Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 587 Acting is like a mountain apart!

Chapter 587 Acting is like a mountain apart!

On the day when Jiang Yi officially joined the group, the makeup photos were also released.

Zhang Yimou was originally a well-known director in the industry, and the script he was holding was finally about to start shooting. Many people were eagerly waiting to see who the actor could be who could impress Zhang Yimou.

Netizens started talking a lot after they learned that Zhang Yimou had a new movie. Although Zhang Yimou's movies received mixed reviews, most people still recognized him.

Therefore, after the Hero crew released the final makeup photos, netizens and others in the industry flocked to the official account.

Regarding the selection of the hero movie, every person was carefully selected by Zhang Yimou.

And the one who he couldn't find a suitable role for a long time was Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng.

Many people who had been rejected by Zhang Yimou before wanted to know what kind of person he had chosen.

When they saw Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, who was placed in the first place, dressed in black dragon robes and full of majesty, their breathing stopped for a moment!

Everyone who sees this photo cannot help but pause for this photo.

The aura that almost emerges from the photos is even more impressive!

But when everyone turned their attention from the aura revealed in this photo to the face of the person in the photo, everyone was stunned.

"Am I right? I shouldn't be dazzled, right?"

"Holy shit, this actor looks exactly like Mr. Jiang Yi! Where did Director Zhang find someone who looks so similar!"

"That is to say, is there a possibility that this person is Teacher Jiang Yi?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"It's not impossible. Look, the name above is Teacher Jiang Yi!"

"So Teacher Jiang Yi quietly went to act again?! Okay, okay, we have a heart-to-heart relationship with him, and he is playing tricks on us?"

"I remember someone said before that Teacher Jiang Yi came to sing to wash their ears. Now he finally comes to wash our eyes too?"

Jiang Yi's fans rushed to the bottom of this Weibo post as quickly as possible.

But as many people noticed this, the following comments began to become somewhat different.

"I don't deny that Jiang Yi sings well, but acting is like a mountain apart..."

"Old Maozi! Even if you just want to save the song for the theme song of the movie, you can't do this! Let a person who has never acted before take over such a leading role. Isn't it a bit too trusting??"

"Well, I feel that Jiang Yi will be the only failure in this movie. Although the makeup photo looks decent, the actors opposite him are all real veteran actors!"

"What else can those fans say? I'm here to wash their eyes. I don't know whose eyes will be hurt by the performance!"

"I don't know who the audience is, but I know that soon the victim will be me!"

"I'm really convinced. Can't you sing your song well? You have to challenge yourself to do something you haven't done before. Every line is like a mountain. I can only say I wish you success!"

"Can you change someone! Old Maozi, you can't do this!"

"Those who say that Teacher Jiang Yi has no acting skills, I should really let you watch the anti-trafficking promotional video that Jiang Yi and the police released! Isn't Teacher Jiang Yi's acting skills in it better than those of the new generation in the circle now? How much better are traffic actors?!”

"That's right! I can only use numbers to replace my lines. Even when I cry, I need eye drops to help. Even when I jump up a hillside more than one meter high, I need a substitute. But don't say goodbye!"

Jiang Yi's fans were fighting with these people below. Their behavior also attracted more and more people to pay attention to the film and join the discussion.

In addition to Jiang Yi's fans, there are also many other sensible passers-by who responded positively to Jiang Yi's acting skills in the anti-trafficking promotional video.

But there are also anti-fans and people who can't listen, and they have a lot of distrust in Jiang Yi's role as Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng.

The assistant also told Mei Rou all these things on the Internet.

"Sister Mei Rou, do we have any response to these remarks that doubt Teacher Jiang Yi?"

In the dialog box, the assistant sent a new message.

Mei Rou did not answer immediately, but went to Weibo to read the comments from netizens.

Looking at the mixed comments on the Internet, Mei Rou turned her head and looked at Jiang Yi, who was sitting on the sofa next to her.

At this time, Jiang Yi was still holding the script in his hand and was completely unaware of Mei Rou's gaze. At the same time, he was not aware of the comments on the Internet.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Mei Rou finally decided not to tell Jiang Yi about it.

She doesn't want these insignificant things to have any impact on Jiang Yi. After the movie is filmed, those who question Jiang Yi will know how ridiculous their words are!

Mei Rou believes in Jiang Yi's abilities more than anyone else.

After thinking for a few seconds, Mei Rou returned to the assistant.

"No need to respond, just pretend you don't know. Just cooperate with Director Zhang to forward the movie for publicity."

After the message was sent, the assistant quickly gave another answer, seemingly standing in front of the phone.

“But some people are just so mean when it comes to what they say!”

"It's okay. When the movie is finished and officially released, Jiang Yi's performance will definitely make these doubtful remarks dissipate on their own."

Seeing Mei Rou's insistence, the assistant quickly responded with an OK emoticon and then went to deal with these matters.

At this moment, Jiang Yi also put down the script in his hand, his thoughts were withdrawn by himself, and he turned to look at Mei Rou.

After seeing Mei Rou's brows frowning slightly, Jiang Yi stood up and walked to Mei Rou's side.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's voice, Mei Rou came back to her senses. She looked up at Jiang Yi with a calm smile on her face.

"It's okay. Have you done everything here? If so, go to the set now. Today is your first day on the set. It's not good to go too late."

He didn't doubt Mei Rou's words. When he heard what she said, Jiang Yi nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go change my clothes first."

"Okay, oh, by the way, I've packed up your other things for you and put them in the back of the car. I'll ask the assistant to take them to the hotel for you later."

The address of the crew was a little far away from Jiang Yi's, and it was a bit troublesome to run back and forth, so Mei Rou booked a hotel for Jiang Yi nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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