Chapter 462: Responsible to fans

After the whole song was sung, the atmosphere of the whole venue and the emotions of the audience reached an unprecedented unity.

Until Teacher Jiang Yi said the last sentence on the stage.

"Work hard and be a pillar to live up to your youth~"

Perhaps there is one last song, the loneliness and nostalgia of being alone.

The audience in the venue all had red eyes when they heard the last line of the lyrics.

"It's over. When I hear Teacher Jiang Yi's song, I feel like I have an extremely strong mission within me at any time."

"He is my eternal God."

"Listening to this song, I really feel a heroic feeling that the world is so vast that I can travel around it."

After the song was sung, the entire audience relaxed for a while.

While standing on the stage and singing this song, Jiang Yi looked down at the fans in all directions.

The excitement on their faces was not missed.

At the same time, he also looked at the flag raised high in the crowd.

He pointed in that direction: "The young man over there is very nice and well-organized."

He even gestured with his thumb while speaking, and his words were full of affirmation. The central controller also knew his eyes very well, and directly moved the camera.

So netizens on the Internet looked at the flag and waved it all night, and now they finally saw the true face of Mount Lu.

"Damn, this guy is kind of handsome!"

"This feeling is like opening up God's perspective. He is young and shy sitting in the crowd, but hot and sincere. His every move is projected on the big screen, and we can observe it without restraint."

"Finally the true face of Lushan has been revealed. I have been wondering just now who would hold a concert with a red flag without knowing the repertoire!!!"

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, this guy has a boyish vibe about him."

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way. I think the boy in Teacher Jiang Yi's song has his own teenage madness. His body is like mountains and rivers, and his spine is straight. In addition to Teacher Jiang Yi's every move on the stage, it has become concrete at this moment. manifestation.”

"Teacher Jiang Yi is a young man who has been deified and achieved great success while standing on the stage, while behind the stage are thousands of us who are ordinary but have great ambitions."

Audiences on the Internet talked a lot about the young man. After all, he was awkward, but they were completely from God's perspective and were not panicked at all.

At this moment, Teacher Jiang Yi also asked the question that the audience wanted to ask the most.

"I remember that I hadn't had time to announce the playlist before this, right?!"

"How come you brought a flag like that?"

Teacher Jiang Yi stood on the stage holding the microphone in his hand, his attitude was extremely friendly, but there was curiosity in his tone that could not be concealed.

This made him puzzled, if the song list had been announced before.

Many fans and fans may feel that it would be more atmospheric to come in quietly and bring flags in response to the occasion.

But it’s incredible that he’s carrying the flag when he hasn’t announced it yet!
Is it possible that this person carries the flag everywhere with him every day?

For a moment, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the young man holding the flag.

Perhaps because he was suddenly noticed, the young man looked excited and a little shy and young, but his eyes were pure and hot.

On the screen, he was holding the flag next to him tightly with his hands, and his excitement was palpable.

Jiang Yi saw this but was not in a hurry, but waited patiently.

But he didn't expect to wait for a more unexpected answer.

"Wasn't it National Day two days ago? I think I should visit every corner of the motherland!!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone else present looked confused.

"What is this guy talking about? This doesn't seem to be the question Teacher Jiang Yi asked, right?"

"It turned out that I didn't understand, but I also understood his excitement and embarrassment." "Is there any inevitable connection between his traveling to every corner of the motherland and his concert under the national flag?"

“So I’ve been on National Day holiday until now!”

"But this guy is so excited, his brain is not working very well, and he answers questions incorrectly."

The other party only answered this sentence. When everyone was still confused, Jiang Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and he realized what he said!
He was very interested, holding the microphone in his hand, but his eyes seemed to see through people's hearts and asked seriously.

"You mean that before this, you have carried the positive flag and traveled all over the great mountains and rivers of the motherland?"

This possibility was something that the netizens at the scene and the entire audience did not expect, and they were all shocked for a while.

"Whoa! What?!"

"Is this guy so well-organized and ambitious?"

"You're so handsome at such a young age, you really can't tell!"

Even inside the venue, the audience was still skeptical.

The young man nodded wildly.

Netizens at the scene suddenly felt like someone was pressing him to the ground and rubbing him.

Maybe this is the boy narrated in Jiang Yi's song.

They were even more messy in the wind.

"This guy not only has the skills, but also the money and leisure."

"Young Huaxia said that just after singing, I saw such a concrete patriotic young man."

"Wow, it's really meaningful. Carrying a flag and seeing the great mountains and rivers of the motherland by yourself is no more meaningful than checking in with various milk teas!"

"Great, this is on the bucket list."

Although he said he had guessed it before, Jiang Yi still felt shocked when he saw the other party nodding repeatedly.

Standing in the middle of the stage, he seemed to be in a trance.

"Wow, you are so brave."

"Is this how brave people enjoy the world first?"

The hot memes on the Internet were suddenly used by Jiang Yi so naturally, and the whole audience burst into laughter.

Even the boy who was targeted by the central controller laughed.

"Hahaha, you are right, rich people enjoy the world first."

Then Teacher Jiang Yi thought for a while and said: "It must be quite difficult for you to bring such a big flag in."

He mentioned that the fans and audience at the scene realized that the security checks at general concerts are very strict, and it was really awesome to be able to enter under such a flag.

All the barrages in the live broadcast room were blocked by 666.

"I have to say that Teacher Jiang Yi's attention is quite explosive every time."

"If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't have reacted. Every time I go to a concert, I'm not even allowed to bring a bottle of water. Why did I bring such a big flag in?"

"I'm really curious. This guy is also a warrior."

"You must be sweating profusely, the security guards at the scene!"

"You said you'd better confiscate it to this guy when the on-site security guards don't show up."

"I hope not. This is the most sincere love and passion of a young man."

"What's the difference between this and the flowers of idealism suddenly being wiped out by reality!"

The reality is that ever since the red flag started waving, and Jiang Yi was even noticed by countless viewers, the security team has become uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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