Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 683 Stay! Encounter again on the street! !

Chapter 683 Stay! Encounter again on the street! !

"Should I say it, Jiang Yi's moves are indeed very neat! For a moment, I even doubted whether I was watching a movie, or maybe this was a scene from a movie!"

"I was at the scene! And I was the one who was relatively close! To be honest, when Jiang Yi always took off someone's arm, the scream of that person made me even feel that the person who was closer was , maybe you can even hear the sound of bones being broken!"

"My arm hurts for no reason..."

"To be honest, after studying abroad for several years, at first, I didn't know what the explosion was. I thought it was fireworks somewhere, but when I ran over to watch the excitement, I was almost killed by a stray bullet!"

"Looking at everything will only harm you!"

"That's really it! When you hear explosions abroad, the people who run in the opposite direction are the locals who come to watch the excitement. Most of them are Chinese!"

"This situation is very dangerous. You must never learn to do this. Run as far as you can when you hear explosions abroad. If there is no place to run, then find a bunker and hide!"

After watching it for a while, Jiang Yi quit and looked through the hot searches. Indeed, as Mei Rou said, seven or eight of the top ten hot searches were reports about the incident they encountered abroad. and situation.

Most people are concerned about their safety.

The other crew members also sent messages one after another to report that they were safe.

Jiang Yi took a photo and also reported that he was safe.

After this Weibo was posted, there were already tens of thousands of comments in less than a minute!
"Teacher Jiang Yi, are you okay! Teacher Jiang Yi, when you come back, you will tell us how to remove a person's arm. Can you teach us!?"

"What are you planning upstairs!?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, just be okay! You are so handsome! But I hope you, Teacher Jiang Yi, will not encounter this kind of thing again in the future!"

"I want to know if that person will be punished as he should? An anti-social terrorist like this should just be shot!"

"Probably, after all, this matter is quite big, and it doesn't look like it can be saved!"

"It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is already negotiating with the beautiful country over this matter, right?"

When Jiang Yi saw this message, his eyes paused for a moment, and then he continued to reply to several comments asking about safety.

After a long day of replying to a few messages, Jiang Yi was indeed a little tired and fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up on the second day, there were a lot of messages on my phone. In addition to some condolences from domestic friends, the other ones were messages from Zhang Yimou and the others.

The original itinerary was that they would only stay here for one day, and they would go to the next city after the road show, but because of what happened yesterday, they had to stay for two more days.

They could go out for a walk, but for safety reasons, Zhang Yimou asked them to bring assistants or other bodyguards.

There was really nothing else to do while staying in the hotel, so Jiang Yi planned to go out for a walk and take a look.

He also brought his assistant and the bodyguards arranged for him by Mei Rou.

The security here is pretty good, at least there were no explosions or anything like that on the road.

After all, this is a well-known local wealthy area.

Zhang Yimou also considered the issue of safety at that time, so he set the hotel here.

It's said to be a hotel, but it's actually more like a villa.

Only a generous person like Zhang Yimou would directly decide on a place like this as their hotel.

Jiang Yi has never asked how much a day's rent is, and he also feels that he may not be able to face this figure. The safety level here is still relatively high during the day.

If he was going out for a walk, to be honest, there wasn't anything for Jiang Yi to look at when he was passing by the street corner.

Jiang Yi stopped and took another look at the store next to him.

The assistant noticed Jiang Yi's actions and looked over, then his expression changed drastically.

"We can't enter Teacher Jiang Yi, after all, it's not allowed in our country!!"

The store Jiang Yi looked at was specialized in selling guns.

Knowing what the assistant meant, Jiang Yi had no intention of going in. After all, he didn't seek death to this extent.

"I know, I just took a look."

The little assistant wished that Jiang Yi would leave right away without even looking at it. Otherwise, if he was photographed by some random person and then spread to the country, it would be difficult to explain!

Not far after he walked out, Jiang Yi unexpectedly saw a familiar face among the crowd.

It's Reba.

Reba seemed to be filming a commercial here. Everyone was surrounded in front, and there were also a lot of policemen and the like outside.

Jiang Yi stopped again, and the assistant looked over and thought thoughtfully.

"It seems that I did see that Reba was filming a commercial abroad recently. I didn't expect to meet her here by such a coincidence!"

Having said this, the assistant suddenly seemed to have remembered something and secretly turned to look at Jiang Yi.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, can I go to Reba and ask for an autograph?"

After hearing the assistant's words, Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him with a bit of laughter.

"You can go if you want."

The assistant touched his nose. After all, he was Jiang Yi's assistant. Now he was going to other celebrities to get autographs in front of Jiang Yi. It felt a little weird.

But since Jiang Yi said so, the assistant was no longer polite. After all, in addition to being a fan of Jiang Yi, he was also a fan of Reba.

The commercial had almost been shot when they arrived, and by the time the assistant squeezed in next to the crowd, he was already finishing work.

Reba put on the coat handed over by the manager next to her and said hello to the fans who were watching. She glanced around and saw the assistant.

I had some impression of the assistant Reba. After seeing the person, I subconsciously looked behind the assistant a few more times and saw him standing on the street corner. Jiang Yi wearing a hat.

Although Jiang Yi dressed very low-key, Reba still recognized him at a glance.

A little surprised, but concerned about so many people present, Reba coughed and controlled her expression again.

With a slight smile on his face, he then walked to the assistant.

After the assistant saw Reba coming, the look on her face became even more excited.

"Baba! Can you sign your autograph for me!?"

(End of this chapter)

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