Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 649: When I was young, I thought I was more handsome than Andy Lau!

Chapter 649: When I was young, I thought I was more handsome than Andy Lau!

After solving these matters, Jiang Yi followed Zhang Yimou and the others and began to participate in the hero's road show.

After arriving at the road show city, Jiang Yi thought about going out for a walk at night because he arrived early.

After Mei Rou learned about Jiang Yi's plan, she showed some hesitation on her face.

It's not because of anything else, it's just a worry. If Jiang Yi's identity is recognized by others, will there be any danger?

However, looking at Jiang Yi's excited look, the words were on the lips for a whole day, and finally Mei Rou swallowed them down.

"Okay, okay."

Originally, Mei Rou was going to arm Jiang Yi, but after Jiang Yi saw Mei Rou taking out these things, Jiang Yi smiled helplessly.

"If we go out in this weather like this again, it will be a cover-up."

Although it is still only May, the city here is close to the sea, so the temperature is still over 5 degrees even after night.

And if you wear a hat, mask, sunglasses, etc. when going out at night in this weather, you will attract attention.

Under Mei Rou's unclean eyes, Jiang Yi took out the clothes he had prepared long ago from the suitcase. After looking at the clothes Jiang Yi took out, Mei Rou looked a little surprised.

Because what Jiang Yi took out was actually a large floral shirt and floral pants with local characteristics.

From the airport to the hotel today, they did see many people dressed like this along the way.

But Mei Rou didn't expect that Jiang Yi would actually prepare such a dress.


"I've also prepared a copy for you. It's on the sofa over there. Don't worry, there will definitely be nothing wrong!"

As Jiang Yi spoke, he pushed Mei Rou over enthusiastically. Mei Rou opened the bag and saw the clothes Jiang Yi had prepared for her. Then she turned her head and looked at Jiang Yi again. She stopped talking for a while, but finally nodded.

Jiang Yi rarely dresses like this. If someone else wears such a bright red and green floral shirt, it might be a disaster, but on Jiang Yi, it looks normal.

There is a bit of casual chicness.

Jiang Yi also prepared the same colorful skirt for Mei Rou.

Mei Rou is actually very good-looking and has one of the best figures. Even if she enters the entertainment industry without being an agent, she will definitely have a place in the entertainment industry.

After wearing this dress on her body, it was even more difficult to take away her eyes.

"Are you just going out like this? Jiang Yi, are you really sure there is nothing wrong??"

Mei Rou was still a little unsure, but Jiang Yi walked up to Mei Rou at this moment, hooked the clip prepared in his hand onto Mei Rou's hair, and then smiled and hugged Mei Rou's shoulders.

"Absolutely no problem, let's go!"

From walking out of the hotel to the most unique night market in the area, there seemed to be no other problems along the way. There were so many people dressed like this around. Jiang Yi and Mei Rou's outfits blended in, making it impossible to pick out anything. Trouble comes.

Only when taking a taxi, the taxi driver glanced at Jiang Yi several times. Just when Mei Rou felt a little nervous, Jiang Yi spoke first.

"Driver, right? Why do you think so of us? Don't worry, we won't refuse to pay you!"

There was a bit of joking in Jiang Yi's words, and after hearing Jiang Yi's words, the driver's face showed a bit of embarrassment.

"Oh, that's not what I meant. I just think you look like that popular singer in the entertainment industry! Ah, what's your name? Jiang Yi! You and he look a bit alike. oh!!"

The driver sighed as he spoke. Next to her, Mei Rou's heart was already in her throat, but Jiang Yi still had the same expression on his face, and even pretended to take out his cell phone to observe his appearance carefully.

"Oh, I didn't seem to notice it before. When you said it, driver, I think it does look a bit like it!"

"Yes, yes, I said my eyes will never be wrong!" The driver was also laughing so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

Jiang Yi put away his phone again and pretended to touch his hair.

"But if you ask me, I still think I'm more handsome."

His appearance made the driver laugh even louder, and then he coughed before continuing to speak.

"Oh, this is normal. When I was young, I thought I was more handsome than Andy Lau!! Now, I won't mention these things when I get older!!"

Mei Rou, who was standing next to her, watched as Jiang Yi and the driver chatted more and more about the topic, and even took out her mobile phone to take a photo.

At this moment, Mei Rou's expression was completely stunned.

In the end, the driver didn't seem to recognize Jiang Yi's true identity and pulled them to their destination, and even generously waived their order. He happily left his address with Jiang Yi and invited Jiang Yi to bring Mei Rou to his home as a guest.

After getting out of the car, Mei Rou looked at the source and then looked at Jiang Yi next to her.

"Jiang Yi, why didn't I know your mouth was so eloquent before??"

Mei Rou said this sincerely.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yi patted his shoulder in a funny way.

"There are still many things you don't know. Let's go. Don't waste time on these things tonight. Didn't you say you always wanted to come and play? Let's have fun today!!"

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that such a sentence seemed to have come out when she was watching a video on her mobile phone before.

But at that time, she just had a momentary emotion and emotion, and she didn't expect Jiang Yi to actually remember it in her heart.

Looking at Jiang Yi next to her, Mei Rou paused, and the look on her face became a little gentler.

There are many people in the night market.

There was a roar of people and the air was filled with the smell of fireworks.

Jiang Yi and Mei Rou stopped in front of a stall selling roasted chestnuts with sugar. They bought roasted chestnuts with sugar for more than ten yuan. They had just paid the bill when someone suddenly squeezed in beside them.

The two of them were unprepared and almost staggered as they were squeezed. It was Jiang Yi who grabbed Mei Rou and prevented her from falling to the ground.

"what's up?"

Mei Rou frowned.

"I heard there are celebrities in front of us! Everyone wants to go over and see the excitement!!"

An older brother next to him heard Mei Rou's voice and answered enthusiastically.

Mei Rou was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then turned to look at Jiang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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