Chapter 502
When Jiang Yi felt that the person in charge Tian on the other side of the phone was hesitant and did not speak, he vaguely had an answer in his mind. After all, this was completely opposite to the other person's attitude of agreeing immediately after receiving his reply.

There must be a monster when something goes wrong, let alone such a big change, but while he understood it in his heart, he was also a little surprised.

The sudden change in the other party's attitude must have been some kind of obstruction or interference during the implementation of the plan.

Although there was no concrete evidence, Jiang Yi still had a vague premonition in his heart.

The person behind the scenes who is causing trouble is definitely not the person causing trouble on the Internet.

For no reason he felt too familiar.

Now that he had seen everything clearly, Jiang Yi chose to speak very considerately in the face of Director Tian's silence.

"Director Tian, ​​if you have anything to say, just tell me. We haven't known each other for a day or two. Is there anything else we shouldn't say?"

When he opened his mouth, he made a very familiar joke, which was equivalent to giving Manager Tian a step up from going back on his word. While the other party breathed a sigh of relief, he was also extremely grateful to Jiang Yi for his understanding.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to speak.

There will be steps now, and he said hurriedly: "Teacher Jiang Yi, I'm really embarrassed."

"Because when we invited you to sing the theme song before, you didn't respond positively."

"I was afraid that this matter would be delayed, so I made an announcement about the audition afterwards..."

Even after being handed down the steps by Jiang Yi, Director Tian was still a little embarrassed when he said this.

Jiang Yi, on the other hand, was listening carefully on the phone. Perhaps because he had guessed it beforehand, he was not surprised, but did not give any reaction.

The other party seemed to have noticed Jiang Yi's coldness, and immediately explained hurriedly: "But don't worry, no matter what, you will always be my first choice!"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Yi immediately laughed.

What's going on here?

Show loyalty?No need to!
Before Jiang Yi could refuse, he heard Director Tian continue to say sheepishly: "But this time you may need to come and participate in an audition."

The more this sentence is said, the more responsible Tian becomes guilty. After all, with his current status, no matter what program he is participating in, who is not supporting him, how can there be any talk of participating in auditions?

It wouldn't matter if he just participated in the audition. The key was that he had promised to let others come directly to record, but now that he had done this, he felt regretful.

If I had known that it would lead to such a dilemma, I would not have agreed to it with Teacher Jiang Yi, otherwise I would not have ended up with people on both sides.

But at this moment, Director Tian has no choice but to regret it no matter how much he regrets it. Now that the matter has come to this, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

"But you believe in me, and you also have to believe in your own abilities. For auditions, just go through the motions."

Jiang Yi could hear Director Tian's voice full of anxiety on the other end of the phone. It seemed that there was no way out now that the matter was at this point.

It is impossible for him to go along with other people's wishes and take advantage of the other party just because he finds it troublesome. Moreover, doing so would be tantamount to letting go of the pigeons of the person in charge of the field.

But he was a little unhappy at the moment. Since he felt uncomfortable, he still had to express his temper. Otherwise, the orders would always be changed day by day, and he would always be asked to cooperate and compromise. Why?

So he suddenly changed his subject.

"Since it's just a formality and the final result is mine, is this audition necessary?"

As soon as these words came out, Director Tian on the opposite side was immediately stopped, and he was a little confused for a moment.Is this the same teacher Jiang Yi who was easy to talk to before and took the initiative to hand him the ladder when the call was connected just now?
Why did his attitude suddenly become so... sharp?

As a result, before he could say anything, Jiang Yi followed closely.

"Although it is not good to let others do it temporarily, it is not good to be walked around."

"But in my opinion, stop loss is actually more important, isn't it?"

"You obviously already know the result, so why go through this fruitless thing?"

"Is this kind of desperate struggle really necessary? It's just a waste of time and resources on both sides."

This sentence really speaks to the heart of Director Tian. At this moment, the emotions and thoughts of Director Tian and Teacher Jiang Yi are in a high degree of resonance!
Yes, if you already know that there is no result, the most important thing is to stop the loss in time!
Why waste time and energy doing meaningless things.

At first, he felt that it was not necessary, so he informed of the cancellation. He did not expect that this guy Shen Jiheng would be so insistent on such an opportunity.

But now that the words have been spoken, it’s no longer easy to waver.

So, I could only let out a long sigh: "Although formalism is not advisable, you know that sometimes form is greater than substance."

"No matter what, I informed them to come for the audition first. No matter what the result is, we finally have a chance for a fair and just comparison."

Director Tian said this with an extremely sincere attitude, and then waited carefully and anxiously for the other party's response.

Faced with this kind of thing that requires him to devote more time and energy, Jiang Yi really can't give a good attitude or response.

What's more, when this topic came to this point, there was nothing more to talk about. After the other party informed the date and time, Jiang Yi hung up the phone directly with great coldness, leaving Director Tian alone to wait with great anxiety.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yi only had one sentence in his mind.

Not self-sufficient.

Could it be that Shen Shengheng thought that he could get to where he is today just because everything happened at the right time?

If the other party wants to prove that PK has a fair and impartial written examination opportunity, then he will give it to him.

as he wished.

As for the final result, whether the other party can get what he wants, it depends on his own ability and strength.

When CCTV re-announced the event invitation, Shen Jiheng's heart finally returned to his stomach.

In this matter, the most comfortable thing is Shen Shenheng.

It was a total victory.

This is not only a chance to audition again, but also a symbol of success.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Shen Heheng is very satisfied.

Although he was satisfied with his ambition, he did not let down his guard. After all, the premonition in his heart was still weighing heavily on his heart.

Thinking of this, Shen Heng was filled with energy and prepared for the audition that day even more carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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