Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 707 The prelude to the concert begins! Enter! An acquaintance again! !

Chapter 707 The prelude to the concert begins! Enter! An acquaintance again! !

This matter has also caused heated discussions on the Internet.

"A little surprised, but it seems reasonable. After all, Jiang Yi is originally from the national team, and he has cooperated with CCTV so many times before!"

"Indeed, but he is the first person to be able to broadcast his concert live on CCTV, and there will probably be no second person in the future."

"Nonsense, who can give me such a big face!"

"Suddenly I'm a little curious about what the song list for Teacher Jiang Yi's concert is like. I guess there might also be something like China in the Lights!"

"If so, wouldn't that be just right? I've never heard Teacher Jiang Yi sing before or since. To be honest, I still want to hear it again!"

“This year’s concert included all kinds of famous popular songs, and Teacher Jiang Yi sang the popular songs!”

"Isn't that good? Otherwise, CCTV's dad likes it!"

"Suddenly I was curious, whether there would be other guests present, such as Lao Xue or something like that."

"I don't know, there is no news yet, but if it is, there should be news. After all, Lao Xue's character doesn't seem to be able to hide his words."

"Does Lao Xue really know that you are talking about him like this outside? Are you his fans or his anti-fans? I really don't understand."

"Only true fans would say these harsher words than haters."

Netizens had good contact with this matter, and no one had any objections to it. The only person who was injured was the person in charge of the video website who had contacted Jiang Yi before.

But the other party is CCTV, and they don't dare to compete with the other party.

This is nothing else. If they really offend the other party, they will face too much.

As for Jiang Yi.

The contract has been signed with the person in charge of Hetian.

Because of this matter, Director Tian even made a special trip to Yuncheng. Indeed, Jiang Yi couldn't escape either.

After seeing the contract, Director Tian smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his teeth.

"Then Teacher Jiang Yi, this matter has been settled. Don't worry, there won't be any other problems on my side anyway."

"Don't worry, there is no problem with me here."

Jiang Yi smiled.

Just as he was talking, Jiang Yi's cell phone rang several times. Director Tian also knew that Jiang Yi was busy right now, so he didn't spend time with him here.

And Jiang Yi is indeed busy rehearsing.

He wanted to face this concert in the best condition. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, he would not prepare for the concert in the future because he had other plans.

A few days later.

The concert started as scheduled.

Fans arrived outside the stadium early in the morning.

After going through strict security checks, they entered the venue in an orderly manner, while those spectators who did not grab tickets were outside the venue or looking for other Feng Shui treasures.

Someone even started offering high prices to other people on site.

But Teacher Jiang Yi's tickets are now hard to come by, so few people are willing to sell them.

The audience who entered the venue were very excited.

Lin Miaomiao's breathing was still a little rapid when she sat down on the seat. She couldn't even believe that this was a fact. It wasn't until she accidentally knocked her hand on the stool next to her that she was sure that this was really a fact. From the moment he grabbed the ticket until now, he has been immersed in a kind of doubt between reality and dreaming.

Someone came over excitedly to chat.

"Hello, my name is Sun Xiaoxin!"

"Hello, I am Lin Miaomiao."

"Is it you!! Are you the one who won the ticket for Teacher Jiang Yi!? Oh, I'm Xingyue!"

Xingxingyue is Sun Xiaoxing’s Weibo name. They are in the same Weibo fan group and both are relatively active.


Although he and Lin Miaomiao have never met in person, their relationship online is still very good.

After hearing what he said, Lin Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, and then looked surprised.

Although I knew that the other party would come today, I didn't expect to meet each other so soon.

And what a coincidence, they are so close to each other.

At this moment, many people were coming one after another, and people were gradually taking seats next to them.

Because the location is relatively forward, they can also see the VIP seats at the front desk.

At this moment, several familiar-looking figures have already been made.

After all, it is not uncommon for celebrities to appear on such occasions.

But they were all still a little excited.

The online live broadcast room is also simultaneously transferring these images. Although it has not officially started, there are already many people waiting in the live broadcast room at this moment.

And the number of people online is still increasing in real time, and has already exceeded 100,000.

“I’m so envious of people like them at the scene. I have no choice but to watch the live broadcast!!”

"Watching live broadcasts while working, who knows? I was worried that I would be caught, but I scanned the other people in my office today and found that 10 out of 8 of them were doing the same thing as me. I felt so relieved. Just let it go!”

"Me too!! The concert should start soon, and I'm so excited now. When the camera just scanned, I seemed to see a few familiar people!"

"It's normal. Teacher Jiang Yi must be a good friend in the industry. Didn't they all give away tickets to the concert?"

"I seemed to have seen Reba just now!!! Did I see it wrong? I saw it right. Although it was covered very tightly, this figure is hers at first glance!!!"

"Are these two real? They just clarified the scandal earlier, and then they came to watch the concert again!? It's really hard for them not to be taken seriously!"

"I think this kind of openness really makes it appear that the previous scandals were fake. After all, if they were true, they would have just clarified it before. Now to avoid suspicion, they will definitely not come."

"This seems to be the truth, but I just want to fight!!"

"If I want to tease you, go somewhere else. We are here to watch the concert, not to listen to these boring gossips!!!"

"That's right!! Don't block the road here! Stop saying these annoying things!"

"What will Teacher Jiang Yi sing as the first song in the opening ceremony? I'm really curious!"

"I'm also wondering what his first song will be. Well, I think it might be China Under the Lights? This song seems to have the highest popularity."

"That's not necessarily true, but I don't have any objection to whatever the first song is. After all, I like every song. Of course, it's best to sing a new song!"

(End of this chapter)

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