Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 452 The concert turns into a National Day party

Chapter 452 The concert turns into a National Day party
Even though I had already understood the majestic atmosphere of this song and the peacefulness of the country and the people when I watched the National Center for the Performing Arts live broadcast during the National Day, but I was lucky enough to hear it live and I was still amazed.

What's more, this time the singing is a chorus! !

Although they are both choruses, there is a big difference between a chorus that has been professionally trained for several days and the emotion of singing spontaneously from the inside out.

What's more, this is a chorus of ten thousand people.

The shock it brings to people is evident.

Especially in concerts, Teacher Jiang Yi's musical voice is as stable as those heard in major music software, and even the overwhelming Chinese feeling can make people cry.

Some people couldn't help but sigh.

"I will regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't go to the concert to ask questions."

"Teacher Jiang Yi's concerts may be held again in the future, but it is probably difficult to encounter such a good atmosphere of singing red songs."

"Watching them singing together, I can't help but howl along with them even though I'm tone-deaf."

"While watching this live concert, my patriotism reached its peak."

It's really good. This song brings a more shocking and contagious feeling live.

“The feeling this song brings to me is not just a red song that makes people’s blood boil. It not only has the passionate temperament of a red song, but it also has the warm feeling that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the lights are bright. "

"Because most popular songs are very powerful from the beginning. It seems that every word is a climax, but in fact it is just because every word is very powerful."

"But the only thing that can make people remember a red song is the few lines in the middle."

"But Teacher Jiang Yi's song "China in the Lights" is very different. The emotions in this song are progressive."

"From the beginning, the flickering lights in the streets of the city, to the flames of the communities and mountain villages."

"From a moderately prosperous life to returning to Hong Kong, let's just say that Teacher Jiang Yi has the pattern, and he understands this aspect very well at a glance."

"People with a big picture are different. When they write songs, they can incorporate the country's history and current situation."

"There is a warm feeling in the front, and a hot feeling in the back."

"The singing voice in front of Teacher Jiang Yi is really delicate and gentle, and it is easy to feel the hazy meaning of the swaying lights."

"Yes, especially at the beginning, the lights are really swaying, which is extremely touching."

Most people are commenting on this song, and some are very creative. Netizens with great imagination have discovered new highlights from this incident!

"Good guy, let's just say that Teacher Jiang Yi deserves to be the original singer of this song. You can sing it wherever you want. There is no need to shy away from it."

"Yes, yes, yes! It is indeed the original singer of "China in the Lights". It can be performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts, the highest art palace, and it can be celebrated with fans at a music festival to celebrate the National Day. It is really impressive. It’s a real treasure to be in an elegant place and to bend down to entertain people.”

"Let's just say that this song has been to so many places. Why not put it on the Spring Festival Gala? I think it starts with Wanjiang and ends with China in the Lights. They complement each other very well!"

"You fans are really getting more and more daring, but I second my opinion!"

"Hahahaha, don't tell me it's true! To be able to sing a popular song at a concert, Teacher Jiang Yi is definitely No. 1 in the history of the Chinese music scene!"

"I'm laughing to death. My personal concert will be turned into a National Day party. Who else can we do besides Teacher Jiang Yi? We're just talking?!"

"Is there really someone who doesn't like Teacher Jiang Yi?" "I'm telling you firmly, not at all!"

"The answer I give you is that people will continue to fall in love with Teacher Jiang Yi at different stages!"

"And I feel that when Teacher Jiang Yi sings this song, he is really super handsome. That kind of confidence and calmness that are not superficial, but reveal from the inside are really seductive. Who knows!"

"We are just talking about such a high tune. He stood there and sang it easily while walking."

"Anyone who knows how to tune this out can just hang myself!"

"Whenever I stand on top of this song and sing this part before I finish it, I get a 120."

"Don't say it. Don't say it. If people from our class were to sing this, they would have to pour a piece before they finished singing."

The Internet went viral because of this song, and most people were shocked by the atmosphere at the concert.

After all, it is common to hold concerts, but it is not common to sing famous songs at concerts! !

Moreover, the atmosphere is so good, and fans are so accepting and tolerant!It is even rarer in the world! !
Because of the song "China in the Lights" at the concert, the already popular concert attracted even more attention at the moment.

The number of people in the official live broadcast room is close to 3000 million, not to mention the live broadcast rooms of other anchors, big and small.

"Anyone who's not a fan will be shocked."

"At this moment, I finally understand what it means to be a fan following the true master. It doesn't matter if he sings well. What shocked me is that his fans can actually sing bel canto!!"

"It turns out that songs like "China in the Lights" can also be handed over to the microphone and let fans sing along!!"

"I really cried. I want to ask if a fan of Teacher Jiang Yi can learn to sing!"

"Jiang Yi is really a great singer even though I, a layman and a tone-deaf person, can recognize him. This concert refreshed my previous understanding of him."

"Haha, are you holding the microphone too far away for fear of the high pitched sound blowing up the sound?!"

"Hua Xia in the lights, he dared to pass the microphone! He is not afraid, when the time comes, he will faint after singing the whole song, hahaha."

At the concert at the same time, the lights were also swaying.

The atmosphere at the concert was excellent, and it was very easy to infect everyone present, stimulating everyone's emotions and achieving an extremely high degree of unity.

Netizens who were watching on the Internet thought that the chorus just ended here. After all, it was such a high-profile song, and it was already very impressive from the beginning.

Even the fans and audiences at the scene thought so. They didn't expect that Jiang Yi's next words would directly break their defense.

"Singing beautifully, let's do it again!!"

Hearing this sentence, both the fans at the scene and the passers-by and netizens watching online were all shocked.

A high-pitched bel canto was sung in front of him, and the fans at the scene were almost dying. When they heard this, their hearts felt like ten thousand horses galloping past.

But the truth is!

Although they were shocked and speechless, when Jiang Yi's lead vocal came on, almost no one hesitated. His voice was equally neat and contagious.

(End of this chapter)

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