Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 617 Agree to cooperate! The recorded version broadcast broke the ratings! ?

Chapter 617 Agree to cooperate! The recorded version broadcast broke the ratings! ?

Jiang Yi was actually not surprised when he found himself there.

He was originally quite interested in this, and the sincerity given by the Sheng Lin scene program team was also very sufficient. Jiang Yi would not vent his anger on the entire Fruit Legend because of some previous things, just like Sheng Lin Just like what the director of Qijing said.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't speak, the program staff member who came to discuss with him felt his heart in his throat.

He was afraid that Jiang Yi would refuse.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, if you are dissatisfied with anything, you can raise it directly and we will do our best to satisfy you."

The staff continued to speak.

"The sincerity you have shown is sufficient, and there is no problem on my side."

Jiang Yi came back to his senses and looked at the staff who were obviously worried and spoke.

After receiving Jiang Yi's response, the staff breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces instantly showed unconcealable joy.

"If that's the case, that's great! I've brought the contract, and Teacher Jiang Yi can take a look at it!"

Jiang Yi took the contract over, but did not read it. Instead, he turned to the last page and signed his name directly.

Mei Rou next to her wanted to say something when she saw Jiang Yi's behavior, but after thinking for a few seconds, she finally didn't say anything.

Seeing Jiang Yi's unthinking move, the staff members became even more happy.

I was thinking about the things the person in charge of the Spring Festival Gala did.

The staff really felt a little confused.

I can't figure out what went wrong, which is why they did what they did to offend Jiang Yi.

After getting the contract.

The staff stood up and looked at Jiang Yi, "The next program recording will be in half a month. We will communicate with you, Teacher Jiang Yi, in advance."

Jiang Yi nodded.

After the staff left, Mei Rou looked at Jiang Yi and said, "You didn't even look at the document just now. There is indeed a certain risk in such a thing."

Jiang Yi was very calm.

"Don't doubt people who are suspicious of you, don't doubt those who are employed."

Hearing this, Mei Rou shook her head helplessly, but judging from the attitude of the staff at Shengli Situation today, they were very sincere.

Coupled with the popularity Jiang Yi has brought to their program now, they probably won't do anything stupid that will cost them a thousand dollars.

After Jiang Yi and the immersive staff signed the contract, the program team finally edited the recorded version.

As soon as the recorded version went online, netizens who had been waiting for a long time immediately flocked to it.

"The day we've been waiting for is finally here! The program team made it easy for us to wait!"

"Finally, my confusion can be clarified! I want to see what kind of stage Teacher Jiang Yi and Teacher Bian Jiang have collaborated on, so that those of you who have watched it live will remain silent!"

"Although I have already seen the previous one, I still can't bear to skip it at all, or even fast forward!!"

"You can see their reaction in the preparation room in the recorded version! Why can't we do it live!?"

"Oh my God, when Reba saw Teacher Jiang Yi, his eyes were sparkling! Is this something that can be knocked down!?"

"Don't kowtow, don't kowtow! Just focus on teacher Jiang Yi's career, okay!" "Although it's a bit off topic, but there is one thing to say. Teacher Jiang Yi is not young now, and he is not one of those idols. Like, it’s normal for him to want to fall in love or get married now!"

"Okay, don't pay attention to these, I just want to concentrate on watching the show now!"

"Ahhh! Teacher Jiang Yi really surprised me!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi's voice and his appearance really make me not think of them together. Even if the two of them meet, I will feel that this voice is not from Teacher Jiang Yi!"

The barrage covered the screen almost instantly.

The popularity of the program is also rising.

Less than half an hour later it was already on the hot search list.

And when the popularity reached its peak, it was time for Jiang Yi and Bian Jiang to collaborate on the stage.

The two of them collaborated on the famous play-"Hamlet"

When they saw the statement marked by the program team, netizens went crazy again.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, am I right? What are Jiang Yi and Teacher Bian Jiang going to collaborate on?"

"Okay, I think of the fear of being dominated again. I will never forget the shit I was scolded by the teacher when I was studying Hamlet."

"Although I know that Hamlet is one of the four great tragedies, why do you feel like it has become a scourge here?"

"For those of you who have never been in contact with me, Hamlet has the highest basic score in the art exam! But no one has ever chosen him! Never!"

"I wanted to challenge myself before, but after my teacher heard what I said, he just asked me to go back and wash up early. I was really unconvinced at the time. Then I tried it myself after I went back, and the teacher said That’s right, I’d better take a shower and go to bed early.”

"I have no doubt that Teacher Bian Jiang has this ability, but Teacher Jiang Yi really makes me cry to death. What else are you hiding from us?"

"Okay, okay, don't cry to death. You have to cry to death later. I want to watch it now!"

Everyone's eyes are fixed on this screen.

"To be or not to be, that is the question."

"Which of these two actions is more noble?"

Everyone was shocked as soon as they started speaking, because both Jiang Yi and Bian Jiang were dubbed in English.

But the difference is that in terms of spoken English, Jiang Yi speaks standard American English, while Bian Jiang speaks British English. The two kinds of English are pronounced slightly differently in spoken English, but when they collide, there is something special about them. Charm!

These two sentences were spoken by the two of them together.

And from the small changes in these two sentences, we can get a glimpse of its difficulty.

Next was Jiang Yi's voice, and his voice gradually became trembling.

"Is it an unreasonable disaster to endure a rough fate in silence?

Or stand up against the endless suffering in this world?

Overcoming everything in the struggle? "

When he said this, Jiang Yi's emotions had reached a peak, and everyone could be infected by his performance at this moment.

Hand watching program in front of mobile phone. People couldn't help but hold their breath. Even though they knew that they wouldn't disturb Jiang Yi even if they screamed and shouted, they didn't even dare to breathe.

"When you die, you fall asleep, that's all!"

(End of this chapter)

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