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Chapter 577 If you don’t say much, how do I know if you like it or not? ?

Chapter 577 If you don’t say much, how do I know if you like it or not? ?

After Jiang Yi came out, he saw Mei Rou at first sight.

After a slight pause, Jiang Yi quickened his movements and walked towards Mei Rou.

"Get in the car quickly, it's cold at night."

Seeing Jiang Yi coming over, Mei Rou handed the coat she was holding into Jiang Yi's hand, and then opened the car door.

Jiang Yi nodded and sat down in the back row with Mei Rou.

Several times along the way, Jiang Yi wanted to take out the box in his pocket and give it to Mei Rou, but after taking a look at Fang Ming, who was driving in front, Jiang Yi swallowed the words that came to his lips several times.

Although she knew that the people Mei Rou could find must have been screened by her and were trustworthy, Jiang Yi still wanted to be more prudent in this matter.

He didn't want outside public opinion to have any impact on Mei Rou.

Until going home.

"Mei Rou, I have something to tell you. Come upstairs with me."

Seeing that Mei Rou had no intention of getting off the car with him, Jiang Yi spoke.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou showed some hesitation on her face, but she didn't think much about it. She nodded and followed Jiang Yi out of the car.

In the living room, Jiang Yi poured a glass of water and placed it in front of Mei Rou.

"Tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

Mei Rou looked at Jiang Yi.

At this moment, Jiang Yi was unusually hesitant to speak.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Mei Rou seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and her expression became a little strange.

The hand holding the cup involuntarily added a little more strength.

"Jiang Yi, are you... Judging from your current traffic popularity, this matter will definitely attract the attention of netizens, although your fan base will most likely not be greatly affected by this matter. , but I still hope you can think about it carefully."

When saying these words, Mei Rou tried her best to keep her tone stable.

After Jiang Yi heard what Mei Rou said, he was slightly stunned.

But soon, Jiang Yi's expression became serious.

"This matter shouldn't lead to such a result, right? I will handle it."

When she heard this sentence, Mei Rou couldn't express for a moment how she felt.

Her eyes fell on Jiang Yi, and after making sure that Jiang Yi was not joking with her, she lowered her head slightly and put down the cup in her hand again.

"Since you have made your decision, I won't say anything more. I will help you handle this matter, but you can't make your own decisions. You must tell me in advance before doing anything. , so that I can make the next decision.”

After saying this, Mei Rou stood up and planned to leave.

And Jiang Yi also sensed something was wrong from Mei Rou's words.

Seeing that Mei Rou was about to leave, he quickly stood in front of Mei Rou.

"How could you not say more? If you don't say more, how would I know whether you like it or not."

Saying this, Jiang Yi took out the box containing the earrings from his pocket and opened it at the same time and showed it in front of Mei Rou.

Looking at the low-key but full of design earrings lying in the box, the look on Mei Rou's face was completely surprised.

She also didn't realize what was going on.

"Why are you like this? I thought you just told me what you said because you already knew about this. I specially picked these earrings for you. Why don't you tell me whether you like them or not?"

Jiang Yi took a step forward.

At this moment, Mei Rou's brain started to work again, and she slowly digested what Jiang Yi had just said. Her expression at this time could no longer be described as weird.

"So you called me up to talk about something, just to tell me this?"

"Otherwise, is there anything else?"

Hearing Jiang Yi's rhetorical question, a hint of subtlety flashed through Mei Rou's eyes.

She thought it was...

But looking at Jiang Yi's current reaction, Mei Rou also knew that those were probably just netizens' trolls, and people with good intentions were just fueling the situation behind the scenes.

"No, nothing else. Thank you for your gift. I like it very much."

Mei Rou shook her head, swallowed the other unsaid words, and at the same time took the box from Jiang Yi's hand.

After receiving Mei Rou's reply, the smile on Jiang Yi's face became even brighter.

"As long as you like it, by the way, Captain Ye asked me to celebrate the New Year with everyone after the Spring Festival Gala, but I refused, so I am alone."

When he said these words, Jiang Yi looked into Mei Rou's eyes.

When their eyes met, Mei Rou looked a little uncomfortable.

Touching the box in her hand, Mei Rou's earlobes turned red.

"Well, I see."

Is that all?

Mei Rou's answer stunned Jiang Yi for a moment.

But before he could continue to speak, Mei Rou spoke first.

"Okay, it's getting late now. You should go to bed early. I'll leave first. There may be some other things happening online after tonight, but I will take care of it, so you don't have to worry."

After saying these words, Mei Rou turned and left.

When Jiang Yi was reacting on the spot, he only saw the door being closed.

But when he thought about Mei Rou telling him seriously that she liked that pair of earrings just now, Jiang Yi couldn't help but smile again.

It was almost 3 o'clock in the morning, and Jiang Yi was indeed tired.

Jiang Yi didn't look at the comments on the Internet anymore. Regarding the reviews of Fruit Station's New Year's Eve tonight, Jiang Yi went straight to sleep.

But at this time, these night owls on the Internet are still in high spirits.

And a short video that was obviously taken from a candid perspective was posted anonymously by someone unknown, causing a huge amount of discussion on the Internet.

Half of the video was blocked by something unknown, but the rest was still enough to see clearly.

In the video, Jiang Yi and Zhao Lusi seemed to be chatting happily.

It's just that Jiang Yi's back is facing the camera, so he can't see the expression on Jiang Yi's face clearly. He can only guess something from the look on Zhao Lusi's face.

The video finally stopped at the moment when Zhao Lusi took out her mobile phone and Jiang Yi scanned the QR code.

It's not clear what the two of them said in the video, but this hazy feeling attracted more attention from netizens than those who were straightforward from the beginning.

In addition, people with good intentions are adding fuel to the flames.

In just one night, this video, along with entries for Jiang Yi and Mei Rou's names, has already become a hot search topic!

Countless melon-eating netizens came after hearing the news!

(End of this chapter)

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