Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 460: The young man who is a genius

Chapter 460: The young man who is a genius
"For the only time in my life, Jiang Yi always made me realize that with truly beautiful and powerful lyrics, a great singer does not need to use various techniques to modify his singing voice."

"He simply sings with the power in his voice, and the endless meaning in the lyrics comes to mind."

"Why would anyone think his singing is so simple?"

"Let me tell you this, often this seemingly simple thing is actually more difficult than various techniques."

"After all, he sang so simply, one string after another of idioms and modifying adjectives, some descriptions and idioms that I had never come across in my life, but I could actually hear them clearly and feel the meaning contained in the lyrics. mean!"

"This is really rare!"

The simple beginning of the sentence has already aroused countless emotions among the fans at the scene.

But there is almost no nonsense in this song, it is all about the theme.

It quickly progressed to the climax.

"Teenagers have their own madness~"

This lyric expresses the strongest thought in the hearts of netizens.

Teacher Jiang Yi is worthy of being the original singer of this song.

I am afraid that no one in this life will be able to sing the unique momentum in this song.

"I really cried hard! After Teacher Jiang Yi's song became popular for a while, many people started to cover it."

"Those people can only continue to deliberately imitate Teacher Jiang Yi's tone and timbre, but they are never him."

"You all imitate him, but you are not him."

As soon as this song was sung, the whole audience had only one feeling.

How beautiful, my Chinese youth is as old as the sky!
How majestic! I, a young Chinese boy, have no borders with my country!

"The body is like mountains and rivers with a straight spine~"

"Dare to measure the sun and the moon~"

"I am the only young man today~"

The whole audience exploded after singing this verse! !
Superficial teenage madness, deep anger, no knowledge of the world, no knowledge of the world, eager to point fingers, saying he dares to challenge.

A true young maniac, humble, courteous, and pleasant-looking, willing to sit on the bench for ten years, but he must let China regain its glory in the hands of his own generation!
The so-called Dapeng rises on the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles. Just listening to this song, the whole stadium cheered.

There were applause, screams and shouts, and countless people's eyes were shining with excitement.

Although the audience at the scene did not feel such a strong sense of fate and fiery call! !
"Oh shit, I suddenly understand why my high school principal likes this song so much. Just listening to it makes me feel like I want to go to Tsinghua University!"

"The most awesome thing about this song and what attracts me the most is that no matter what state I am in now, after listening to this song, I feel like the world is in my hands."

"You are crazy about me today! So brave and awesome lyrics!!"

"Who knows? When Teacher Jiang Yi sang this song on the stage, I felt that the whole world belonged to him."

"He is the eternal god on this stage!!"

Amidst the exclamations of netizens, the singing that followed was even more amazing, to the point where people didn’t dare to look away.

But apart from the scenery on the stage, what attracts more attention is what makes everyone unexpected.

On the stage where red glow sticks were waving, a flag was suddenly erected on the spot.

Although there was red everywhere, the suddenly raised flag was still extremely conspicuous.

On the big screen in the central control building, in the official live broadcast room.

That red flag was seen in the eyes of countless people and penetrated into the hearts of countless people. At least for a moment, it was shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Most people were dumbfounded and had no idea what was going on.

"It's so meaningful to me!" "Such a magnificent song, coupled with this flag, it is a direct qualitative sublimation."

"My fucking scalp is numb. I didn't go to this concert. It is no exaggeration to say that it will be a lifelong regret for me."

"Don't say that, it will be harder to get tickets in the future."

"What on earth are you doing? A good concert has turned into a famous song scene, right?"

"The most important thing is that the rhythm of the flag waving is actually on point!"

"I was really touched. Teacher Jiang Yi sang two popular songs at a concert."

"I hope that this kind of song that spreads the red spirit and spreads positive energy will be more popular and appear in the eyes of the Chinese people."

"He sang two popular songs at the concert, which I never expected!"

"I originally thought that he sang "China in the Lights" before, but it was just to complement the new song that became a hit during the National Day."

"He was so moved that I cried to death!"

"With this culture and structure, it's not a disgrace to domestic entertainment!"

"How confident he is in our nation, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sing in his concert with such confidence."

"He really spreads this positive red culture all the time."

"The main thing is that the culture he spreads is something I am willing to accept, rather than the sleepy water class in college classes!"

"It's a sharp contrast to those singers who only sing about love, hate and enmity at their concerts!"

"The main pattern has opened up!"

"This kind of song can awaken the hearts of some young people and awaken the patriotic power in the hearts of children. If this kind of song does not become popular, it is simply unreasonable!"

"The main thing is whose fan concert brings a red flag!"

"I was laughing so hard that I cried. As expected, the fans are the real masters, and everyone is up and running!"

"They are all high-spirited young men with extraordinary talents!"

"I have so many worries. He has already become famous because, quite literally, he was my high school wake-up call."

The flag fluttering in the audience and flying at this concert was like an episode, and it was also like a little easter egg in this concert.

A small incident moved countless people at the scene.

And this scene has been recorded by the camera.

The most eye-catching person is the naturally radiant figure of the person on the stage.

The sonorous and powerful rhythm, but the most attractive thing is still the strong sense of pride for one's own nation in the song, as well as the sincerity and love of romantic heart.

Everything is attractive to the audience.

"Dare to ask the world to test your edge~"

“Who can stop us from overcoming thorns and thorns~”

"The world laughs at me, I am self-reliant~"

"Live up to my youth~"

Teacher Jiang Yi's song "Young China" is really powerful and resonant, making people feel proud of the strength of the motherland and a sense of mission to shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation.

The emotions in the song advance layer by layer, are fiery, pure, and sincere, almost scorching the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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