Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 567 Promotional video released! Shocked everyone!

Chapter 567 Promotional video released! Shocked everyone!

In the next few days, Jiang Yi went to shoot promotional videos as usual.

After Miaomiao gradually adapted to the environment, she became well-behaved and obedient, and the filming progress was greatly accelerated.

Finally, on this cold day, the promotional video was finally completed.

But when Jiang Yi turned around to read the last paragraph, he still felt that it was not enough.

This promotional video lasts for 5 minutes, the first 4 minutes are plot, and the last minute is anti-trafficking knowledge promotion.

Jiang Yi looked at it and thought for a few minutes, then turned to look at the police chief next to him.

"Director, I think this last paragraph might be better."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, both the director and Zhang Yimou looked over.

"How can it be better?" The director was obviously a little curious about Jiang Yi's words.

But Jiang Yi just smiled mysteriously.

After leaving the filming scene of the promotional video, Jiang Yi called Xue Qianqian.

The phone rang twice and was quickly connected.

"Hey, why did Teacher Jiang Yi want to call me today? It's so rare!"

Xue Qianqian on the other side of the phone was as indifferent as ever.

"I have something to ask you for help with, are you convenient now?"

It snowed again in the Imperial Capital today. Jiang Yi stepped on the snow and spoke calmly.

But Xue Qianqian over there was not so calm, "It's rare! You've said so, how can I still say it's inconvenient? Then I'll come and see you."

After Jiang Yi heard Xue Qianqian's words, a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, I'll send you the address! I know you won't let me down!"

After hanging up the phone.

Jiang Yi stepped on the snow, listening to the crunching sound of the slightly frozen snow under his feet.

The assistant next to me came over with a big coat.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you didn't even wear a coat and ran outside. If you get sick, Sister Meirou will have to teach me a lesson!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao muttered while handing the coat to Jiang Yi.

After Jiang Yi took the coat, he didn't rush to put it on. He just looked at the snow on the ground and let out a long breath of turbid air. He watched the gas turn into white gas and slowly float in the air.


4 days later.

This anti-trafficking promotional video was quickly released by the police department’s official account.

At first, netizens didn't think it was anything, because promotional videos like this appear every year.

It's just that after watching this year's promotional video, they were filled with emotion.

The regret, annoyance, and anxiety shown by the father whose child was abducted infected each of them even through the screen.

When they heard the child's cry, their hearts clenched.

Until the end.

Seen under the warm sunshine of spring. The little girl wearing a floral cotton jacket and holding a red windmill appeared at the end of the road.

Seeing the moment when the father rushed forward and hugged the little girl into his arms, netizens felt their eyes sore and felt relieved and happy for it.

At the end of the plot of the promotional video, when the anti-trafficking knowledge is promoted.

When looking at the first artist who appeared, everyone didn't think it was anything.

But when the second, third, and tenth...

In the end, nearly thirty big-name artists in the industry appeared in just one minute.

There are many old actors among them.

It is usually difficult to meet them all at a party, but today in this small promotional video, they all appeared!

"I'll go, it's such a big deal!"

"No kidding, I have read it over and over 10 times! I am already familiar with the anti-trafficking knowledge in it!"

"Please tell me this, it's my goddess. How can I not remember it!?"

"Who came up with this idea? Who contacted them? Oh my god!"

"I never thought that the CP I was in would be in the same frame again, and it was in an anti-trafficking promotional video. Although we were only in the same frame for less than one second, I was very satisfied!"

"I'm really curious about who brought them together! Teacher Jiang Yi is actually among them!"

"The appearance fee for these people is pretty high... But for a public service video like this, their appearance fee should be free, right?"

"That's for sure! Oh my gosh, even if we abandon the anti-trafficking knowledge propaganda at the end, the first four minutes of the plot are enough to instantly kill some of the current movies, right?"

"I think so too! The plot is compact! The actors' acting skills are amazing! The sense of immersion is very strong! It's so much better than those crappy movies about love, love, and bloody love triangles!"

"But why does this actor seem a bit unfamiliar? It should be said that it feels strange and familiar at the same time. I feel like I have seen it before somewhere. But if there is such a number one person in the entertainment industry, how can I not know!?"

The popularity of this anti-trafficking promotional video was instantly boosted.

Everyone is talking about it, but overall, the reaction is almost all positive.

Until another group of people saw the content of the promotional video and saw the appearance of the father who lost his child.

Thinking of the video clip that had been trending on the Internet, they immediately gathered around.

"Am I right? These two are the same person!"

"You're absolutely right. I guarantee on my head that this is definitely Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"What is Jiang Yi? I said you guys shouldn't be too crazy, okay? Saying it's Jiang Yi when you see everything will only harm you!"

"Shit, this is obviously Teacher Jiang Yi! When this video came out, we compared it frame by frame!"

"So Mr. Jiang Yi didn't go to make a drama or a movie. He made a promotional video to prevent trafficking!? No, just expand and expand the content. Isn't this just a movie!?"

"I agree, and I must make sure that Teacher Jiang Yi continues to play the leading role, otherwise it will be ruined! Teacher Jiang Yi, I don't know what surprises you have!"

"I was shocked twice today. The first time was when I saw such a luxurious lineup in an anti-trafficking promotional video. The second time was when I found out that it was actually starring Jiang Yi. Oh my god, you Jiang Yi fans secretly Do you all secretly eat such good things?"

"Just this acting skill, not to mention other things, just one look is enough for today's popular celebrities to ponder for a year!"

As this incident was revealed, the video became more and more popular!

More and more people are attracted to see it!

However, in just a few hours, the number of views of this anti-trafficking promotional video exceeded 100 million, and the number of retweets also exceeded 100 million!

And this is a level of popularity and discussion that their previous promotional videos have never had!

(End of this chapter)

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