Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 613 What! ? Zulong is actually Jiang Yi! ?

Chapter 613 What! ? Zulong is actually Jiang Yi! ?

In the second round, everyone voted for Reba.

Reba was very satisfied with this result.

When he appeared in front of the audience, he received a lot of applause.

"Welcome Reba! Members of the judging panel, if you have anything you want to ask now, please ask right away. There is no store like this after passing this village!"

Uncle Kai pretended to cover his mouth with his hands and said something with a smile on his face.

After hearing Uncle Kai's words, several members of the guessing team immediately became excited.

"Reba, who is Teacher Zulong? Just give us some clues and let us guess!"

"Just a little clue will do!"

When Reba met their gazes, she just smiled innocently.

"This is not impossible. Teacher Zulong is someone I admire very, very, very much. I look forward to having the opportunity to cooperate with him in the future!"

After saying this, Reba blinked.

It's just that it doesn't seem to make any difference whether this is said or not, and whether this clue is given or not.

Seeing the frustrated faces of the guessing team members, Leziren netizens were already overjoyed.

"I really want to make a fortune out of laughter. I have already been deceived by Reba once, and I am actually able to be deceived a second time."

"Really when Reba spoke, I saw a light in their eyes, and then after Reba finished speaking, the light in their eyes disappeared!"

"I feel like the person who can make Reba say this, I think he may not be as old as we think!"

"Anyway, I can't guess it anymore. I'm just waiting until the end!"

"Me too, me too!"

"I just don't know what Teacher Zulong is planning to match later. My expectations are already high!"

In the end, only Jiang Yi and Bian Jiang were left.

After there are only two people left, they will come out together.

Someone had already guessed Bian Jiang, and when he came out, everyone applauded very warmly.

"Welcome Teacher Bian Jiang!"

After Bian Jiang came out, everyone's eyes were still on the slowly descending elevator behind him.

When they saw most of the figure, some of the audience members became excited.


The expressions of some viewers also became subtle.

They seemed to have guessed the person based on this figure, but they felt a little unbelievable in their hearts.

Until Jiang Yi appeared in front of them, the whole scene became quiet.

Everyone present did not expect Zulong to be Jiang Yi.

The barrage that had been going on in the live broadcast room also stopped. Everyone just stared blankly as Jiang Yi walked to the center of the stage and stopped on the left side of the regular script, and on his right was Bian Jiang.

A few seconds later there were exclamations of disbelief.

"Oh my god! How could it be Teacher Jiang Yi!!! Am I dreaming? Or is there another person who looks exactly like Teacher Jiang Yi in this world!?"

"Am I crazy, or is the world crazy!?"

"I don't think there are people who look exactly the same in this world, so this person is Teacher Jiang Yi!?"

"Wait a minute and let me think about it. I'm really confused now."

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I guessed countless people, but I didn't expect it to be you. I really couldn't guess it!!!"

"So, is there anything that Teacher Jiang Yi can't do?! What else can't he do!" "Don't let any news slip, okay, okay, we keep our love in our hearts, and you put us in the ditch!"

“Laugh and get rich!”

"If it's not the program team, you really don't reveal any information. Before, you would give some specious hints when people came, but this time there is nothing, right? You have to hold it back so tightly, right? ?”

"It hit me all of a sudden! I thought of what Reba said!!"

"Knocking on anything upstairs will only hurt you!"

Not only the netizens went crazy, but everyone in the audience also went crazy.

Many of them are also fans of Teacher Jiang Yi, but they really can't believe it yet.

Until Jiang Yi spoke.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Yi."

After hearing this, everyone came to believe that this was actually true.

The person in front of me is actually Teacher Jiang Yi!

"Oh my God, Teacher Jiang Yi, you are really... Teacher Jiang Yi, I am your fan. Can you take a photo with me alone after the recording of the show!"

Liu Junfeng took the microphone and said.

Before Jiang Yi could answer, Li Meng next to him took the microphone.

"If you want to take a photo, take a photo with me first! Teacher Jiang Yi, I listen to every song you sing, and I like every song you sing! I didn't recognize you just now!"

Seeing them like this, no one at the scene felt anything was wrong.

After all, if it were them, they would only react this way.

"Thank you all for the likes."

Faced with this situation, Jiang Yi has behaved very calmly.

Uncle Kai next to him saw that it was almost done and came out to control the scene.

"Stop, let's stop chatting among us. Next, let Teacher Jiang Yi and Teacher Bian Jiang bring us their cooperation stage!"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Kai looked at Liu Junfeng and the two of them again.

"It's still live broadcast now, you all need to take it in first!"

They seemed to remember that the live broadcast camera was still facing them. After coughing, they calmed down the expressions on their faces.

But seeing them like this, the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed even more happily.

"You've made a fortune out of laughter, so they simply forgot about the live broadcast just now!"

"I can already imagine the reaction of my brother Feng's manager backstage."

"Can you be a bit promising!! How about I do it instead! What are you doing sitting here? You are just two steps away from Jiang Yi, why don't you go over and take a photo with him!"

"What you said above is correct."

"Okay, okay, you all play like this, right?"

"I am deeply jealous of these people who went to the scene, why why why why!!"

"Why can everyone else go, but I can't go? Why!?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, would you like to come again after you think about it? I will definitely use all my means to get a ticket for the event!"

"There must be more. They should be recording future programs! Don't tell me, the program team, that Jiang Yi is just here to make a guest appearance this time! If that's the case, I will never watch your show again. Broke the show!”

Jiang Yihe's immersive entry quickly became a hot search topic and firmly occupied the top spot, and its popularity continues to grow.

(End of this chapter)

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