Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 489 Fans: Begging for food everywhere

Chapter 489 Fans: Begging for food everywhere
Netizens half-joked and half-remarked that the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

One by one, even though I say so, who doesn’t want Teacher Jiang Yi to continue to stay on the stage?

Saying it in advance not only prepares oneself mentally, but also reminds other viewers not to lose their sense of proportion and to prioritize things clearly to avoid making everyone look bad when the time comes.

But it turns out that fans were completely overthinking this time.

Teacher Xue angrily turned his attention to Jiang Yi, who was watching the show next to him because he didn't hear what he wanted to hear from the fans and audience.

"I can't stand it anymore. Teacher Jiang Yi's light is too strong. It's so strong that it burns my eyes."

As he spoke, he covered his eyes in an extremely exaggerated manner. His sharp, sad and uncomfortable voice coupled with a look that he couldn't bear to watch anymore made the audience laugh.

Compared to Teacher Xue Qianqian's exaggerated behavior, Jiang Yi seemed much calmer and more natural when picking up his jokes.

I saw him picking up the microphone calmly, looking straight at the front of the stage, and his voice was clear and powerful: "Then there is no other way. The person you invited has a strong light, but I have to bear it."

These words made the entire audience unable to hold back and burst into laughter again.

This sentence also reveals a certain amount of information.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, is it really Teacher Xue Qianqian who specially invited you here?"

"I always thought it was to sell Teacher Xue the favor of singing on his stage before."

"It's so funny. Teacher Jiang Yi is so immaculate, like a person in the clouds. Does he seem to pay attention to things like returning favors?"

"Besides, if I remember correctly, Mr. Xue Qianqian's singing at Jiang Yi's concert was an impromptu decision, right?"

"I'm laughing so hard. Teacher Xue Qianqian didn't thank Jiang Yi, just took advantage of him and gave him such a good opportunity. He still thinks about these fancy things all day long."

"I had a feeling before that Lao Xue was going to hold a concert, and he would definitely invite Teacher Jiang Yi to be the mysterious guest, and it turned out to be true!"

"I feel that the cooperation between the two people is a win-win situation, and no one owes anything to the other."

"But it is obvious that Teacher Jiang Yi is the one with more strength and voice, but Lao Xuehui needs to take advantage of the situation."

Because Jiang Yi's casual words confirmed what he had said before, and the speculation also attracted speculation from many netizens.

But all of this was just speculation based on the question itself. Suddenly, at a certain moment, someone had a flash of inspiration and his eyes were filled with excitement.

"Fuck, does Teacher Jiang Yi mean that there will be a lot of songs sung on the stage tonight??"

"Even if I don't sing the entire concert after that, at least I won't be ready to quit after singing this song!"

"Damn it, if you didn't say this, I really wouldn't have reacted."

"If you want to leave after singing this song, you can reply, stop scolding, and leave right away, instead of saying you are unhappy and have to endure it."

"This sentence means that I will stay here forever! It also means that I can endure my discomfort!"

"Good guys, you fans can detoxify, and I suddenly feel that the possibility is very high!"

After being treated like this, these fans reacted immediately.

The crowd cheered and screamed even louder.

Xue Qianqian was stunned for a moment.

The key is that the cheers of this group of fans come one after another, and they are caught off guard every time, and they have no idea what is going on in their minds.

Therefore, in the center of the stage control camera, facing Xue Qianqian's face that was a little confused and a little bit incredulous.

"What are you cheering for??" Xue Qianqian frowned and spread his hands with his head full of confusion.

Compared with his begging gesture, netizens saw more of the teacher Jiang Yi next to him, holding a microphone in his hand, smiling and saying nothing, but already looking at the overall situation.The contrast between the two sides is too stark and drastic.

But the different reactions of the two lead singers at the same time further verified the speculations of netizens.

I didn't think so, and the next moment I heard Xue Qianqian say.

"Okay, without further ado, let's listen to the next song."

As long as our teacher Xue is on stage, his tone, expression, and emotion are all extremely powerful. I only hear him shout out the title of the song after a heavy pause.

"A song written for no one!!"

The sound was shocking and impactful, but it aroused responses and cheers from the audience.

At the same time, the barrages in the live broadcast room were also flowing wildly, and almost everyone found it unbelievable.

"What, what, what?? Teacher Jiang Yi is still on the stage. This is Teacher Jiang Yi's new song. Help!!"

"Coming out two new songs in one concert, what kind of strength does this show? I won't say more!!"

"As a fan of Teacher Jiang Yi, I'm really upset now."

"What's going on? The last time you performed at your own concert, Teacher Jiang Yi, you just improvised a legendary song."

"It was a wrong payment after all."

"As a fan of Teacher Jiang Yi, I really hate myself now for why I didn't grab Teacher Xue's concert tickets out of luck!"

"I thought he wouldn't go [tears]"

"Holy crap, if this continues, I feel like the ticket prices for Mr. Xue's concerts won't rise with the tide in the future, right?"

"As a fan of Lao Xue, I am really trembling now."

"I am under a lot of pressure because I have to win the next concert."

"Two fans are competing for tickets to a concert, what kind of concept is this!"

"I admit that although the chorus between the two teachers is really wonderful, isn't it a bit rude to do it like this?"

"It benefits the fans and it also harms the fans."

"Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, at least for those fans who have already grabbed tickets."

"Lao Xue, I am bound to get the tickets for the next concert. You'd better invite Teacher Jiang Yi over for me."

"I'm laughing so hard. Teacher Jiang Yi can't be a mysterious guest at other people's concerts every day. The brothers upstairs should just sit down for one."

"But the title of Teacher Jiang Yi's song is also interesting."

"Why does it have to be Teacher Jiang Yi who wrote the song? Can't it be our old Xue?"

"After all, our old Xue is also an original talent, right? Hahaha."

"Everyone has habitual thinking, so don't worry too much. As for whose song it is, you don't need to have a signature. You just need to wait and hear it after it is performed."

The fans in the live broadcast room were a little excited, but fortunately they could still suppress it.

All of them are relatively stable emotionally and think clearly.

He even has a clear understanding of his idol's style and abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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