Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 575: Encountering Lu Si by chance, a thrilling moment of passing by!

Chapter 575: Encountering Lu Si by chance, a thrilling moment of passing by!

Meeting Xue Qianqian's eyes, Jiang Yi hesitated for a few minutes, then finally nodded.

In fact, Jiang Yi was not very interested, but because of his relationship with Xue Qianqian, he relented.

When Jiang Yi responded, the smile on Xue Qianqian's face immediately became brighter.

"Don't worry, Jiang Yi, I will never lie to you, and I will never let you down!"

"Okay, stop saying these polite words."

A staff member was calling Jiang Yi to the backstage. After Jiang Yi spoke to Xue Qianqian, he followed the staff member.

But after walking forward for a while, Jiang Yi felt that this staff member seemed a little strange, looking around as if he was looking for something.

"Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Yi asked.

The staff member didn't expect Jiang Yi to notice something strange about him. He was a little startled and quickly shook his head.

"No, no, I am also a fan of yours, Teacher Jiang Yi. This is my first time meeting you, so I feel a little nervous."

After hearing what the staff said, Jiang Yi did not become suspicious.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't ask any more questions, the man calmly breathed a sigh of relief. When his eyes caught sight of the person appearing in the corner, the big stone in his heart also fell.

Stopping, the staff member looked at Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, just a few steps ahead is the dressing room. I have some other things to deal with, so I won't send you there."

Jiang Yi never paid attention to such trivial matters, so he nodded and walked to the dressing room over there.

Someone walked out from the corner in front, wearing a red skirt, which was particularly eye-catching.

Jiang Yi also glanced over there, and when he saw the person, he looked a little familiar.

It seems that it is Zhao Lusi, a new star who has recently become famous with a TV show. Jiang Yi will remember that Mei Rou seemed to have said it to him accidentally before, but after just one glance, Jiang Yi took it back. Out of sight.

There is a shelf on the other side of the corner, and there are some unknown items piled on the shelf.

When the two of them passed each other, the shelf suddenly shook.

Things fell off the shelves.

After Jiang Yi noticed this, he pulled Zhao Lusi over. The debris fell from her shoulder to the ground, bringing with it a fine dust.

"Are you okay?"

The reason why Zhao Lusi was brought over was simply a matter of effort. If it had been someone else, Jiang Yi would have done the same thing.

Zhao Lusi's face turned slightly pale at this moment, and she seemed to be quite frightened.

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Yi, with undisguised gratitude in her eyes, "Thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi was not surprised that Zhao Lusi would recognize him.

"You're welcome. Let the staff come here and clean it up. Take away the shelves too, lest anything else falls down and it's bad."

A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Yi's heart, how could such a show suddenly appear here? Shouldn't the staff be more careful in such an occasion?

But this doubt only flashed through Jiang Yi's mind, and Jiang Yi did not think about it further.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhao Lusi nodded slightly, her expression seemed a little shy.

All of these will be naturally captured by the camera in the corridor, and then also projected into the live broadcast room.

"Oh my god! The moment Jiang Yi grabbed my Lusi just now, it was so powerful!" "The situation just now was too dangerous. If that thing hit someone, there's no telling what would happen to Lusi now. So good!"

"What did the program team do? Such a low-level mistake would actually happen on such an occasion??"

"Am I right? My Lusi is blushing? But if it's Teacher Jiang Yi, well, I don't have any objection."

"If it were me, I would fall in love with Teacher Jiang Yi right now!"

"Although I hope that Lu Si can focus on her acting career, if the other party is Jiang Yi, then just pretend I didn't say anything!"

"It's not from upstairs, why are you so happy with yourself? With Teacher Jiang Yi's character, even if it were someone else, he would definitely save him!"

"That's right, if we talk about it, it's not good enough for Zhao Lusi's position to match Teacher Jiang Yi, so you should stop trying to match her here!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi doesn't need such messy scandals, okay? You should stop thinking like this!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens' opinions gradually polarized.

Zhao Lusi's fans came after hearing the news, and they were all happy to see the success of Teacher Jiang Yi's rescue of Zhao Lusi just now.

But other rational netizens and Jiang Yi's fans were not very happy about this matter.

Jiang Yi didn't say much to Zhao Lusi and quickly entered the dressing room.

After putting on makeup and changing clothes, Jiang Yi also heard Teacher He's voice. The next one was Jiang Yi's program.

The program list was provided by Fruit Channel, and the songs on it were sung by Jiang Yi before, so Jiang Yi didn't have any objections.

When Jiang Yi came on stage, the popularity in the live broadcast room reached its peak.

Everyone was admiring Jiang Yi's singing.

When it was over, the audience burst into applause.

"I thought I could hear Teacher Jiang Yi's new song. Although it's a bit of a pity, I'm also very satisfied."

"Sure enough, Teacher Jiang Yi's songs only have the feeling when Teacher Jiang Yi sings them!"

"You really won't get tired of listening to this song "Big Fish" countless times! Teacher Jiang Yi's voice really feels like it can touch your soul!"

"Some people sang covers before, and I thought they were pretty good. Now when I compare them with Teacher Jiang Yi, I think those are nothing!"

"I found that Teacher Jiang Yi is unique, there is no meal replacement at all!"

"With such a ready-made living person here, what kind of meal replacement are you looking for?"

Netizens are talking a lot.

At this time on the stage, Teacher He and another host had already walked to Jiang Yi's side.

"Jiang Yi, your singing is getting better and better! What I just listened to was so mesmerizing." It was another host who spoke.

Jiang Yi just smiled slightly, and Teacher He looked at Jiang Yi with unabashed appreciation.

"Yes, Jiang Yi, your talent and singing voice are obvious to all of us."

"Teacher He, please stop talking about me like that. My face feels hot when I hear it." Jiang Yi laughed.

After a few words of greeting on the stage, Jiang Yi walked down from the side of the stage, and a staff member led him to the auditorium.

(End of this chapter)

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