Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 603: 8 nonsense marketing accounts! ? "fart"!

Chapter 603 The marketing account is nonsense! ? "fart"!

The plaster on Jiang Yi's arm was finally able to be removed.

"Doctor, there shouldn't be any side effects from this?" Mei Rou looked worried and asked after taking a look at Jiang Yi.

The doctor shook his head, "No, as long as you don't lift anything heavy in the past two days, and you can rest well for a few days, everything will be fine. However, you need to pay more attention to the injury on the back. The wound is relatively deep after all. Although The stitches have been removed, but if you don’t pay attention, they will still crack, which will be more troublesome then.”

Jiang Yi and Mei Rou left the hospital with everything the doctor said firmly in mind.

But after returning, there was a little conflict between the two.

What Mei Rou meant was that she hoped Jiang Yi could rest for a while and fully recover from his injuries before going back, but Jiang Yi felt that there was no serious problem with him.

What's more, apart from those fighting scenes, Jiang Yi also had several scenes with Jet Li that he didn't film.

If everything is postponed until later, I'm afraid it will be too late.

In the end, Mei Rou failed to convince Jiang Yi and could only let Jiang Yi go back to the group.

"But we agreed in advance that if there is any discomfort, we will stop immediately. You have heard what the doctor said. If the injury on the back is cracked, you will have to go back to the hospital again. It is very likely that It will leave scars."

Jiang Yi didn't have any particular obsession with leaving scars, but looking at Mei Rou's appearance, Jiang Yi didn't say anything out loud and just nodded.

"I remember it all."

After listening to Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou did not believe him immediately, but turned around and saw the assistant next to her.

"Xiaoxiao, you heard what I just said. If he disobeys me, just call me."

After listening to Mei Rou's words, the assistant glanced at Jiang Yi again and nodded decisively.

Between Jiang Yi and Mei Rou, the assistant was keenly aware that Mei Rou was the one who really took the lead.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you can't tell me to complain when the time comes. This is what Sister Meirou ordered."

The assistant said with a smile.

Mei Rou snorted, "If he has any objections, just ask him to come to me!"

Seeing them singing along, Jiang Yi sighed helplessly.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yi returned to the crew.

When they saw Jiang Yizhi appearing on the set, the other staff members were stunned for a moment, and someone immediately went to tell Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Yimou heard that Jiang Yi had returned to the set and came over immediately.

"Jiang Yi, are your injuries almost healed?"

Originally, Zhang Yimou planned to push all the scenes related to Jiang Yi to the end to give him enough time to recuperate. After all, in general, it was the crew's mistakes that led to Jiang Yi's injury.

But if this is the case, many changes in the crew's arrangements will have to be readjusted, which will be quite troublesome.

"It's no big deal anymore. It's just that those fighting scenes may need to be pushed back, but the rest are fine."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhang Yimou patted his thigh happily.

"That's good!! But you must not force yourself. If there is anything wrong, you must say it immediately. Jiang Yi, if you are injured again on my crew, I will not be able to continue. made a bid!"

This was naturally a bit of a joke.

"Director Zhang, I don't believe what you said. Don't worry. I'm such a grown-up person. Why don't I tell you if I feel uncomfortable?" Jiang Yi also joked.

"Okay, then let's not talk about other nonsense and start making up for the unfilmed scene today."

As Zhang Yimou spoke, he called the makeup artist and costumer next to him to come over and put makeup on Jiang Yi.

While Jiang Yi was busy preparing for the preparatory work of filming, Jiang Yi returned to the crew, and this matter had already spread on the Internet.

Someone took a photo of Jiang Yi returning to the set and posted it online at the same time.

The marketing accounts are even more baseless and talking nonsense.

These marketing accounts have always been good at looking at pictures and talking, but in just a blink of an eye, Zhang Yimou was dissatisfied with Jiang Yi's training for so many days and wanted Jiang Yi to rush back to work immediately.

These marketing accounts say they have a nose and a face, but many netizens were actually deceived for a while.

"Should I say it or not, Jiang Yi was injured because of the mistakes of your crew. He shouldn't be able to recover from his injuries!"

"Isn't it because he saw Teacher Jiang Yi participating in that variety show to save Huang's mother that Director Zhang is so eager to let Jiang Yi return to the crew?"

"But can this be the same? Jiang Yi was injured while filming an action scene, right? That means he will definitely continue filming when he returns to the crew. The injury has not healed yet. Will it make the injury more serious by then?"

"Old Maozi, how did you become like this! Why do you do such an uneconomical deal??"

"Isn't it true that these marketing accounts said some nonsense and you took it seriously? If Jiang Yi is not willing, do you think you can be forced to do so?"

"But seeing that the plaster on Teacher Jiang Yi's body has been removed, the injury should be no big deal. It shouldn't be a big problem if he returns to the set!"

"Speaking of which, your arm was just healed after you broke it, and now you have to go to work again, and it's easy to break your arm again. Are you willing?"

"Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel, wait for Lao Maozi to make a statement!"

When the quarrel on the Internet turned upside down, Zhang Yimou in the crew did know about this incident. When someone said that he forced Jiang Yi to come back to film, Zhang Yimou was so angry that he blew his beard and stared!

At this time, Jiang Yi happened to have changed his clothes and came out. He heard what the staff and Zhang Yimou said, and the look on his face was a bit dumbfounding.

"Director Zhang, I didn't think carefully about this matter. I should have made a statement in advance so that I wouldn't be slandered like this by those unscrupulous marketing accounts."

Jiang Yi was the first to speak.

Zhang Yimou waved his hand after hearing Jiang Yi's words, and he would not vent his anger on Jiang Yi.

"What does it have to do with you? Just concentrate on having fun. I don't care about this matter. Let those marketing accounts say whatever they like!"

Although Zhang Yimou said so, Jiang Yi went to find his assistant after thinking for a while.

More than half an hour later, Mei Rouden and Jiang Yi's account issued a statement.

This statement is also simple.

The two words added after forwarding the Weibo post from that marketing account.


(End of this chapter)

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