Chapter 466 Who is this song written for?

However, standing on the stage, Teacher Jiang Yi, who had just heard this question, still didn't understand it at all.


He asked a question, and then repeated Xue Qianqian's question.

"What is this legend about?"

However, at this moment, Xue Qianqian, who was standing under the stage, was almost dancing with excitement.

It can be seen that he is also holding himself firmly.

"Meaning, who is this song for?"

If this question was relatively implicit before, now it is extremely direct.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience burst into cheers.

Some people have already begun to cover their mouths in excitement, afraid of hearing the answer they want to hear.

This song is either a confession to fans or a description to a loved one.

No matter which answer you hear, it’s enough to make your heart beat fast!

At the same time, this concert in Dongshan touched the heartstrings of countless fans and netizens across the country.

If Jiang Yi didn't understand what excited these fans and netizens before this.

So now he finally understands.

Now that he understands what these fans are excited about, he is not in a hurry to answer this question.

Instead, he chuckled and picked up the phone.

"I'd rather believe that we had an appointment in a previous life."

“Will the love story of this life never change again?”

Jiang Yi whispered something, which fascinated the fans and made them study the lyrics deeply. Unsurprisingly, there was another wave of screams.

The barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, this is simply a crime!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, what's the difference between this and reading love words directly into my ear!!"

"You really can't be too good at it!"

"For the first time, I intuitively realized how big the difference is between singing and reading lyrics!"

"When I listen to the song, I am intoxicated by the emotion in the lyrics. When I listen to him reading the lyrics, I am completely addicted to his love words [tears burst into my face]"

"I have always thought that Teacher Jiang Yi is the kind of veteran cadre who is full of talent and learning. This is the first time I have intuitively realized that Teacher Jiang Yi is so good!"

Fans and netizens are excited because of Teacher Jiang Yi’s sudden little thought.

However, Jiang Yi on the stage seemed unaware.

Now he is answering Xue Qianqian's previous question very seriously.

"Actually, I probably know what kind of answer you want to hear."

When these words came out, the audience in the concert laughed again.

Even Xue Qianqian, who took the lead in making noise, couldn't hold back.

"It's just that I want to eat melons and listen to gossip, or I want to hear some solemn confessions and promises."

"is it?"

Teacher Jiang Yi stood on the stage, and the large screen in the central control pointed the camera at his face with a cold and pure gaze.

Fans were a little embarrassed to be exposed so mercilessly.

There were even scattered sounds of coughing in the venue.

"Help, Teacher Jiang Yi is really straightforward. He doesn't leave us any illusions about what we shouldn't have." "I heard him read the lyrics in the first sentence before, and I thought there was something really wrong. The melons can be eaten, but they probably won’t be able to do so in this situation.”

"It's completely different. When I listened to Teacher Jiang Yi read the lyrics, I thought it was over. In my lifetime, I can actually hear Teacher Jiang Yi confessing to his fans live."

Being exposed by Teacher Jiang Yi so bluntly, the pink bubbles in the hearts of many female fans were shattered.

But it was also easier to listen to what Teacher Jiang Yi said next.

"It would not be accurate if this song was simply written for a certain person or a certain group of people."

"I wonder if any of you have read the short stories of Strong Ann Litzweig."

"A letter from a strange woman."

“That’s where the creation of the legend comes from.”

Jiang Yi honestly said this. The audience in the live broadcast room still didn't understand anything, but they were more shocked that he would actually read foreign love novels!
"Although I have always known that Teacher Jiang Yi may be a knowledgeable and talented person, I did not expect that his interests would be so extensive."

"The men around me rarely read romance novels."

"If Teacher Jiang Yi hadn't said it, no matter how hard I tried, I probably wouldn't have been able to figure out that this song actually came from a work."

"Can anyone who has read this book explain it?"

"It seems that Teacher Jiang Yi is also an emotional person. At least he not only read the novel but also felt sorry for it. He even wrote a song to praise the emotions in the novel."

"Okay, I, a person who doesn't like to read, have already put this book on my bucket list."

"After the concert, I will go and take a look at what kind of book it is. It will impress our teacher Jiang Yi like this."

"I don't know if Teacher Jiang Yi was moved when reading this book, but at least I was very moved when listening to this song."

"The singing can move the audience deeply, which shows that the creator put a lot of effort and emotion into writing the song and even arranging it."

The audience can carefully listen to Teacher Jiang Yi's approach to the source of inspiration for this piece of work.

Originally, the painting style was already very serious and dignified, but suddenly Teacher Jiang Yi himself changed the subject.

"This song was actually composed a long time ago."

“I haven’t released it yet because I feel like I haven’t found the right time.”

"The reason why I sang it so naturally today is entirely because."

When Teacher Jiang Yi said this, he paused deliberately and looked around. As expected, he saw a pair of expectant eyes.

"I think today's situation is quite suitable for singing this song."

Although the expression was very reserved, the audience still heard the highlights from this answer!

The cheers and screams of people covering their mouths came one after another!
Jiang Yi seemed happy to see this scene.

Seeing the fans excited, he seemed not satisfied and continued to add.

"I'd rather believe that we had an appointment in a previous life."

The voice was gentle and solemn, and extremely sincere.

This sentence almost confirmed what fans had been thinking about before!

The high-pitched shouts and exclamations that belonged exclusively to the female fans almost broke through the entire stadium.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also started to roll.

"Sooner or later, one day I will be in the hands of Teacher Jiang Yi, singing so beautifully and speaking eloquently. I will cry to death!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi knows what we fans want to hear!"

"It's over. Just what he said just now, I can listen to it on loop all night."

"I really regret not going this time. I cried into tears under the quilt!"

"Before this, my alarm clock every morning was the latest song released by Teacher Jiang Yi, but now the alarm clock is available!"

(End of this chapter)

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