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Chapter 694 If you are self-aware, you will be very satisfied if you can take photos! !

Chapter 694 If you are self-aware, you will be very satisfied if you can take photos! !
Jiang Yi originally thought that Xue Qianqian was responsible for today's gathering.

Now that I heard what he said, I felt a little confused about what Yang Mi meant.

If Jiang Yi has always been relaxed about this kind of thing.

At worst, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it up. Besides, it is impossible for so many people to swallow them up.

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Yi nodded, then took the guitar and went downstairs with Xue Qianqian, and then went to the yard.

The greening here is very good and the environment is very clear. You can even see the stars in the sky when you look up.

The wind blew through the yard, bringing a faint fragrance of flowers.

After seeing Jiang Yi coming, the others immediately applauded, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Xue Qianqian said before that most of the people present were Jiang Yi's fans. Although this was a bit exaggerated, it was true in a sense.

Everyone present indeed had a good impression of Jiang Yi.

Regardless of Jiang Yi's current popularity and traffic, Jiang Yi's talent and appearance alone make people naturally have a favorable impression at first sight.

Jiang Yi sat down on the chair next to him, took out his guitar and strummed the strings with his fingers.

Then Jiang Yi's singing started.

Everyone present also put down what they were doing and looked at Jiang Yi.

"Still, all the flowers bloom
Far away, love becomes clear
Tian is depressed, but Ai likes it very much..."

Jiang Yi's singing is accompanied by the sweet guitar sound.

There is a hint of regret lingering in the song.

It's like what goes on in my heart when I fall in love with the first person when I'm sixteen or seventeen years old.

It's obviously a sweet melody, but there's a hint of sourness lingering in it.

Yang Mi stood a little far away, and her eyes fell on Jiang Yi.

There was some consideration in his eyes.

It is true that she took the lead in organizing today's party, and she indeed wanted Jiang Yi to come.

But she didn't plan to go over and talk to Jiang Yi right now.

A few minutes later Jiang Yi finished singing the last line.

The others immediately applauded.

"The live version is indeed incomparable to other versions! Don't get me wrong, Teacher Jiang Yi, I'm not saying that your other versions don't sound good!"

After Zhao Chaoyi said the first sentence, he felt something was not right, so he quickly added.

Seeing him like this, the people next to him laughed kindly.

"Since Teacher Jiang Yi has already started, I will show off my ugliness!"

Next to him, Xue Qianqian walked up to Jiang Yi and took the guitar from his hand.

Soon the scene reminded me of Xue Qianqian's singing again.

Laughter and singing mingled together.

Jiang Yi was also having fun beside him.

After Zhao Chaoyi asked other people's opinions, he took a video and posted it on his Douyin.

She is young and is quite active in playing with these things.

There are also many fans on Douyin.

After the video was released, fans and netizens immediately gathered around.

"Wow, my sister is at a party. It looks like a lot of fun. Can I come too?"

“This kebab is really delicious!”

"Wait a minute, why are all acquaintances showing up here?! I'm so upset. Sister, if you need some cleaning after the party, I can come!"

"I also saw Teacher Jiang Yi!! I saw that right, it's Teacher Jiang Yi!!"

Under this comment, Zhao Chaoyi answered with a smile.

"That's right, it's Teacher Jiang Yi, and Teacher Jiang Yi also sang a live version of Sea of ​​Flowers for us!!"

After seeing Zhao Zhaoyi's answer, Jiang Yi's fans instantly became sour.

"I want to see it too!! Sister, I know you must have taken a video, right? Take it out and show it to us!!"

"Oh my God, Teacher Jiang Yi, Teacher Xue, and Mimi... just look at it, oh my god, I can't even imagine how excited I would be here!" The number of likes on Zhao Chaoyi's video quickly exceeded 10.

And the number of likes is still rising.

It has even become a hot search on Douyin.

After seeing everyone's envy and jealousy, Zhao Chaoyi rolled his eyes and walked to Jiang Yi's side.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, can I take a photo with you!"

Zhao Chaoyi looked very sincere when he said this.

When Jiang Yi saw her like this, he smiled and nodded.

"Of course, no problem!"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to get under Zhao Chaoyi's camera, and even made a scissor hand gesture to the camera.

Paired with an extraordinarily bright smile, plus these scissor hands.

Zhao Chaoyi felt that Jiang Yi's vague and distant feeling disappeared in an instant, as if he suddenly became more grounded.

But this feeling made Jiang Yi's charm seem to be even stronger.

Zhao Chaoyi even forgot to take photos for a while.

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, Jiang Yi turned his head and looked over strangely.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Zhao Chaoyi came to his senses and quickly shook his head.

"No! Teacher Jiang Yi, look at the camera!"

They showed scissorhands of the same style to the camera.

With a click, the photo was taken.

After staring at the photo for a long time, Jiang Yi nodded with satisfaction.

There were other people over there calling Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yi responded.

"There are other people calling me, so I'll go over there first. If you have any other questions, you can come back to me."

Zhao Chaoyi nodded.

After Jiang Yi left, he patted his face.

Cheeks feel slightly hot.

After exhaling a long breath, he felt the temperature on his face drop slightly.

The friend next to him came over and looked at Zhao Chaoyi like this, with some understanding on his face.

"How is Teacher Jiang Yi?"

There was a bit of ridicule in these words.

After hearing what his friend said, Zhao Chaoyi's face showed a bit of complexity.

"Of course there's nothing to say! Anyway, I think it's enough to take a group photo. My biggest advantage is contentment!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Chaoyi suddenly became curious.

I wonder what kind of woman Jiang Yi will fall in love with in the future.

In other words, who is lucky enough to be favored by Jiang Yi.

Anyway, she doesn't think she has this ability.

Not to mention their status, even in other places, the difference between the two of them is not even a little bit different.


Zhao Chaoyi secretly looked at Yang Mi not far away.

"Tell me, is the previous incident between Teacher Jiang Yi and Sister Reba true? I think if the other party is Sister Reba, then I think Teacher Jiang Yi has really good taste!"

Reba also participated in the previous variety show.

Zhao Chaoyi also formed a deep friendship with Reba on the show.

Although after the show ended, the two rarely met because of their schedules, but they still chatted a lot.

After hearing what she said, her friend thought for a while and shook his head slightly.

"I think this is a scandal."

(End of this chapter)

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