Chapter 477 Unbearable!

Something that he hadn't noticed before was suddenly brought up so unexpectedly. Jiang Yi was a little silent for a moment.

But Jiang Yi didn't seem to be particularly concerned about this issue.

"I really didn't expect this, but if you want to solve it, it won't be difficult, right?"

Mei Rou on the other side of the phone was noncommittal.

"This point is that if you have already thought about it and are angry with Xue Qianqian, you can let him leave a little suspense in advance during the concert preview."

"Coupled with the fact that Xue Qianqian came on stage rashly during your own concert, the acumen of those netizens can definitely make a guess."

"As long as it's not so sudden and the advance notice gives you psychological preparation, it'll be fine."

As expected, the solution seemed equally simple, and Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not difficult at all. Just prepare well before the concert starts."

Regarding the needs of fans, Jiang Yi also thought that he had a very good solution, so he did not reply to the request on Weibo for a national tour.

Several days after the concert ended, fans did not wait for the notice of the next concert, which made them feel a little frustrated.

"I thought Teacher Jiang Yi was so efficient when he was preparing for the first concert, and he would be so efficient in the next few concerts that it would blossom everywhere."

"My thoughts are the same. After the last concert, I started waiting for some subsequent shows, but so far I haven't even made a hair."

"Teacher Jiang Yi didn't release the news in advance, so there must be no news. Otherwise, how could the fans be disappointed?"

"That may be because Teacher Jiang Yi told me at the end that parting was for a better encounter. This sentence gave me expectations that I shouldn't have, so I really kept naively thinking about the next performance. It will be soon."

"Since the last concert ended, only the next concert can hang my life."

"The second concert was about love and warmth. It was my only hope. But now there is no news from the bird. How can I live?"

"I think chasing stars is really painful, the kind that can't be satisfied no matter what."

"Yes, yes, I didn't feel that way when I saw my little niece chasing stars. Now I feel like she is not satisfied no matter how many activities she does."

"Who knows? The past few days since I came back from Teacher Jiang Yi's concert have been like a dream. I feel like I have been in a trance these past few days."

"It's so difficult. Before the concert, I was looking forward to Teacher Jiang Yi's active participation in various activities every day. Now after the concert, all I think about is when will the next concert be."

"Hahahaha, I feel relieved when I see all of you are so distracted. It turns out I'm not the only one like this."

"This only proves that Teacher Jiang Yi's concert was indeed a success."

This group of fans and netizens who were just waiting for the next concert to renew their lives did not get the results they wanted in the end, so they were a little depressed for a while.

Fans were more or less dissatisfied with this, and soon this dissatisfaction was captured and even exploited by interested people.

Soon, it started appearing on Weibo.

#江伊draws big cakes for fans##
This type of speech.

Mei Rou was a little speechless when she saw such topics and remarks, and couldn't hold back her headache and covered her head. But in fact, from the perspective of a fan, this is indeed the case.

But the most powerless thing about this matter is that they were slandered and slandered, but they were unable to refute it in a short period of time.Later, when I clicked on the hot search term, I found that what happened this time was not as menacing as the previous times. It was full of overwhelming slander.

Much calmer than before.

The sparse comments were all due to fans over-interpreting Jiang Yi's words at the end of the concert.

Mei Rou slid her finger up and down the screen, almost speechless by the fans who were holding on to her, but each and every one of them was so aggrieved that people didn't know what to say.

What Jiang Yi said at the end of the concert wouldn't be obvious to anyone with a discerning eye. Could it be that he was simply trying to appease the fans?

It doesn't matter if it's an expectation, but it's boring if you cling to it.

The most outrageous thing is that whenever fans come to this post to help Teacher Jiang Yi and try to understand the other person, they are always led astray by these stubborn and ineffective fans.

"If Mr. Jiang Yi wants to do something, why don't he plan his itinerary months in advance? This concert is originally a fan benefit, is it possible that he has to cancel it for fans like you? Are there other activities specifically designed to satisfy your group of greedy and dissatisfied fans?"

"Some people really shouldn't be too selfish and egotistical, okay?"

"I can't imagine how someone in this world could be so dissatisfied. Help!"

"Although I have been looking forward to the next one after the last concert, but I have always been considerate of Teacher Jiang Yi."

"To put it bluntly, you are just a bunch of selfish guys who are self-serving. You just don't know how to be satisfied."

But as soon as such a slightly common comment appears, it will be sprayed at an extremely fast speed under this hot search.

The reason for being sprayed is.

"Then I haven't seen any new programs coming out in such a long time."

Looking at Mei Rou's extremely paranoid attitude, she finally had nothing to say and forwarded it directly to Jiang Yi.

"Look at your beloved fans."

Jiang Yi was surprised when he saw this somewhat strange WeChat message. After all, in his impression, Mei Rou could be considered emotionally stable most of the time.

Not to mention such a sinister tone, which is even rarer.

I was somewhat interested in it for a while, but when I clicked it and took a look, I couldn’t even laugh or cry.

"Just this little thing?"

"Nowadays, these fans are simply becoming more and more unreasonable."

Even just by reading the text, you can imagine that the person on the other side of the screen is somewhat angry, but Jiang Yi can't quite feel the anger and can only comfort him with a smile.

"Perhaps people can always do some incredible things when they are dissatisfied."

"When Xue Qianqian's national tour starts, he will naturally be cleared. There is no need to be so anxious to get angry."

Although he was comforting the other party, Mei Rou was obviously not relieved.

"What I'm more worried about right now is that so many things can happen now without even mentioning anything. When the time comes and you just drop Xue Qianqian into a concert in a vacuum, with the picky character of these fans, won't it be possible to create more dissatisfaction?" of."

(End of this chapter)

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