Chapter 455 is really responsive!
Teacher Jiang Yi asked after the lively and noisy atmosphere calmed down a little.

“What song do you want to hear next?”

Every time this question is asked, the atmosphere in the room will be ignited again.

Every fan feels more engaged because of this question.

But after the audience answered this time, they found that it seemed a little different from before.

Because it seems that before this, Teacher Jiang Yi asked all the questions.

"Guess what the next song is?"

This hindsight made the fans in the audience excited again.

The fans in the audience seemed to have reacted. Jiang Yi held the microphone in his hand and chuckled.

"Although it has not been announced, there was indeed a playlist before this, but I just suddenly thought, this is a concert! It seems that what you want to listen to will be more important."

Teacher Jiang Yi's words almost shocked the entire audience! !

Fans screamed one after another!

The netizens, fans and passers-by squatting in various live broadcast rooms were almost dumbfounded by his saucy tricks.

"Holy shit, Teacher Jiang Yi is so awesome, I just cried to death!"

"I really like what he does. Who knows if I have a preference for him?"

"He really gave me the feeling that he was favoring me. I cried to death!"

"Whoa, whoa, what a scheming man! He actually said that what the fans want to hear is more important!"

"There seems to be no concert before where fans and audiences can decide the songs to be sung!"

"What are you doing? He simply makes me crazy and gives me unlimited points!!"

"I originally thought that those extremely pleasant live performances and the atmosphere of unlimited freedom would already make me yearn for it, and I would be very excited. But in the end, they even did this to me. Damn it!"

"The meeting is suspended. Let's go to Dongshan Province now."

However, at this moment, the fans in Changsha screamed in surprise and began to think hard after being in disbelief!
It can be said that listening to every song by Teacher Jiang Yi at the concert is worthwhile. After all, every song is almost regarded as a classic.

But there is still a difference between hearing it in headphones and the live version.

This is to put the right of choice in the hands of the fans themselves, who can choose the songs they most want to hear in person when they come to the concert.

Please, what's the difference between being a fan of such an idol who thinks about his fans and understands what the fans want, and winning the lottery!
At this moment, the fans were almost moved to tears. However, when faced with Teacher Jiang Yi's question, they were not vague at all and spoke quickly.

"Riding on a white horse!!"

There may be other sounds at the scene, but Jiang Yi's voice riding on a white horse is the sharpest and loudest as he stands on the stage.

After listening carefully and making sure that he heard correctly, he asked again.

"You're riding a white horse, right?"

Unsurprisingly, it was unanimously confirmed and recognized.

Teacher Jiang Yi stood on the stage and nodded.

"This song, I feel like I haven't heard it for a long time."

He stood on the stage and sighed, which was unsurprisingly recognized by countless fans.

After observing the fans' emotions, they didn't seem to be disgusted with the song, so he said, "Okay, next time I will ride on a white horse!"

The cheers and enthusiasm of the fans are rising like waves.

There is a response to this kind of thing, and the idol really made the netizens squatting in the live broadcast room a little jealous.

"When will our brother be so considerate? I really cried to death."

"There is no way. Teacher Jiang Yi is too strong and has no capital constraints. For him, as long as he can control the venue, the entire concert is his." "Haha, suddenly it's like that. I understand, my parents said I need to find someone reliable.”

"Some people have too much time to take care of themselves, so how can they accommodate their fans? But looking at domestic entertainment, only Teacher Jiang Yi has this ability."

"I have to say that Teacher Jiang Yi's choice is correct. He is not controlled by capital and is relatively free."

"If you are controlled by capital, no matter how good your singing is, you are just working for others, right?"

At this moment, most fans got what they wanted, and they had no idea how much people on the Internet envied them.

The long-lost prelude sounded in the center of the stage, which brought back memories of the past for many people.

It is said that music seems to be a kind of hearing, but in fact it is a kind of memory transmission.

When people listen to music they have heard before at a specific moment, they unconsciously recall the situation and feelings at that time, and keep replaying it in their minds.

So this is how the netizens at the concert felt at this moment.

"I love whoever I cross, but I never feel wrong~"

Almost as soon as Teacher Jiang Yi's voice sang the first line, the fans were excited!
It's almost as clear and loud as what you hear through headphones, and it also carries a certain emotion, such as hesitation.

This feeling is the most attractive point.

It is precisely because of this that fans are dancing with excitement.

"Teacher Jiang Yi's voice is really catchy! I have never heard such a beautiful singing voice in my life!"

"I really opened my mouth and knelt down, who knows! That kind of sadness, melancholy and hesitation, just one line of lyrics brought me directly into that situation!"

Jiang Yi sang the first line in a breathy, low-pitched voice, and then as soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of the audience without any exaggeration.

"I thought I could hide in my memories just by holding on to the pain~~"

"Paranoid believe in the cursed crystal ball~"

"Reason to block possible heartbeat~"

"But you came closer and forced our eyes to cross~"

"Stay still or move forward~"

From the second time, the voice becomes a little stronger, bringing in a little cry and slowly pushing towards the climax of the song. Every word and every line sung is so eye-catching that it almost makes people reluctant to look away.

"Suddenly care about this minute~"

"The yellow sand in front of me is filled with waiting~"

"A weak call for help comes from my ears~"

"Catch up with what I love and don't keep it~"

Teacher Jiang Yi's live singing still kept the atmosphere layer upon layer, slowly pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

Later, the drama was added, and the feeling of the whole scene was sublimated, and the drama was seamlessly connected.

As soon as the melody was sung, the DNA of everyone in the audience seemed to be filled with energy!

Each and every one of them had a strange and bright light in their eyes, their hearts were excited, their breathing was short, and they were extremely depressed.

When Teacher Jiang Yi first entered the public eye, he entered the hearts of the audience with various fancy but novel and unexpected dramas.

But as time goes by, there are indeed fewer and fewer new songs released during this period that contain drama.

Fans can only go to the playlist to find old tracks if they want to listen.

However, at this concert, I was caught off guard and heard the long-lost drama. Who can understand the feeling in my heart!
"I rode a white horse through three stages~"

(End of this chapter)

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