Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 688: Country! The first thing was actually a rescue! ?

Chapter 688 Return to China! The first thing to do is to save the scene! ?

The little episode didn't have much impact.

Time flies by.

Jiang Yi and the others also finished the last leg of their trip and were about to return home.

The release date of Hero abroad is set to be three days after their return home.

Originally, they wanted to stay abroad to watch the foreign premiere, but the director couldn't sit still anymore and called Jiang Yi.

After Jiang Yi talked to Zhang Yimou, Zhang Yimou and the others finally decided to return to China with Jiang Yi and the others.


Kyoto Airport.

Fans who got the news were waiting outside the airport early.

When they saw Jiang Yi and the others, they immediately burst into excited cheers.

However, the security guards at the scene maintained order and no other incidents occurred.

Jiang Yi also saw Mei Rou.

After finally getting into the car, Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The temperature was relatively high today, and I sweated a lot this time.

"Fortunately, nothing like what happened when I was abroad never happened again!"

The assistant also let out a long breath, with a hint of fear on his face when he said this.

Jiang Yi glanced at his phone. It was a message sent to him from the director.

"Go to CCTV. It's probably a bit urgent to find me there."

If this were not the case, I would not have sent him messages non-stop when I just landed.

Next to her, Mei Rou frowned slightly after hearing Jiang Yi's words.

"But it's going to be dark soon..."

At this point, Mei Rou paused again, looked at Jiang Yi, and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, let's go first."

After Jiang Yi arrived at the place, he had already been waiting for the director here. When he saw Jiang Yi coming, he immediately came over with a look on his face as if he had seen the savior.

"I'm really sorry, Jiang Yi asked you to come over as soon as you got off the plane..."

The director also knew that asking Jiang Yi to rush over so non-stop was a bit forced. After seeing Jiang Yi, he immediately apologized.

Seeing the director like this, Jiang Yi waved his hand.

"It's okay. Is there an emergency, director? Why did you call me over in such a hurry?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, the director glanced at Director Tian next to him with a complicated expression.

Director Tian was slightly startled after meeting the director's gaze.

Looking at the director like this, I knew that he had put the blame on his own head again.

Sure enough, the next second I heard the director continue to speak.

"You should tell Jiang Yi about Director Tian!"

After the director said this, Jiang Yi's eyes fell on Director Tian.

Seeing the director like this, Director Tian sighed helplessly.

"Who said it wasn't true! It's about this documentary."

Director Tian said as he walked to Jiang Yi and led him towards the house. "Originally, it was decided that you would start first, and it has indeed been negotiated, but according to the news we have recently received."

Speaking of this, Director Tian's expression became a little weird, as if he was enduring something.

"Although this news has not been exposed yet, it is the first episode that was originally scheduled to be broadcast four days later. One of the main character actors is probably unlikely to appear in the circle again in the future."

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then quickly reacted.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

For CCTV, because there have been so many negative news about foreigners in recent years, they will do some research before confirming cooperation.

If he didn't expect that he had done this, he still slipped through the net, and he was discovered at exactly this time.

It is definitely impossible for people with such deeds to appear on TV again, but it is impossible for them to let the program they have worked so hard to prepare be affected like this.

And something like this happened in the first issue, which is indeed a bit...

What Jiang Yi could think of, Director Tian and the director, had indeed already thought of it.

This allows them to delay the broadcast of the show and then find someone else.

But they were not sure how long the delay would be.

If you don't want to change the time, you can only film the scenes in the few days left.

After making this decision, they quickly started implementing it.

But for a while they couldn't find a suitable actor to save the scene, so they turned their attention to Jiang Yi again.

To be honest, before telling Jiang Yi about this matter, he and the director were a little unsure. After all, Jiang Yi would indeed have a lot of things to do next, and he had just returned from abroad and was poached by them again. here.

If it were other people, they might not know what they would think, and they really have no choice.

But after seeing Jiang Yi's expression, Director Tian made up his mind.

"Jiang Yi, this is going to be over soon, and the time has been determined. If it is changed again at short notice, it will really have a big impact on the entire program, so I want to trouble you to take care of it temporarily."

If they were to change people again, not to mention how long it would take to get used to the characters, they wouldn't be able to guarantee their acting skills alone, not as good as Jiang Yi's.

This is not the first time Jiang Yi has encountered this kind of thing when he was longing for life before. It was basically the same situation, but this situation was much more serious than that.

The director usually has a good relationship with Director Tian and Jiang Yi.

Faced with their request at this moment, Jiang Yi nodded after thinking for a while.

"That's fine with me."

After hearing Jiang Yi's agreement, Director Tian and the director also breathed a sigh of relief.

They were already very sorry to have Jiang Yi rush over in such a hurry. But when Jiang Yi came over, not only did he not look angry at all, but he listened to them patiently and agreed so readily.

It really made them feel even more sorry.

"It's really hard on you, Jiang Yi! Originally, this matter was a trap left when we selected people. I didn't expect that Jiang Yi would be asked to come to Tian..."

The director really didn't know what to say.

Seeing the director and director Wada like this, Jiang Yi felt a bit dumbfounded.

"It's okay, director, it's just a small matter."

Jiang Yi really felt that these were trivial matters, something that could be done easily, and he had seen them before, and they would not take up much time.

After hearing what Jiang Yi said, the director and director Tian were even more moved.

Seeing this, Jiang Yi could only sigh and say nothing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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