Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 702 The lucky one! Concert ticket lottery! !

Chapter 702 The lucky one! Concert ticket lottery! !
After finishing the information, Jiang Yi logged into Weibo again.

At the same time, he also got the link to the lottery.

After this Weibo was posted.

It quickly attracted countless people to watch.

"Why am I not mistaken? Is this really a lottery for concert tickets? Teacher Jiang Yi, are you not mistaken?"

"Regardless of whether Teacher Jiang Yi made a mistake or not, I forwarded this lucky draw link first!! Maybe the goddess of luck will favor me this time!"

"In fact, what happened this time is fake. Don't forward it to any of you. Give me the chance to forward it!"

"Baby, your abacus is going to fall into my face!"

"Why are you calling me baby all of a sudden? I think our relationship is a bit too ambiguous, but even so, I won't give up this opportunity!"

“Forward forward forward forward!”

"I'm really going to be upset. Which lucky person will get these 4 tickets in the end!"

"I have prayed to God and prayed to Buddha, hoping to get this important opportunity!"

"If I can get these tickets, I would be willing to be a vegetarian for the next six months!"

"Although I know that people like me have always been African chiefs, I still think about it occasionally!"

Most of the comments under this Weibo are praying for winning the lottery and making fun of themselves.

Jiang Yi set the lottery draw time for this Weibo at noon on the second day.

In one night, the number of retweets on Weibo exceeded 100 million.

This matter has even been on the hot search several times.

Some people in the industry even forwarded Jiang Yi's Weibo post.

Some of them really want to give it a try, but most of them also want to get a taste of Jiang Yi's flow and popularity.

Jiang Yi didn't pay too much attention to such behavior. After all, it was nothing.

The results of the lottery also attracted a lot of attention.

When the netizens who forwarded this lottery Weibo post clicked on the final results with an uneasy feeling.

Most people looked at the Weibo that showed that they had not won the prize. Although they had been mentally prepared for this, they were still a little disappointed.

And the very few who were lucky enough to see the winning notice displayed felt ecstatic.

Lin Miaomiao is one of these lucky people.

She originally retweeted this Weibo post without any intention of winning. She just followed along to join in the fun, but she didn't expect that she would actually win the grand prize.

He was stunned by this sudden trap and was speechless for a while.

The friends around me found this reaction a bit strange and turned around to look over.

"Miaomiao, why are you staring at your phone in a daze? You have to go to class in the afternoon!"

The most difficult thing for contemporary college students is that not only do they have to go to school early in the morning, but they also have a full day of classes.

My friend felt a little suffocated at the thought of having to live like this for another two days until the weekend.

Normally when he would say this, Lin Miaomiao would have started complaining along with him, but today there was no reaction at all.

The more he thought about it, the weirder it became, so his friend came closer to him.

"Let me see what you are doing!"

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the screen of Li Miaomiao's mobile phone, which still displayed the winning notification. My friend also asked. After first rubbing his eyes to make sure that he was not looking at flowers, the surprise on his face was instantly replaced by ecstasy.

"Just why did you suddenly stop talking? Such a good thing happened to you. It was a pie falling from the sky, and you caught it!"

"I'm really jealous to death! No, you must take more videos for me then!!!"

As his friend said these words, he patted Lin Miaomiao hard on the shoulder.

And Lin Miaomiao didn't come back to her senses until this moment.

When he saw the excitement on the faces of his friends, he felt that he had really won the prize.


After reacting, he immediately let out an excited scream.

Then he immediately ran to the nearby closet.

"No, I have to carefully look for what I want to wear on the day I go to the concert! None of these will work, they are all clothes I have worn. How can I use these clothes to go to Teacher Jiang Yi's concert!!! "

While talking, Lin Miaomiao excitedly opened her mobile phone, skillfully clicked on the shopping software, and began to search frantically on it.

His friends watched him go from dull to excited, just in such a moment, and they were a little bit dumbfounded for a moment.

"I thought you were happy just now! But it turns out you haven't reacted yet! What a pity. If I had known better, I would have lied to you and said you were just being blind, and then..."

The friend said this deliberately, and Lin Miaomiao immediately looked at her friend after hearing it.

"Don't try to lie to me! I didn't expect my luck to be so good. I just shot it casually! I tried to grab it three times in a row but didn't get it. It turns out that my good luck is behind me!!"

When buying tickets that day, he not only grabbed them three times, but also asked all his relatives and friends to join him.

Still didn't get it.

He originally thought that this was going to be like this, losing this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, it took a turn of events!

When he thought of this, there was unconcealable surprise on his face.

When his friends saw him like this, they felt a little jealous, but they were more happy for him.

"That's right, Concubine Xi, your luck lies behind you!"

And this situation didn't just happen to Lin Miaomiao alone.

Others were equally lucky. The people who won so many draws almost immediately reacted after experiencing such things as doubts and surprises, and posted this matter online.

And those netizens who didn't win the prize felt very sad after seeing their excitement.

"Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree."

"I'm really convinced. What kind of luck do you have? I'm really going to cry to death!!"

"Such luck didn't happen to me! Although I didn't have much hope in the beginning..."

"I thought goddess of luck would come to me, but I didn't expect that she couldn't see me at all!!"

"Okay, at least I don't need it. In the next half a year, I have been vegetarian hahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Your tears are all falling on me."

"And these tickets seem to be for places with better locations! I have a reasonable suspicion that they were specially reserved by Teacher Jiang Yi before, but for some reason they were not able to send them out."

"For some reason? This has to remind me of Lao Xue! Didn't he grab Mr. Jiang Yi's concert tickets? So there is one here, which was originally left by Mr. Jiang Yi for Lao Xue!!"

(End of this chapter)

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