Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 458 There is nothing he can’t do in the field of music!

Chapter 458 There is nothing he can’t do in the field of music!

"Holy crap, is he making fun of his fans?"

"I'm laughing so hard. I think he means he's not very good at singing and likes to sing along? Why don't you sing this time!"

"Who in the family understands? I'm so excited now!"

"Brothers at the concert, this is so happy. Such communication without distance, how is this different from friends!"

These natural and familiar words seemed to be a friend that others have known for many years. This interaction directly made netizens far away in front of the screen cry with envy.

"Although it's a bit sour, Jiang Yi's words are not easy to accept."

I originally thought that Teacher Jiang Yi's words were a mockery or a problem, or at least a joke.

But after he asked the question, he was not anxious at all in the face of a somewhat chaotic scene, but spoke very considerately.

"Isn't the drama part too difficult?"

What he said was too considerate. The fans at the scene were almost moved to tears, but in fact it was not just the drama part, it was a bit difficult not to sing!
The whole song is a combination of opera and Hokkien.

Not only do I not know the drama, my Hokkien language is also very unfamiliar!
But listen to Hokkien twice and learn it hard. It shouldn’t be difficult. The main thing is the drama. So after Teacher Jiang Yi finished speaking, he was unanimously recognized by the fans and audience!
"Then I will teach you how to sing. I will sing a line and you will sing a line, okay?"

The audience is boiling! !

I didn’t expect this benefit to exist at all!
For a moment, there were screams and screams of excitement! !

Even Teacher Jiang Yi stood on the stage and couldn't help but hold his ears.

As time went on, more netizens gradually gathered in the live broadcast room of the concert, which already had a huge audience.

Seeing Teacher Jiang Yi being so approachable at the concert, I was almost dumbfounded!

"Oh my god, is Teacher Jiang Yi so kind and gentle?"

"Why do I remember that Teacher Jiang Yi was aloof and reserved on stage before?"

"I'm already in tears. Is this called partiality?"

Since he was only teaching the singing part, there was no way to create a separate soundtrack, so Jiang Yi simply didn't bother with all the bells and whistles, and just picked up the microphone and started singing a cappella.


Teacher Jiang Yi stood in the center of the stage, holding the microphone casually and stepping on a box in front of him.

This relaxed and casual posture forms an extremely sharp contrast with the sharp, clear, refined and outstanding dramatic tone in his voice.

Most of the fans at the scene immediately made a big move with their pupils shaking. This time, Teacher Jiang Yi sang a cappella! !
It's such a pure drama, without the blessing of accompaniment, or in other words, chaos.

But it allows the audience in the venue to clearly and intuitively feel the unique charm and charm of the opera.

And that super high technical ability.

"Holy shit, this is a cappella! You can sing so well a cappella!"

"It's over. I think singing a cappella sounds better than adding accompaniment, and it's even more popular with me!"

"This is so awesome. Who can beat Teacher Jiang Yi in singing? Help me."

"But Teacher Jiang Yi seems to be very serious. He seems to be making a very serious decision to teach me!"

At the same time, teacher Jiang Yi taught fans and audiences how to sing live at a concert, which immediately became popular on major social platforms.

The comments section was full of laughter, and this incident even triggered a lot of ridicule.

"Help, Teacher Jiang Yi seems to be very serious."

"Teacher Jiang Yi is so damn competitive!"

"Jiang Yi: My fans can't sing, let alone opera!" "Can't sing opera? Absolutely not. This is my special skill, and I will teach it myself."

"Jiang Yi who dares to be friends with anything and his fans who will be the strongest in his life."

"Teacher Jiang Yi: My fans must be the ones who sing the best and most beautifully."

But netizens all agreed that this incident was very endearing.

At least it’s no longer a one-way trip for fans.

At least I saw the serious reply from the protagonist on the stage.

At the same time, Teacher Jiang Yi sang opera a cappella on stage just to teach his fans, which further confirmed his singing ability.

After all, the live singing style is already very good.

Being able to sing so well is a plus.

The most important thing is to sing a cappella!

"I don't know why, but every time I hear the drama, I feel the urge to cry."

"Me too, I always thought I had tear incontinence."

"Did he really not bring an accompaniment? Why do I feel that the moment the line came out, it had its own atmosphere!"

"I simply feel that the moment the opera is sung, the surrounding atmosphere changes."

"It can be said that Teacher Jiang Yi really has something real. After all, at that time in the past, he probably didn't rely much on accompaniment."

This concert once again demonstrated his strength to the public.

After all, what could be a better test of one's ability than singing a cappella at a concert and personally teaching fans how to sing? !
However, at the scene, Teacher Jiang Yi's a cappella tune was not simply sung to them. After singing, the microphone was directly pointed towards the audience.

"Come on," he said as he made the first move.

Fans also need to be strong throughout their lives.

Although the singing this time was not as neat as the previous two bel canto choruses, it was still louder and clearer.

However, for fans who had always performed very well during the chorus before, Jiang Yi was obviously not satisfied with this effect.

He frowned and thought for a while, but his expression remained calm, so he took the microphone and said something.

"Are you not ready?"

The audience, who originally thought that the party was over, were dumbfounded, and then heard what Teacher Jiang Yi said.

"Then let's do it again."

As he was talking, he sang it again without hesitation. He could listen to his favorite lyrics two or three times over and over again. The fans at the scene were almost moved to tears.

"I don't care, he must just want to sing to us more!"

"Why does he sing so easily? My voice is almost dead, and I can't sing as well as Teacher Jiang Yi."

"So guess why he can make a living from this."

The audience at the scene was all talking, and many people were muttering in their hearts. However, after Teacher Jiang Yi finished singing a section and pointed the microphone at the audience, they still answered quickly.

This time it was more professional. Teacher Jiang Yi even acted as the band conductor, standing on the stage with his fingers flying, helping the audience and fans who were not yet skilled in controlling the rhythm of the song.

In this joyful scene, no one can come here without saying, "Professional! So professional!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi is really, there is nothing he can't do in the field of music!"

(End of this chapter)

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