Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 626 Guitar accompaniment "Sea of ​​Flowers"!

Chapter 626 Guitar accompaniment "Sea of ​​Flowers"!

After getting this result, online public opinion quickly changed.

Fans of Jiang Yi and Xue Qianqian who were surfing the Internet last night experienced a roller coaster of emotions, from low to high.

After knowing that all this was because of sasaeng fans, the resistance against sasaeng fans reached an unprecedented height.

Coming out of the police station, Xue Qianqian's face looked a little tired.

He really didn't expect things to turn out like this today.

When he turned to look at Jiang Yi, there was a hint of apology on his face, "Speaking of which, today's incident was also caused by me. Alas, I'm really embarrassed to have it end up like this."

Hearing Xue Qianqian say these words, Jiang Yi just patted his shoulder indifferently.

"Okay, there's no need to say this. Go back and rest early. Thank you for helping me today."

Jiang Yi really didn't take this matter to heart.

I don't even care about the public opinions on the Internet.

This matter was treated as an own mistake.

Regarding the songs in the album, Jiang Yi plans to record a few MVs. It is already early April, which is when everything comes to life.

Jiang Yi has sung many songs since he was a singer, but there are really not many songs about those lingering and pathos love songs.

Jiang Yi included several love songs in this album.

After Jiang Yi told Mei Rou about her plan to shoot a music video, Mei Rou was a little surprised, but she still chose to support Jiang Yi.

"Have you decided who will be filming the music video?" Mei Rou asked.

After hearing this, a person flashed in Jiang Yi's mind, but he didn't show it on his face.

"I haven't chosen it yet. You can help me find it. After all, I haven't decided on the specific song yet."

Several songs included in this album are very good, especially the new songs.

Although with Jiang Yi's popularity and reputation, the physical album, even if there is no early promotion, should not be much different, but after some consideration, Jiang Yi and Mei Rou decided to at least release some The sound of wind.

Two days later.

For the first time, Jiang Yi posted a Weibo message again.

The Weibo content is a video.

Fans immediately came to hear the news.

I didn’t even open the video to watch it, so I left my own comment.

"It's not easy, it's not easy. Teacher Jiang Yi finally remembered your account password, right!?"

"I originally thought that Teacher Jiang Yi had forgotten that you had a Weibo account, but now it seems that's not the case! Sister Mei Rou clarified what happened that night before, and you didn't make any movement at all. No!"

"If it were anyone else, they would have already started to appease the fans. Only you, Teacher Jiang Yi! But we are still happy with it."

Amid the discussion, someone clicked on Jiang Yi's video.

The intro is a guitar sound.

In addition to the guitar sound, there is also a little wind sound.

Then the camera slowly turned, and a figure sitting in a chair appeared in everyone's eyes.

There is a hint of spring in the garden, with bright yellow jasmine flowers blooming on the fence.

The man playing the guitar was wearing a white shirt, and his profile looked very handsome.

His long fingers strummed the guitar, and sweet notes flowed out from under his fingers.

What followed was a deep voice. "Still, all the flowers bloom,

Far away, love becomes clear,

Tian is depressed, but love is more like,

At that time, I didn’t understand,

This is called love, you like it. "

Everyone watching the video was stunned for a few seconds after hearing the sound.

The voice is low, with a lingering tenderness, and it also has a lingering and pathos meaning in people's ears.

It's like a whisper between lovers, making people hold their breath for fear of missing any bit.

This song is undoubtedly very soothing to the ears, and the pictures that appear along with the singing are even more soothing to the eyes.

When singing the last line, the person playing the guitar looked up at the camera, as if he was looking at the person watching the video.

There seemed to be tenderness in his eyes, just like the deepest part of the sea, which could easily suck people in and drown them in the sea under his eyes.

Jiang Yi's singing continued.

"I don't want you to leave, distance can't separate you,

Longing becomes the sea, unable to enter outside the window,

Forgiveness is said too quickly, love becomes a hindrance,

The kite in my hand flies too fast and cannot come back. "

As the last note falls, the video ends.

From beginning to end, there is no accompaniment other than the sound of guitar in this video.

But this kind of a cappella singing seems to be more addictive.

After the video was played completely, new comments started to appear in the comment area.

"Oh my God, it's obviously a love song, but I feel so sad when I listen to it. Teacher Jiang Yi's voice is obviously very gentle, but I really can't help crying!"

"I just fell out of love. I had already calmed down my feelings by myself, but after hearing Teacher Jiang Yi's song, my defense broke again. Now I'm crying like a dog."

"It's true that Teacher Jiang Yi has never sung love songs before, but this seems to be the first time for this type. Is this Teacher Jiang Yi's new song!!"

"Just the guitar accompaniment is already so amazing! I can't imagine how unforgettable the finished product will be!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi really surprises me every time. I was just thinking about Teacher Jiang Yi's previous songs. I have listened to them a hundred and eighty times. Although I have no hearing, I still want to listen to some new songs. Jiang Yi The teacher will release it here!"

“I wonder when this song will be released!”

This video of tens of seconds was played countless times, and the number of views quickly exceeded 100 million!

On a certain short video software, a video of Jiang Yi wearing a white shirt, playing guitar and singing has gone viral.

"I can't imagine what kind of person I would be now if there was a boy in school, Chang Jiang Yi, who always looked like this, could play the guitar and sang such beautiful songs!"

"Isn't this the Prince Charming of my dreams? Teacher Jiang Yi, when will you marry me?"

"Starting to dream again!!"

"Brother Jiang is really awesome. Those slobbery songs nowadays can't compete with him!"

"What's the name of this song, Teacher Jiang Yi, and when will it be released? I really can't wait!"

"He is handsome, can play guitar, can act, and can do voice acting. I can't think of any shortcomings in him!"

Jiang Yi's singing has also become the background music of countless videos.

The number of views on this short video software has exceeded 100 million!

Many people even chose to imitate the first time, but with Jiang Yizhuyu in front of them, no matter how good they imitated, they were just imitating others!

(End of this chapter)

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