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Chapter 605 A new olive branch! An invitation from director Wu Jiang!

Chapter 605 A new olive branch! An invitation from director Wu Jiang!

After Ying Zheng's question, Wuming answered without hesitation.

"Seize the sword!"

The next moment, Ying Zheng smiled coldly, and the accessories around his waist were thrown out, falling straight in front of Wuming!

Wuming was shocked by Ying Zheng's sudden move and did not react for a moment.

But Ying Zheng didn't care whether Wuming would react. He turned around and looked at the sword hanging behind him, leaving only Wuming's back!

"Okay! Click!!!"

Zhang Yimou shouted stop.

But he was extremely excited at the moment.

There was nothing wrong with the whole hearty episode just now. Whether it was Jiang Yi or Jet Li, their acting skills were both top-notch.

No one else would be able to act out such a scene!

"Take a 10-minute break and let's continue with the next game!!"

Originally, Zhang Yimou wanted to shoot these scenes into several days, but now he has changed his mind. He does not want to waste the good condition of the two actors. After all, this kind of condition is rare, and he may find it tomorrow. It’s not here yet.

After Zhang Yimou finished speaking, the staff immediately returned to Jiang Yi and Jet Li, retouching their makeup, giving them water, etc.

The rest of the crew had just come to their senses from the scene between Jiang Yi and Jet Li, and they all looked at each other in shock.

There was an actor next to him who had the same role as Jiang Yi. At this moment, he pushed his companion beside him.

"With Jiang Yi in this state, I feel that when I shoot action scenes with him in the future, I won't have the guts to attack him."

The companions around me had the same idea.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

The previously delayed scenes were quickly reshot.

Considering that Jiang Yi's health was just right, Zhang Yimou was not too eager. Jiang Yi's condition has always been maintained very well, and the condition of other actors is also more perfect than before.

After Zhang Yimou finished this scene, he looked at Jiang Yi in the camera with a thoughtful expression.

Someone approached from behind.

"I thought you chose this guy just because you were as depraved as the others."

Hearing the words of his friend behind him, Zhang Yimou turned his head and looked at him.

"If I don't choose this guy, then I'll be really depraved. How about it? Everyone said before that I will definitely regret it, but now you can see it!"

When he said these words, Zhang Yimou's face was filled with pride and pride that could not be concealed.

After the news spread that Jiang Yi was selected to play Ying Zheng, not only netizens did not understand, but even many people in the industry could not understand Zhang Yimou's thoughts.

Just looking at Zhang Yimou like this in the past, his friends would definitely have said something bad about him, but today they didn't.

"Yes, otherwise you are the most accomplished among us!"

It was obviously a compliment, but after Zhang Yimou heard it, he looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

"You, this old boy, don't usually tell me this. Tell me, why did you come here to visit me today? Why don't you go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason? Do you think I don't understand your character?"

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, his friend shook his head.

"You actually miss me so much?"

"You show your courtesy when you have nothing to do. If you are either a traitor or a thief, don't try to cheat on me here."

"Okay, since I can't hide it from you, I'll tell you straight away!" As he said this, his eyes fell on Jiang Yi, who was not far away.

"This guy is indeed a good prospect. I have a book in my hand. As for the protagonist, I have been looking for someone for a while, but there is just no suitable one. I think this guy should be able to do it, so..."

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou suddenly realized. "So you want me to help you?"

"Otherwise, you know me best! Don't worry, your benefits will definitely be indispensable! Didn't you take a fancy to the picture of a lady from the Tang Dynasty that I had last time? If you can handle this matter, it will be like that picture of a lady. I’ll give it to you for free!”

When he heard this, Zhang Yimou's face showed a bit of surprise.

He knew that this guy valued that picture of ladies from the Tang Dynasty more than anything else. Last time, he just wanted to take a look at it, but this guy was reluctant, and now he actually said he wanted to take that picture. Give it to yourself?

However, his sincerity can also be seen from this conspiracy.

"It's okay for you to pull the strings, but it's hard to say whether that kid Jiang Yi will agree to it. I was trying to frustrate him for a long time, and his mind was not on acting in a different industry."

"You just need to pull the strings. Whether you can agree or not is up to me!"

My friend assured me by patting her chest.

Seeing this, Zhang Yimou nodded.

Jiang Yi didn't know the agreement they reached, but suddenly felt that someone seemed to be staring at him. When he looked up, he saw a somewhat unfamiliar middle-aged man standing next to Zhang Yimou.

"Is the person next to Director Zhang the new assistant director of the crew? Why haven't I seen him before?"

Jiang Yi asked the staff around him. The staff looked over and shook their heads.

"Probably not. There is no new assistant director on the crew. Maybe he is here to visit."

After hearing this, Jiang Yi didn't think much and quickly put his thoughts back.

The subsequent scene was also shot very smoothly.

After finishing work, Jiang Yi came out of the locker room and saw Zhang Yimou standing outside with the middle-aged man from before, seemingly waiting for him.

After seeing Jiang Yi come out, Zhang Yimou waved to him.

Jiang Yi walked over with some confusion.

"Director Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Jiang Yi, let me introduce you. This is director Wu Jiang from Hong Kong City. I think you should have seen the movie he shot."

Hearing this name, Jiang Yi was stunned for two seconds before he remembered who he was.

The most famous director in Hong Kong in the 90s.

Almost all popular movies were produced by him. Although he has not filmed much in the past two years, his name is still famous.

"It turns out to be Director Wu."

"Boy Jiang, I won't tell you more about the good and the bad. I have a book in my hand and want to invite you to act. I wonder what you think?"

Wu Jiang did not beat around the bush, but went straight to the point.

After hearing Wu Jiang's words, Jiang Yi was slightly stunned, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Yimou.

A bit of understanding flashed through my mind.

Jiang Yi looked at Wu Jiang with neither humility nor arrogance.

"I'm really sorry, Director Wu. I have no plans to act in other movies for the time being. I'm just afraid that I will let down your love."

(End of this chapter)

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