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Chapter 660 Are you worried that I will eat someone?

Chapter 660 Are you worried that I will eat someone?

After a good night's rest, Jiang Yi felt that all the fatigue in his body had disappeared without a trace.

While Jiang Yi was resting, Mei Rou went to meet another person.

In the private room of the private club.

When she saw the person waiting for her in the box, Mei Rou's face showed some confusion.

The other person sitting in the box is Captain Ye.

Captain Ye showed a gentle smile after seeing Mei Rou.

When Mei Rou saw Captain Ye like this, she felt even more panicked.

"Captain Ye, I wonder if you have any other plans for asking me out alone today?"

Mei Rou spoke first.

It was obvious that Mei Rou was panicking at this moment, Captain Ye smiled and waved his hand.

"Don't be so nervous. I just want to chat with you and have a meal. I don't mean anything else."

When he said these words, Captain Ye's expression and tone were very natural. Even Mei Rou's mood was affected and gradually became stable.

"it is good."

Mei Rou received the invitation from Captain Ye two days ago. She actually hesitated for a moment whether to tell Jiang Yi about this matter, but the words came to her lips several times, but Mei Rou herself was Swallowed.

She didn't know how to tell Jiang Yi that this matter didn't seem to be the same, but she had a little subtle thought in her heart.

While Mei Rou was thinking about this, Captain Ye had already looked at Mei Rou again without leaving any trace.

In my heart, I was actually very satisfied with Mei Rou.

He asked Mei Rou to go out for dinner today, and it was a lie to say that there was no reason. However, in fact, the bigger reason was that he just wanted to have a good chat with Mei Rou.

Just when Captain Ye was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang.

After seeing the caller, Captain Ye was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Mei Rou before answering the call.

Seeing Captain Ye's reaction, Mei Rou's expression was a little strange.

"Jiang Yi, what do you want from me?"

Captain Ye spoke.

His phone was deliberately on speakerphone, so Mei Rou also heard Jiang Yi's voice.

"Captain, what happened when you suddenly called my manager away? Can't you tell me? What if you scared my manager?"

Jiang Yi said these words with a bit of helplessness. He really didn't expect that Captain Ye would take the initiative to find Mei Rou.

If he hadn't gone back to the art troupe after waking up and learned about it from those guys, he wouldn't have known about it.

However, Jiang Yi is indeed a little confused as to why Captain Ye is looking for Mei Rou.

"Don't worry, I can still make your manager miserable. I just go out to have a meal with him, nothing else."

Captain Ye sighed.

Mei Rou next to her felt a little on pins and needles after hearing the conversation between Jiang Yi and Captain Ye, and her face was getting hot. She felt that her face was fine even if she fried an egg.

"Of course I don't mean it like this, it's just that I have some things to do in the afternoon, so my agent has to come back with me." When he said this, Jiang Yi's tone was a bit carefree.

Mei Rou was slightly stunned. Of course he knew that Jiang Yi did not have any other work arrangements this afternoon, but he glanced quietly and found that Captain Ye did not say these words.

"I just don't have time to eat. How about you come over and eat with us?"

After saying these words, Jiang Yi seemed to be waiting for him, and he agreed with a smile.

Even when I hung up the phone, I didn't even ask for my address.

Looking at him like this, Captain Ye knew that this kid was well prepared.

Shaking his head helplessly, Captain Ye put down his phone and then looked at Mei Rou.

"It seems we have to wait a little longer."

They didn't keep them waiting for a long time. Jiang Yi appeared in the box half an hour later. As soon as he entered the box, he sat down next to Mei Rou. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning in his actions was clear.

Mei Rou glanced at it reflexively, and Jiang Yi moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but due to the presence of someone, he could only swallow those words.

Overall, the meal was quite pleasant, but occasionally Meirou felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

After finishing the meal, Captain Ye walked up to Jiang Yi and patted him on the shoulder.

Jiang Yi can be regarded as someone he has watched step by step until today, and he is also a junior he admires very much.

"Okay, you don't have to send me off. Today's matter was just a temporary thing of mine. You two can do whatever you want to do after eating."

After Jiang Yi came back, Mei Rou let out a long breath, and at the same time her tense body relaxed.

"Then why did Captain Ye come to see me today? I didn't even know what I ate when I was eating just now."

It's not like Mei Rou has never seen any big scenes in the circle, but it was just a simple meal, but she felt that her whole body was highly tense.

Seeing Mei Rou like this, Jiang Yi smiled helplessly.

"Didn't he tell you everything? It's just a simple meal. Don't think too much about the other things. Let's go. Lao Xue has to go there."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou was stunned for a moment. He thought Jiang Yi was just making an excuse when he said he had work in the afternoon.

"Didn't I tell you to have a good rest today? Why did you make an appointment with Lao Xue again?"

Mei Rou stood up as she spoke, with a bit of disapproval on her face. She was more worried about Jiang Yi's health. After all, Mei Rou could see Jiang Yi's working status during this period and said she didn't feel sorry for him. That's fake.

Hearing the worry in Mei Rou's words, Jiang Yi waved his hand.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I know my health well. Lao Xue just came to me to talk about his future concert arrangements. It just so happens that we can also learn from him."

When Jiang Yi said the word "stealing a master", there was nothing wrong with his expression, but looking at him like this, Mei Rou found it a bit funny.

But after thinking for a few seconds, Mei Rou nodded.

"Okay, let's go there now."

It wasn't that Mei Rou couldn't handle the concert, but seeing Jiang Yi like this, he didn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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