, I will reluctantly not pursue this matter."

"The biggest loser today is that I will definitely lose to the national team, hahahaha, it's so tragic."

"This incident tells us that we should not offend domestic entertainment netizens if we offend anyone. The degree of protecting one's shortcomings is no small matter."

"Please ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the national team now."

"It would be better if you teach me a lesson so that you don't do this kind of thing again."

Looking at the eloquent fans under his Weibo, Jiang Yi simply couldn't laugh or cry.

After this incident passed, it was almost time to grab tickets.

During that period, as long as I used the Internet for a day, I could feel the atmosphere being depressing and tense.

Many celebrities even posted articles to ridicule.

"I have never seen such a tight Internet in my life! This is completely different from the Internet I remember."

Below are countless people expressing their resonance.

“Before, I was all my family members when I went online, but now I am my enemies when I go online!”

“Everyone I come into contact with now may be able to grab the tickets that I hold dear to my heart in the future.”

"The smoke is about to break out."

"I can't imagine what a cheerful and happy little girl I will be if I get a ticket tomorrow afternoon."

Even before it started, the atmosphere on the Internet was so exciting. At four o'clock in the afternoon on the [-]th, the entire Internet was like a dark cloud.It's clear that there's still a full half hour, but the atmosphere has already reached a certain critical point, and it only needs the pointer to reach the moment for it to explode.

The first concert in his life, ticket pre-sale is about to begin, and even Jiang Yi himself can't help but go online to observe the current situation.

Soon it was 04:30 pm.

The whole Internet was like a storm, and in less than ten seconds, [-] tickets were sold out.

Those who got the tickets were so happy that they couldn't wait for the announcement to be known to the whole world. Even if they didn't get the tickets, they just felt like they were living in a dream for half a minute. Most of the people felt like they were mourning and couldn't believe it.

"You just clicked in, clicked and got stuck, and then it disappeared??"

"Two thousand tickets, ten seconds, ten seconds at most!! Who is grabbing the tickets!!!"

"With the speed of the lag, I thought for a moment that my phone was broken!"

"The moment I got stuck and my heart stopped, I realized something was wrong! As expected, I really didn't get a ticket."

"At that time, I finally understood that no matter how good the communication equipment is, it is not worth mentioning in front of Teacher Jiang Yi's appeal."

"Who knows, for the first time in our lives, our family really wanted to go to a concert of a person, but this is the result?!"

"I will crawl in darkness, I will twist and destroy the whole world!"

"I can't believe how happy I will be at the beginning of school if I get the tickets, and no one can imagine how tearful and crazy I will be if I don't get them!"

"Help, the only opportunity in front of me was lost like this?! At this moment, I can finally understand the thoughts of those crazy villains in the TV series when I was a kid!"

"I hate, I really hate, who got the tickets? Did someone really get the tickets? I really cried to death!!"

"My heart is as gray as ashes and my body is as dry as ashes. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. I'm going crazy!"

"Hello, now please tell me when the next concert is."

“There’s no way around it without buying scalper tickets, okay?”

"At this moment, I advise the sisters upstairs to give up this idea. Why don't you go to a certain fish market and see how crazy the current prices are!"

"Very good. I've seen it. These are the people who stole my ticket, right?"

"The only thing I hate in this life is scalpers! I don't even have tickets, how can they have them!!"

"It's no wonder that Teacher Jiang Yi is so against scalpers. He cuts off fans' tickets, inflates concert tickets, and defrauds fans of their money."

"But there's nothing we can do about it. If we don't buy scalper tickets, I probably won't be able to see Teacher Jiang Yi this time. This is the only chance I've had in such a long time, and I miss it so much."

"Oh my god, are those scalpers crazy! One hundred thousand tickets for that show?!"

"Take the young master?!!"

"Fuck, this is absolutely crazy. I can understand that the infield is more expensive, but one hundred thousand?! Are the seats made of gold?"

"Damn it, this is too abominable!"

"I only have one question, how can scalpers grab tickets that so many of us can't grab? And has anyone really grabbed tickets on a regular platform?! I really doubt this!"

(End of this chapter)

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