Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 480 The closest moment to the truth!

Chapter 480 The closest moment to the truth!
"If I had known this day would come, Teacher Xue Qianqian should have been caught when he was jumping around in the live broadcast room!"

"I can't stand it anymore. What on earth were we doing before!?"

"Anyway, as a fan of Mr. Jiang Yi at that time, I was filled with 1 envy and jealousy."

"Ahem, don't mention it, let's just go and say something sarcastic under the post of Teacher Jiang Yi thanking Weibo at the end of the concert."

"?? You fans are so brave now. This suddenly reminds me of some unfriendly comments I saw yesterday."

"Haha, actually I always thought that yesterday's trending search was just a black fan causing trouble. I didn't expect that it turned out that someone of my own was actually causing trouble."

"This is simply too scary for Wei fans. How dare you do this?"

"There are really people who are so dissatisfied?!"

"It's so funny. People really don't cherish it after they get it. Before, fans were afraid that Teacher Jiang Yi would see the dangers of the entertainment industry. But now that it's over, our fans have directly performed something for Teacher Jiang Yi." It’s called the danger in the world.”

Mr. Jiang Yi's old fans realized something belatedly, and then each one of them maxed out their sarcastic skills.

"Don't wait, Xue Qianqian has already said how the mysterious guest could be revealed in advance and it's not Dashachun."

"Actually, to put it another way, Teacher Jiang Yi, after the concert, I saw your expectations, but maybe I couldn't meet them for various reasons, so I actively tried to think of a way, but when I looked back, I saw fans stabbing him in the back. What's the psychology of it? What kind of thoughts?"

“My silence is deafening.”

"You guys are really mean!!!"

"When the old fox Xue Qianqian opens his mouth, it's better to make a bold guess on his own."

"Hahahahahaha, stop guessing, just boldly predict that it will definitely be Teacher Jiang Yi this time."

"It's better not to predict. In other words, Teacher Xue Qianqian has more than just Teacher Jiang Yi in the circle, so there's nothing wrong with inviting others."

"Yes, yes, yes, I agree that fans should be more sensible and look at this matter, so as not to have their expectations infinitely raised at the wrong time. They happily bought the concert tickets, took time off, spent money to spend time, and ended up in vain."

"When I was saved, I said that Teacher Jiang Yi was letting us off the hook."

"It's so funny. When the time comes, Teacher Jiang Yi will be a disaster."

"Don't expect anything without definite news, and don't blame others if it fails."

"Although I say that, I should bravely rush forward whenever possible, so as not to see Teacher Jiang Yi in the live broadcast room of Teacher Xue Qianqian's concert, which would be really regretful."

"Upstairs really speaks to what most fans are thinking."

"It's really hard not to be anxious."

If we say that before Mei Rou took action to find someone to guide the trend, all the fans of Teacher Jiang Yi on the Internet were in a state of extremely pure and hopeless love.

So now, after this gorgeous spot was "discovered", all that's left is tangles.

It was really confusing. I was afraid that going there would not be what I wanted, but I was also afraid that I would miss it if I didn’t go.

But what does this have to do with Meirou?

She knew the answer and deliberately guided the trend, which made Jiang Yi's fans notice this.

She has already made it this far. As for making such a choice, she definitely does not have the right.

I originally thought that everything was ready, but now I was waiting for the public opinion to change after Jiang Yi landed at Xue Qianqian's concert. I didn't expect that this matter would have a follow-up! ?
The only victim of the airborne guest incident came when Xue Qianqian's fans commented on Xue Qianqian's Weibo with bitter looks on their faces.

"Xue Qianqian, are you sincerely planning a nationwide tour!?"

"Before this, the competition for tickets for the national tour was a little less stressful. I just had to compete with fans, passers-by and scalpers who love to liven up their lives to get tickets, but now!!!" "Now you can do it for me." Mysterious guests parachuted into the concert to come to the concert! This has not only increased the competition pressure from Teacher Jiang Yi’s fans, but also the number of passers-by who are willing to join in the fun has doubled!!”

"Xue Qianqian, you old boy, have you ever considered the life and death of the fans in the area where we held our first concert?"

"There were usually a lot of people grabbing tickets for the previous concerts, and now you're doing this for me!"

"Especially when a local who just saw a concert location posted on Weibo and said that he is not a fan of anyone, but since it is so lively, he should go and see who the guest is! Non-locals have now broken their guard. ”

Xue Qianqian was still watching the chaos at Jiang Yi's side two days ago. He never expected that this fire would burn to him so quickly.

I looked at the private messages popping up one by one in Weibo.

Those are really all heartbreaking accusations from my own fans.

Although I don't know how true or false it is, at least it makes Xue Qianqian somewhat unbearable to look at it.

But regarding this matter, if he was going to offer words of comfort, there would definitely be no way around the topic of who the airborne guest was.

It's obvious this is a trap.

How could someone as smart as Xue Qianqian not see it?What's more, at this point, no matter how much fans protest and resist, nothing will change.

As for the first concert, fans said it was unfair.

Xue Qianqian replied to a comment with bad intentions.

"Don't worry, there will never be any unfairness here."

"There must be airborne guests at every concert."

As we all know, the best way to deal with public opinion is to throw a new topic at the center of the topic. Xue Qianqian obviously knows this well.

And it was done extremely smoothly.

As expected, his reply was no different from stirring up a thousand waves.

His fans immediately went crazy.

"Fuck, is there such a good thing?"

"Suddenly you have changed your views on this old boy Xue Qianqian. Isn't this just actively helping us fight for welfare?"

"For the price of a concert, you can randomly meet a star you never thought of."

"We are just saying that this business is not a loss."

"If every concert had airborne guests, then I would reluctantly accept this explanation."

"So the airborne guest in every show will be Teacher Jiang Yi?"

As soon as this statement came out, the originally prosperous and extremely active comment area fell into collective silence.

After waiting a few seconds, netizens started to react again.

"Damn, the guy upstairs is a genius."

"What should I do? What should I do? Happiness comes so suddenly that I can't believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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