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Chapter 634: It seems that the body is overestimated! Get ill!

Chapter 634: It seems that the body is overestimated! Get ill!

At this time, the hat and mask on Jiang Yi's face had been taken off. When the girl saw clearly that the person who saved her was actually Jiang Yi, she could not hide her surprise.

"Teacher Jiang Yi..."

Her voice was hoarse.

Jiang Yi nodded, "Are you okay? Do you feel any discomfort? The ambulance will be here soon."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, the girl shook her head with a complicated expression.

Apart from a few drinks of water, nothing major happened to her.

Slowly getting up from the ground, there was a gust of wind blowing.

Although the weather has warmed up now, the river is still very cold, and the girl is all wet and is huddled up, shivering from the cold.

His face was pale, and he didn't know whether it was due to the cold or because he still hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

Seeing the girl like this, Jiang Yi hesitated for a moment, and then put the coat he had just taken off on the girl's body.

The coldness was blocked, and the girl looked at Jiang Yi with more complicated eyes, but in the end she just tightened her clothes a little.

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi."

After hearing the girl's words, Jiang Yi just nodded indifferently.

After waiting for about a few minutes, Mei Rou hurried over to them with several people.

He was slightly stunned when he saw Jiang Yi's wet body and the girl next to him, whose face was a little pale.

Jiang Yi was able to recognize the girl, and Mei Rou was naturally able to recognize her identity.

But in this situation, Mei Rou didn't say much.

The ambulance arrived at the same time, and the girl was taken away. She stopped and turned to look at Jiang Yi before getting in the car.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, thank you."

It seemed that the girl wanted to say more than that, but considering that there were so many people around her, she only said this sentence in the end.

Jiang Yi just nodded calmly.

After the ambulance drove away, Mei Rou noticed the helplessness on Jiang Yi's face.

"You're really... I asked someone to bring clean clothes. Now, please go to the car with me to change your clothes. If you feel uncomfortable, then we will also go to the hospital to take a look at the program crew. I've already told them."

To be on the safe side, Mei Rou hoped that Jiang Yi could go to the hospital, but she did not directly make a decision for Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi felt that it was nothing, and he knew his body very well, so he wouldn't get sick just for a while.

Just as he was about to speak, his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was a call from the immersive director.

As soon as the call was connected, the director's voice came over immediately.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I heard that you fell into the water accidentally. How is your situation now?"

"I don't have anything important to do. I can arrive at the show in about an hour." Jiang Yi answered.

The director was slightly stunned after hearing Jiang Yi's words, and then continued speaking hurriedly.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, your health is more important. We will have alternative guests for each episode of the show. You'd better go to the hospital as soon as possible."

The recording of the first episode of the program was a small matter. If Jiang Yi was allowed to record the program while still sick, the director could imagine what the netizens would say.

Jiang Yi didn't expect the director to say that.

Mei Rou, who was next to him, also heard what the director said. He originally wanted Jiang Yi to have a good rest, so he naturally stood by the director at this moment. "Jiang Yi, since the director has said so, why don't you go back and take a hot bath and have a good rest to prevent the cold from affecting your physical condition."

Mei Rou also spoke next to her.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yi finally nodded.

"Oh, then, please direct you..."

"Teacher Jiang Yi, if there is any trouble, just have a good rest."

The call was hung up, and Jiang Yi went back with Mei Rou.

Immersive recording backstage.

After contacting the guests who came to the rescue, the director posted a statement on Weibo.

After the director's statement was posted, Mei Rou forwarded it, explained the situation, and expressed their apology.

These two statements attracted the attention of the majority of netizens immediately after they were issued. Countless netizens soon flocked to the comment area.

"What, Teacher Jiang Yi won't come to the show today, so I've gone through all the trouble to get the tickets!"

"Compared with this, I am more concerned about why Teacher Jiang Yi suddenly fell into the water. The water is still cold in this weather. Is Teacher Jiang Yi's health okay?"

"It doesn't matter. I can't see anything going on in this program. As long as Teacher Jiang Yi's body is fine, there will be plenty of opportunities not to come back!"

"It's a pity. I finally took a day off and grabbed the tickets just to see Teacher Jiang Yi with my own eyes. What a pity!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, if your health is okay, you must report to us promptly that you are safe. We are all very worried."

Although some people complained, most netizens were still concerned about Jiang Yi's physical condition.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Yi took a hot bath first, and then walked out after his body warmed up.

However, Jiang Yi seemed to have overestimated his physical condition. After taking a hot bath, he still felt that something was not right with his body and his head felt dizzy and a little hot.

Mei Rou was reading the comments from netizens on her mobile phone in the living room. When she noticed Jiang Yi coming out, she looked up.

"Everyone is very concerned about your physical condition. You'd better send a Weibo message in person to report that you're safe."

After hearing Mei Rou's words, Jiang Yi nodded and took his cell phone from the side.

After logging onto his Weibo, Jiang Yi posted a message on Weibo to report that he was safe.

Netizens came soon after hearing the news. After confirming that Jiang Yi was indeed fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei Rou walked to Jiang Yi and immediately noticed something strange about Jiang Yi.

"Jiang Yi, why do I feel that your face is so red now that something is wrong?"

While talking, Mei Rou put her hand on Jiang Yi's forehead.

Jiang Yi's forehead felt a little hot, and Mei Rou's expression instantly became a little serious.

"You must have caught a cold. Change your clothes first. I have fever-reducing medicine here. If you still don't feel better after taking it for a while, I will take you to the hospital."

His throat felt vaguely uncomfortable. Jiang Yi nodded and sat down next to him.

After taking the medicine brought by Mei Rou, Jiang Yi began to feel sleepy under the influence of the medicine.

When Mei Rou went to the kitchen and came out, she saw that Jiang Yi had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Slowing down her movements, Mei Rou went to the room to get a blanket and covered Jiang Yi. When she was about to get up and leave, her wrist was grabbed by Jiang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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