Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 716 The police came to the door! ?

Chapter 716 The police came to the door! ?

After a few seconds.

Xue Qianqian then touched his nose in embarrassment.

"So that's it, I thought..."

"You think that's bullshit! If your brain is just a decoration, I'd cut it off. I think you have a tumor on your neck!!"

Jiang Yi scolded without mercy.

And Xue Qianqian also knew that he was wrong. He didn't say anything despite Jiang Yi's scolding, and stuffed the phone into his pocket. He was a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he was not so quick just now. If the police were really called, this matter would be real. There was a big fuss.

"Okay, is there anything else? If not, get out."

Jiang Yi was being tossed around by Xue Qianqian, and now he was a bit dumbfounded.

"I don't have anything else to do, I just came to chat with you."

"Forget it, we really don't have this free time. If you have nothing else to do, then go."

After saying that, Jiang Yi didn't look at Xue Qianqian again and closed the door directly.

Just as Xue Qianqian was about to speak, the door in front of him was closed directly in front of him.

You can even feel the wind hitting your face when the door is closed.

After staying there for several seconds, he touched his nose.

"Since you don't have time, I'll come back next time."

After Xue Qianqian said this, he turned around and left.

It's just that when Xue Qianqian was walking away, he didn't notice that there was a paparazzi taking secret photos in a car not far away.

The paparazzi who secretly took the photos looked at the photos he had just taken in the camera, with a look of excitement on his face that could not be concealed.

Even his hands were shaking a little. What he saw was incredible. If he posted it, it would probably cause a big earthquake in the circle.

And when the time comes, you will be famous!

He knew that there would be no shortage of news and information when following Jiang Yi. Although he had not taken any photos before, his efforts today were finally in vain.

After cautiously looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to him, the little boy drove away secretly in his car.

The next day.

Jiang Yi heard a knock on the door while he was still sleeping. He slowly opened the door and opened the door in a daze, only to find that there were several policemen standing at the door, and they all looked serious.

"Hello, we are from the police station. Are you Jiang Yi?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yi was a little stunned. After subconsciously looking around to confirm that the person the police were looking for was indeed him, the confusion on his face became even deeper.

"I am, what do you want from me?"

When the policeman looked at Jiang Yi like this, his expression became more serious, and his eyes looked at him with a bit of sternness.

"We will then report that you are suspected of taking drugs. Now you come back to the station with us, and we will arrange for someone to conduct a professional examination on you."

After hearing these words, Jiang Yi wondered for a moment if there was something wrong with his ears?

What the hell? ? drug? ?
When he thought about what he did before going yesterday, he even had a moment of doubt in his heart. Could it be that the guy was really bored and called the police on him? ?
This idea just circulated in his mind and was quickly thrown away by Jiang Yi.

I know that Xue Qianqian is not such a person. Although he does like to joke around at ordinary times, he is still very serious when it comes to serious matters.

When the other police officers saw Jiang Yi's silence, they thought Jiang Yi had a guilty conscience.

After all, the way Jiang Yi appeared in front of everyone some time ago was like looking at these two people now.

And they have indeed dealt with many drug addicts and taught them what kind of mental state they will be in after taking drugs. It can be said that it is indeed somewhat similar to Jiang Yi's current state.

Law enforcement officers like them have always hated drug use by public figures, because public figures are no more influential than others, and their influence is tens of thousands of times stronger than those of ordinary people.

Their words and deeds will also affect countless people, not to mention some younger people who have not even formed their body shape and complete outlook on life.

If Jiang Yi really takes drugs...

"Can I make a call?"

After taking a long breath, Jiang Yi asked.

After the policeman looked at the person and said something, he stepped forward and held Jiang Yi on the left and right. Although his actions were quite polite, his words were not merciless at all.

"You can go to the police station and wait for the results before calling. It won't waste too much of your time."

They were also worried that Jiang Yi was calling to tell the truth. If this happened, they might be able to dig out some big fish along Jiang Yi's line.

With this in mind, after they brought Jiang Yi back to the police station, they arranged various inspections as quickly as possible.

Because of Jiang Yi's special status, the results of these inspections were rushed out as quickly as possible.

Jiang Yi was in the police station, and his mood was a little complicated for a while. It was not the first time he came to the police station, but it was indeed the first time he came to the police station as a suspect.

While Jiang Yi was living in the police station, the Internet was already exploding.

The reason is because someone uploaded a video. It was the police who came to find Jiang Yi and took Jiang Yi away.

Although I couldn't hear what they were saying, I knew from the look and attitude of the police that this was definitely not a good thing.

"Damn, what's going on? Jiang Yi must have done something illegal or disciplinary, right? The policeman's face looks very serious."

"Let's not talk about the expression on Uncle Policeman's face. What's going on with Jiang Yi's expression? He's a bit frighteningly white today. He seems to be a lot thinner than before. It's only been a few days. How can a normal person lose weight all of a sudden? So fast……"

"No, why did I suddenly have a bad idea? It couldn't be what I thought..."

"I think it's impossible. What kind of identity is Teacher Jiang Yi? He's not from the national team. How could he do such a thing!?"

"What is impossible in this world? Who knows if he is really what he appears on the surface? Isn't an actor just a superficial character!?"

"Stop guessing here. If Jiang Yi really breaks the law, the police will definitely let the news out!!"

"Please, this matter has become such a big fuss, why is there no news at all from Lanzhou? How do their staff do their work? What about crisis public relations? Do they know how to do it!!"

"I'm starting to wonder whether you are a black guy or a pink guy upstairs."

"Actually, I vaguely heard rumors before that Jiang Yi is really not as good as he appears on the surface. It's just that his enthusiasm was really something that people didn't dare to say before. I didn't expect that his true colors would be exposed so soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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