Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 644: Nothing else, probably just intuition!

Chapter 644: Nothing else, probably just intuition!

"Director, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you caught a cold due to the recent change in weather?"

The staff nearby were frightened by the director's sudden movement, and then turned to look at the director who was touching his arm.

After hearing this, the director suppressed goosebumps that appeared on his body for no reason, and then shook his head.

"It's okay. You don't have a cold. Have you edited the content of the previous issue?"

"It's almost done, director. Recently, many netizens have left messages under the account, asking us to invite Jiang Yi again. Moreover, the popularity of these programs during this period is indeed the one in which Jiang Yi is present. The heat is the highest, do you think we should try Jiang Yi’s place again?”

Hearing what the staff said, the director felt helpless.

"You think it's because I don't want to, but Jiang Yi's side really doesn't have any schedules recently. What can I do? Let's see who has higher popularity and traffic recently besides Teacher Jiang Yi. Let's negotiate with the other party. "

Although the staff was a little sorry, there was no other way.


There was a minor glitch in the middle of the dinner party.

Some paparazzi managed to sneak in and pretended to be invited media, but they were wearing tiny cameras.

At first glance, it looks like he has bad intentions.

Jiang Yi passed by him several times, and every time he felt that something was not right, so he kept an extra eye on it. Unexpectedly, he actually discovered it.

When the miniature camera on the paparazzi was photographed by Jiang Yi and fell to the ground, the movement attracted the attention of several people nearby.

The waiters at this dinner party were all specially trained. After noticing the commotion here, they came over immediately to calm the situation down.

But when the waiter's eyes fell on the miniature camera on the ground, the expression on his face changed slightly.

"You are destroying my things privately! Even a celebrity can't do this, you have to compensate!"

At this moment, the paparazzi was still shouting at Jiang Yi, unwilling to let go and admit it.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yi's face turned a little cold.

They don't know what was captured on this tiny camera. Who knows if this paparazzi took some random stuff just for the sake of traffic and popularity.

Jiang Yi knew this, and the waiters on site knew it even more.

And they had informed the matter immediately.

By the time the paparazzi felt that something was not quite right, it was already a step too late. He was taken away forcefully by several waiters who seemed to be respectful but also forceful.

Yang Mi next to him saw the whole process. After the person was taken away, he turned his attention to Jiang Yi.

"How did you find out there was something weird about that person?"

Of course, Yang Mi was very disgusted with such paparazzi, but the person just now did not show any signs of weakness before, and even he didn't notice anything was wrong.

After hearing Yang Mi's question, Jiang Yi thought for a few seconds and then shook his head.

"Probably just intuition."


Hearing Jiang Yi's answer, Yang Mi didn't know what to say for a moment. Under the cover of the friendship between the staff and the organizer, this episode was not known to too many people. Jiang Yi's staff also came to explain the matter to him.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I really need to thank you for this matter today. We were able to take the person away in time without causing any big trouble. But we also hope that Teacher Jiang Yi can handle this matter." Keep it a secret for us for now.”

The person who came to talk to Jiang Yi was a middle-aged man wearing a suit who looked very mature.

When speaking, he kept his posture very low.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. If today's incident spreads and other people know about it, not to mention the celebrities who came to participate, what will the actors think in their hearts.

Just netizens and fans of various companies can drown them with spittle. After all, this matter is indeed a problem with their security work.

"Are you sure that the paparazzi didn't take any other random things?"

Jiang Yi did not rush to answer their words first, but raised a new question.

After hearing what Jiang Yi said, the person in charge nodded quickly.

"We were able to determine that the memory card of the micro camera was checked. We did not capture any other images in it. It was probably stopped shortly after the recording started."

Hearing this, Jiang Yi nodded, but he had no intention of getting too entangled in this matter.

"If that's the case, then there won't be any other problems on my side. I just hope that something like this won't happen again."

"Yes, yes, of course it will be like this." The staff breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

However, although Jiang Yi promised to keep it a secret, there were so many people present that it was inevitable that other people would notice this scene.

It's just that there are only a few people who know the ins and outs of the matter. Jiang Yi won't talk about it, and Yang Mi also knows the seriousness and won't talk about it.

Those who took some pictures and content could only catch glimpses.

But even if they want to catch wind and shadow, they must add some heat to themselves and think carefully first.

After all, something like Chen Yiruan just happened, and now all Jiang Yi's fans are still holding back their anger. If someone gets caught in the crossfire, the result will most likely not be good.

Therefore, after someone took this video, he hesitated for a few minutes and finally did not release it.

Jiang Yi actually felt a little bored attending such an occasion as the banquet.

After all, there are only so many processes to go through over and over again.

After finally waiting for the banquet to end, Jiang Yi just came out of the door and was about to go back when there was another person in front of him.

Looking at this unfamiliar face, Jiang Yi frowned slightly.

"you are?"

"Hello Teacher Jiang Yi, let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen Xiang. I am a director and a fan of Teacher Jiang Yi. I'm sorry for blocking you so presumptuously. I also have something I want to discuss with Jiang Yi. Teacher Yi, tell me!"

When saying these words, Chen Xiang looked very nervous, and his body was shaking constantly.

After hearing this, Jiang Yi's frown deepened, but he still maintained the politeness and politeness he should have on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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